Business letter formats
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
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CONTENTS Envelope ________ 3 Business Letter _ 4 Fax ______ _________ 5 E-mail _____ ___ 6 Memo ____ ___ _ 7 Letter of Enquiry ___________________________8 Offer Letter _____________ __ 9 Letter of Acknowledgement ____ _ __ 10 Order Letter ____________________________ _ _11 Letter of Complaint _______ 12 Letter of Application ________ 13 CV (Resume) _______ 14 Cover Letter _______ 15 Contract _______ 16 Exercises _______________________________17
Return address ( Адрес отправителя ) 1) Sender’s full name ( полное имя отправителя) МАРКА 2) House number/street address ( номер дома/улица ) 3) City/State/Zip code ( Город/Штат/Индекс) 4) Country ( Страна ) Mailing address ( Адрес получателя ) 1 ) Addressee’s full name ( полное имя получателя) 2) House number/street address ( номер дома/улица ) 3) City/State/Zip code ( Город/Штат/Индекс) 4) Country ( Страна ) Envelope ( Конверт) Mr. Samuel Jones 25 Broadway Avenue STAMP West Beach SA 5024 AUSTRALIA Mr. Frederick Wolf 59 Broad Branch Road Littleton NJ 33333 USA
BUSINESS LETTER (ДЕЛОВОЕ ПИСЬМО) Ken's Cheese House 34 Chatley Avenue Seattle, WA 98765 Tel: Fax: Email: October 23, 2006 Fred Flintstone Sales Manager Cheese Specialists Inc. 456 Rubble Road Rockville, IL Dear Mr Flintstone , With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for: 120 x Cheddar Deluxe Ref. No. 856. The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about 10 days. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. Yours sincerely, Kenneth Beare Kenneth Beare Director of Ken's Cheese House Model letter ¹ 1. Sender ' s address and contact information (A дрес отправителя и контактная информация). 2. Date (Дата). 3. Inside address (Адрес получателя). 4. Salutation (Обращение). 5. Body of the letter ( Т е кст письма ). 6 . Complimentary close (Заключительная формула вежливости). 7 . Sender’s name and Signature (Имя и подпись отправителя ). ¹ Данная модель служит основой для различных типов деловых писем , отличающихся лишь по своему содержанию. Некоторые из них представлены в данном пособии.
ФАКС FAX TO: World Travel Reservations Company: Wonderful Travel, Inc Fax: 00 852 7514329 FROM (Sender): Mrs. J.N. Jones Address: Rockford Arms Hotel, Rockford, CO 33333 Phone: 020 7945 2652 Fax: 020 7945 2647 Date: 7 September Total Pages: 1 World Travel Reservations: Please reserve one seat on your Around the World tour leaving London on March 12, returning May 21. I am enclosing a down payment (предоплата) of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) by personal check. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Mrs. J.N. Jones Кому: имя (название) адресата Компания: название Факс: номер От (отправитель): имя Адрес (отправителя): Номер телефона (отправителя): Номер факса (отправителя): Дата (отправки) Общее количество страниц : Текст сообщения
E-MAIL ( ЭЛЕКТРОННОЕ СООБЩЕНИЕ ) From: Han Yoo Jin To: STAFF Cc: Alfred Chace, John Moore Bcc: Edmund Hill Sent: 12 March 2012 -14:54 Subject: Security upgrade Attachment: Security Pass System Diagram; Security Equipment Map Dear All As you are aware, we have recently had a number of security breaches in our offices. This has meant that we have had to introduce a series of new security measures. Because of the recent changes I am attaching a diagram that shows how to use the new security pass system. It also includes a map displaying all the new security equipment on site. Yoo-Jin Han Head of Security cc ( carbon copy ) – копия данного письма отправлена еще кому-либо ( Alfred Chace, John Moore ); bcc ( blind carbon copy ) – скрытая копия данного письма отправлена определенному человеку, причем никто больше об этом сообщении не должен знать ( Edmund Hill ). Attachment – файл, прикрепленный к письму
MEMORANDUM (MEMO) ( СЛУЖЕБНАЯ ЗАПИСКА) CHOCOLATE HEAVEN EMPORIUM MEMO TO: All Staff FROM: Management, Tara Collins DATE: November 9th, 20 SUBJECT: STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY It's that time of year again. As you all know, Christmas is our busiest season of the year. Every year it is a struggle for management and supervisors to find the time and energy to organize a staff Christmas party. This year, we have decided to postpone the Christmas party until after our busy season. Party Details Date: Second or third Saturday in January Theme: Beach Food: Caribbean Special events: Karaoke and belly dancing We apologize that the celebration will have to wait until the New Year, but we guarantee that it will be worth the wait. Anyone interested in volunteering to help out with the event is encouraged to call Lucy, our events coordinator. Lucy's cell phone number is 222-3098. Please contact Lucy outside of business hours regarding this matter. Thank you. T.C. T.C. – Tara Collins ( инициалы автора служебной записки)
