Презентация на тему урока "Солнечная система" к учебнику "Forward 5"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
План урока 1. Организационная часть: -введение в тему урока - постановка цели и задач 2. Изучение нового материала - актуализация знаний - первичное усвоение новых знаний - проверка понимания - музыкальная пауза - закрепление новых знаний - повторение Past Simple 3. Заключительная часть: - подведение итогов урока - домашнее задание
Look at the screen and guess what topic we will discuss today.
The Solar System Look at the picture and name the planets of the Solar System in Russian.
How many planets are there in the Solar System? Now you will hear a text. Follow in your books and try to guess the meaning of some new words: Surface Icecap Living things Condition Equator temperature
Is there life on other planets? The planets in the solar system all go round the Sun. There are nine planets, but our planet, the Earth, is the only one with living things . We now know that the conditions on the other planets are not suitable for life. Mercury, for example, is closer to the Sun than the Earth is. It is too hot. Other planets which are further from the Sun are too cold. Mars has icecaps and volcanoes, wind and clouds. Once it had water, but now all the water is frozen in the icecaps. At night the temperature at the equator drops to -111 ° C. The Viking Lander took this picture of the surface of Mars in 1976. Space probes explore the solar system and take photos of different planets. This tells us a lot about our solar system.
Answer some questions: Can you name the only planet with living things? Why is it the only one? What do space probes do? Which planet has icecaps and volcanoes, wind and clouds? Who or what took the picture (page 60)?
Musical dynamic break If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands. Clap, Clap . If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands. Clap, Clap. If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands. Clap, Clap . If you're angry and you know it Stomp your feet. Stomp, Stomp . If you're angry and you know it Stomp your feet. Stomp, Stomp. If you're angry and you know it and you really want to show it If you're angry and you know it Stomp your feet. Stomp, Stomp.
What planet would you like to visit? The pronunciation of names can be difficult. Try to read and say which planet it is: /’ plu:t əu / /’s æt ə n/ /’ neptju:n / /’vi:n ə s/ /’ju ə r ə n ə s/ /’m ə : kjuri / /’d 3 u:pit ə /
Russia explores space What does “explore” mean? Read the information about space exploration. Talk to your friend about it, using the Past Simple Tense. 1957: the first satellite Sputnik 1 1957: the first animal in Earth orbit, the dog Laika on Sputnik 2 1961: the first person in space and in Earth orbit, Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1 1961: the first person to spend over 24 hours in space, German Titov , Vostok 2 1963: the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6 1965: the first person to walk in space,Alexey Leonov , Voskhod 2 1987: the first cosmonauts to spend over one year in space, Vladimir Titov and Musa Manarov on board the space station Mir
Home task Make a poster Russia explores space Find photos on the Internet or draw pictures to illustrate the facts.
Подведение итогов урока What does “The Solar System” mean? How many planets are there in the solar system? Can you name them? Which one is the closest to the sun? How do space probes help us? Is there life on other planets?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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