LETTER OF ENQUIRY/ REQUEST ( ПИСЬМО-ЗАПРОС) Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd 54 Oxford Road, Skagnes SK3 4RG Tel: 0223 123 4567 Fax: 0223 765 4321 Email: M arch 2 0 , 201 2 Lingua Services Galactic Ltd 69 Milk Street LONDON SW7 6AW Dear Sirs Translation Brochure I should be grateful if you would send us your brochure and price list about your translation services. We are currently developing our sales literature and web sites and are interested in translating these into five languages apart from English. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Andrea Philips Andrea Philips Marketing Manager
OFFER LETTER ( ПИСЬМО-ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ) Computer World, Ltd. 390, Lewis Street, Chicago, IL 60609 Tel: 0333 523 4545 Fax: 0333 523 4546 Email: April 2 1 , 201 2 Data Control International, Inc. 11111 Morris Lane, Kankakee , IL 60620 Dear Mr. Davis, W e thank you for your letter of 15 May. We have pleasure in sending you our catalogue of Computers and Microprocessors where you can find full information about the various models. We enclose ten colored descriptive leaflets. We can offer these computers to you at huge savings. Manufacturer's suggested retail was $3,500.00 but our price is $ 2,699.00 each. Our prices and terms are stated in the attached list. Yours faithfully, Thomas Hood Thomas Hood Sales Manager
LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ( ПИСЬМО-ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ) Ken's Cheese House 34 Chatley Avenue Seattle, WA 98765 Tel / Fax: 0 757 21 3 3901 Email: October 23, 2006 Fred Flintstone Sales Manager Cheese Specialists Inc. 456 Rubble Road Rockville, IL Dear Mr Flintstone: With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for: 120 x Cheddar Deluxe Ref. No. 856. The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about 10 days. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. Yours sincerely, Kenneth Beare Kenneth Beare Director of Ken's Cheese House UPS ( United Parcel Service ) – объединенная служба доставки посылок
ORDER LETTER ( ПИСЬМО-ЗАКАЗ) Fred Finkleham 87 Broad Street North Mountainveiw, WA 99999 May 23, 2011 Mr. Jack Brown, Director Used Books Online Seattle, WA 98795 Dear Mr. Brown: Would you please send me the following used books via COD? According to your Web site, orders need to include the title, author, and publisher. Title: "Driving Home" Author: Peter Lawford Publisher: Jackson and Co. Title: "Landscaping for Fun" Author: Janet Patterson Publisher: Nature Ltd. Thank you very much, Fred Finkleham Fred Finkleham Notes: COD (cash on delivery) - оплата наличными при доставке
LETTER OF COMPLAINT ( ПИСЬМО-ЖАЛОБА) Highway, Inc. 222 Broadway, New York, WY 10001 Tel / Fax: 0 237 523 3452 January 12, 2010 Computer World, Ltd. 390 Lewis Street Chicago, IL 60609 Dear Sirs, I am writing to express my extreme displeasure with the CopyMax 3000 multi-function printer your sales representative sold me on January 10, 2010. Contrary to the rep's assertions, the printer is loud and slow. Not only is the printer faulty, it does not have the features I require. Therefore, I will be returning the copier and would be grateful for a suitable (10%) refund. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule a time to pick up the copier, and to confirm the full refund. I have enclosed a copy of the sales agreement as well as the receipt of payment. Yours faithfully Jane Boswell Jane Boswell Marketing Director
LETTER OF APPLICATION ( ПИСЬМО-ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ) John Brown, 17 Seventh Avenue Black Rock, AR 22222 M arch 2 1 , 2011 Easy Correspondence Courses, Inc. 87 East Main Street Littletown, SC 77777 Dear Director : I would like to apply for a course in Computer Language II. Please find my application form enclosed. Thank you, John Brown John Brown
CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) / RESUME ( АВТОБИОГРАФИЯ / РЕЗЮМЕ ) Personal Details ( Личныеданные) Address Melanie Henderson 99 Newlands Park Date of birth London SW30 8UJ 3.11.1978 Tel: 017125650 Education (Образование) 1997-present Degree in French and Film Studies, University of London Degree performance to date: 2.1 Specialist subjects: British Cinema, The Narrative Technique 1992-1997 Royal Latin School, Aylesbury 4A Levels: French (B), German (C), English (B), Film studies (A) 7 GCSEs: French (A), German (A), English (A), History (B), Art (A), Maths (B), Economics (B) Work experience (Опыт работы) 1999 Information Officer, Futuroscope, France Responsible for dealing with enquiries in a busy office, responding to 2000 enquiries a week. This demonstrated my ability to retain a professional approach and a sense of humour while working under pressure 1998 Customer Services Assistant Provided support for customer enquiries. Dealing with customers’ complaints demonstrated my ability to remain calm under pressure. Explaining complex issues simply and clearly helped me to develop my communication skills. Skills (Навыки) Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheets. Working knowledge of French and Italian. Current clean driving license Interests (Интересы) Travel : I have travelled extensively and independently in Europe. Music : I play the guitar in semi-professional band at school . Referees / References (Рекомендатели/Рекомендации) Hamish Roberts Richard Gayle (Tutor at University of London) (Customer Services Manager/DAT) 17 Woodland Avenue 31 Pleasant Street Oxford London OX75GGR SE813LSR Notes: В состав резюме могут входить и другие разделы , например, Objective (Цель или Должность, которую хотели бы получить).
COVER(ING) LETTER (СОПРОВОДИТЕЛЬНОЕ ПИСЬМО К РЕЗЮМЕ) 26 rue Washington 75008 PARIS France tel: +33 1 77 77 77 77 email: November 13, 2010 The Principal Interplay Languages 77 bd Saint Germain 75006 PARIS Dear Madam Director of Studies I am interested in working as Director of Studies for your organisation. I am an EFL language instructor with nearly 10 years' experience to offer you. I enclose my resume as a first step in exploring the possibilities of employment with Interplay Languages. My most recent experience was implementing English Through Drama workshops for use with corporate clients. I was responsible for the overall pedagogical content, including the student coursebook. In addition, I developed the first draft of the teacher's handbook. As Director of Studies with your organisation, I would bring a focus on quality and effectiveness to your syllabus design. Furthermore, I work well with others, and I am experienced in course planning. I would appreciate your keeping this enquiry confidential. I will call you in a few days to arrange an interview at a time convenient to you. Thank you for your consideration. Yours faithfully Rachel King Rachel King
CONTRACT (КОНТРАКТ) CONTRACT Manchester February 24, 1998 GreenGlass Ltd, hereinafter referred as: "Seller", with residence in Manchester, U.K., represented by Managing Director Mr.Goldsmith, and Food plant "Ukrhlib", hereinafter referred to as: "Buyer" with residence in Kyiv, Ukraine, represented by General Director Mr.Vodas. Both parties recognising plenipotentiary representatives of the firms agreed in concluding and signing the contract which involves the following provisions: 1. Subject of the contract ( Предмет договора) The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the new technological line for food processing industry, Model ZX245. 2. Terms of delivery and payment (Условия поставки и оплаты) The Seller is obliged to deliver the new processing line, Model ZX 245 within 30 working days after the signing of the contract if the payment was realised by the Buyer in the form of irrevocable, confirmed, indivisible letter of credit, to the account of the Seller not later than in 10 banking days after the contract was signed to the amount stipulated in the Supplement to the Contract. 3. Transportation (Транспортировка) The line shall be shipped and delivered on FOB conditions to the port indicated by the Buyer. The Seller shall be in charge to pay all the expenses connected with transportation up to the frontier, and then the Buyer shall undertake all the taxes and duties existing on the territory of Ukraine. 4. Insurance (Страхование) The line is insured by the Seller to the amount of 1 000 000.-- USD. In case of any damage during the transportation the losses shall be refunded to the Buyer. The Seller shall provide the Buyer with 1 year guarantee for the line and all the necessary technical documentation. In the case of break down the specialist of the Seller shall be ready to assist to the Buyer free of charge within 2 years after the date of purchase. 5. Penalty (Штрафы) In the case if the Seller couldn't deliver the line in the mentioned above terms without any particular reason, the Seller should indemnify the Buyer all possible losses including 0,5 % penalty every day of the shipment delay, and the Contract should be considered annulled.. In the case the Buyer failed to pay the contract within the term stipulated by the Contract, the Buyer should indemnify the Seller all the possible losses including 0,5 % penalty every day for the delay of payment. 6. Arbitration (Арбитраж) All disputable questions if any, should be presented to the Arbitrage Court of Great Britain or Ukraine by the agreement of the Seller and the Buyer. 7. Force major (Форс-мажор) In the case of the war, earthquake, flood or changes in the legislation or any other reasons which arise in the countries and couldn't be overcome by the parties because they are force major and last more than 30 days the parties have the right to inform each other about these conditions and not to fulfil their obligations under the Contract. The Contract was done in duplicate. Both copies have equal juridical validity. 8. Juridical addresses of the parties (Юридический адрес сторон) Seller Buyer Account Account Signatures On behalf of the Seller On behalf of the Buyer
Exercises Перед вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает : the state name in the mailing address the sender the house number in the return address the addressee the street name in the mailing address the ZIP Code in the return address
1. Перед вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает. (6) the state name in the mailing address (1) the sender (2) the house number in the return address (4) the addressee (5) the street name in the mailing address (3) the ZIP Code in the return address
2 . Найдите русские соответствия названий следующих типов деловых писем : Cover letter Memorandum Letter of Complaint Letter of Application Order letter Letter of Acknowledgement Curriculum Vitae Letter of Request Offer letter Письмо-запрос Письмо-подтверждение Письмо-заявление Резюме Служебная записка Письмо-предложение Письмо- жалоба Письмо-заказ Сопроводительное письмо
2 . Найдите русские соответствия названий следующих типов деловых писем : Cover letter Memorandum Letter of Complaint Letter of Application Order letter Letter of Acknowledgement Curriculum Vitae Letter of Request Offer letter i) Сопроводительное письмо e) Служебная записка g) Письмо- жалоба c) Письмо-заявление h) Письмо-заказ b) Письмо-подтверждение d) Резюме a) Письмо-запрос f) Письмо-предложение
3 . Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. a. Yours truly, b. October 5 , 20 12 c. Thank you for sending the samples of goods. The parcel arrived safely and in time. We appreciate your care and promptness. d. Steve R. Hood e. ABC Corporation 132 Long Street Bigtown, CA 88668 f. Dear Sir: g. James K. Harris Associates Fourth and Pine Streets Los Angeles, CA 88888
3 . Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. 1 g. James K. Harris Associates Fourth and Pine Streets Los Angeles, CA 88888 2 b. October 5 , 20 12 3 e. ABC Corporation 132 Long Street Bigtown, CA 88668 4 f. Dear Sir: 5 c. Thank you for sending the samples of goods. The parcel arrived safely and in time. We appreciate your care and promptness. 6 a. Yours truly, 7 d. Steve R. Hood
4. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки (memo): DATE : 25 th May 1) ________ : Marketing Manager 2) ________ : Claire Mc. Elroy 3) ________ : Demonstration of a new product The 4) ______ of SFE Company will visit us on 2 June to demonstrate their new product which you are sure to be interested in. Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present. 5) ________ To Sales Manager C.M. Subject From
4. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки (memo): DATE : 25th May 1) To : Marketing Manager 2) From : Claire Mc. Elroy 3) Subject : Demonstration of a new product The 4) Sales Manager of SFE Company will visit us on 2 June to demonstrate their new product which you are sure to be interested in. Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present. 5) C.M. 1) To 4) Sales Manager 5) C.M. 3) Subject 2) From
5. Какой из указанных разделов не характерен для a) Резюме: 1. Education 2. Work experience 3. References (Referees) 4. Future plans 5. Personal Details 6. Skills 7. Interests 8. Address and contact information 9. Date and signature b) Электронного письма ( e-mail) 1. Name of the person sending the email 2. Name of the person / people the email is addressed to 3. Person / people who receive the mail though it is not addressed directly to them 4. Date (and time) 5. Information about the content of the email 6. Opening 7. Body of the email 8. Closing 9. Name and job title 10. ZIP Code
5. Какой из указанных разделов не характерен для a) Резюме: 1. Education 2. Work experience 3. References (Referees) 4. Future plans 5. Personal Details 6. Skills 7. Interests 8. Address and contact information 9. Date and signature b) Электронного письма ( e-mail) 1. Name of the person sending the email 2. Name of the person / people the email is addressed to 3. Person / people who receive the mail though it is not addressed directly to them 4. Date (and time) 5. Information about the content of the email 6. Opening 7. Body of the email 8. Closing 9. Name and job title 10. ZIP Code
6 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленное ниже письмо : 1. Cover Letter 2. Memo 3. E-mail 4. Enquiry L etter From: Marcus Robinson To: Claude Guillaud Сс : Ben Johnson, Jack Woody Sent: 17 August 2011 – 10:27 Subject: Website presentation _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Please find attached a copy of my presentation for the meeting next week. I’ve also attached a copy of the handout that I’m going to give to everyone. Could you check both documents for me and let me know what you think? I’d be really grateful for any suggestions. Thanks Marcus
6 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленное ниже письмо : 1. Cover Letter 2. Memo 3. E-mail 4. Enquiry L etter From: Marcus Robinson To: Claude Guillaud Сс : Ben Johnson, Jack Woody Sent: 17 August 2011 – 10:27 Subject: Website presentation ___________________________________________________________________________ Hi Please find attached a copy of my presentation for the meeting next week. I’ve also attached a copy of the handout that I’m going to give to everyone. Could you check both documents for me and let me know what you think? I’d be really grateful for any suggestions. Thanks Marcus
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : А. 1 . Resume 2 . Memo 3. Advertising letter 4 . Contract The buyer hereby undertakes to accept the goods and pay for them in accordance with the terms of the contract. It is agreed that identification shall not be deemed to have been made until both the buyer and the seller have agreed that the goods in question are to be appropriated to the performance of the contract with the buyer. The buyer shall make payment for the goods at the time when and at the place where the goods are received by him. Goods shall be deemed received by the buyer when received by him at. B . 1. Letter of Acknowledgment 2. Order Letter 3. Offer letter 4. Letter of Application I am writing to confirm your two days at Limewood Spa. The Spa expects you on the evening of Thursday 12th. Your personal trainer is meeting you at 9.00 a.m. on the Friday morning. He will assess your needs and provide you with a plan to ensure that you make the most of your stay with us. If you are interested in booking any of our other facilities, please check our website and online booking system.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : А. 1 . Resume 2 . Memo 3. Advertising letter 4 . Contract The buyer hereby undertakes to accept the goods and pay for them in accordance with the terms of the contract. It is agreed that identification shall not be deemed to have been made until both the buyer and the seller have agreed that the goods in question are to be appropriated to the performance of the contract with the buyer. The buyer shall make payment for the goods at the time when and at the place where the goods are received by him. Goods shall be deemed received by the buyer when received by him at. B . 1. Letter of Acknowledgment 2. Order Letter 3. Offer letter 4. Letter of Application I am writing to confirm your two days at Limewood Spa. The Spa expects you on the evening of Thursday 12th. Your personal trainer is meeting you at 9.00 a.m. on the Friday morning. He will assess your needs and provide you with a plan to ensure that you make the most of your stay with us. If you are interested in booking any of our other facilities, please check our website and online booking system.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : С. Memo Order letter Letter of Complaint Letter of Application I’m a student of microbiology in Geneva, Switzerland. I would like to apply for entrance to your university. Would you please send me an application form and information about your university. D. Offer Letter Letter of Complaint CV (Resume) Cover Letter I’m completely dissatisfied with the lunch we had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th December. To begin with, the dishes we ordered were inedible. There was so much salt and pepper on the food that it was impossible to eat the whole meal. I must also point out that your advertisement was misleading as there were only two vegetarian dishes on the menu.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : С. Memo Order letter Letter of Complaint Letter of Application I’m a student of microbiology in Geneva, Switzerland. I would like to apply for entrance to your university. Would you please send me an application form and information about your university. D. Offer Letter Letter of Complaint CV (Resume) Cover Letter I’m completely dissatisfied with the lunch we had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th December. To begin with, the dishes we ordered were inedible. There was so much salt and pepper on the food that it was impossible to eat the whole meal. I must also point out that your advertisement was misleading as there were only two vegetarian dishes on the menu.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : E . Order letter Letter of Complaint Memo Enquiry (Request) With reference to your advertisement in the newspaper Today we would like to receive your catalogue and price-list of goods. Please state what discount you allow for quantities and cash payment. F. Offer Letter Letter of Complaint Order letter Cover Letter Would you please send me 10 copies of World Wide Dictionary , 2 nd edition, 2011. I am enclosing a money order for $550 to cover costs and shipping. If this amount is not correct, please let me know.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : E . Order letter Letter of Complaint Memo Enquiry (Request) With reference to your advertisement in the newspaper Today we would like to receive your catalogue and price-list of goods. Please state what discount you allow for quantities and cash payment. F. Offer Letter Letter of Complaint Order letter Cover Letter Would you please send me 10 copies of World Wide Dictionary , 2 nd edition, 2011. I am enclosing a money order for $550 to cover costs and shipping. If this amount is not correct, please let me know.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : G . Order letter Letter of Complaint Cover Letter Enquiry (Request) From the Acme web site I learned about your need for a sales representative for the Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina areas. I am very interested in this position with Acme Pharmaceuticals, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position. H. Offer Letter Memo Order letter Cover Letter Thank you for your request for pricing for ACME Explosives products. Based on our current pricing, we would be able to provide you with the 300 units TNT dynamite at a per-unit price of $1, or a total of $300. I would point out that our quantity discount rate structure reduces the price for orders of 500 to 1,000 units of this model to $0.90.
7 . Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок : G . Order letter Letter of Complaint Cover Letter Enquiry (Request) From the Acme web site I learned about your need for a sales representative for the Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina areas. I am very interested in this position with Acme Pharmaceuticals, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position. H. Offer Letter Memo Order letter Cover Letter Thank you for your request for pricing for ACME Explosives products. Based on our current pricing, we would be able to provide you with the 300 units TNT dynamite at a per-unit price of $1, or a total of $300. I would point out that our quantity discount rate structure reduces the price for orders of 500 to 1,000 units of this model to $0.90.
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Business Letter Writing
Пособие для подготовки к письменной части ЕГЭ. Содержит иллюстрационный и вспомогательный материал, упражнения и ответы к ним....
Business Letter Writing. Подготовка кадет к итоговой аттестации в формате ЕГЭ, часть С2
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Урок 2. Areas of Business and Careers in Business.
Дидактический материал по курсу "Деловой английский язык" для 11 класса...

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Презентация и технологическая карта урока содержат материал по теме "Деловые письма". Материал может быть использован при изучении английского языка в старших классах по теме "Написание...

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