Fill the gaps
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку
для 6 класса
- Fill the gaps with much, many, a few and a little.
- Look! There are … beautiful flowers around us.
- Take … sugar, it can be too sweet.
- Everybody has gone and … students are in the class.
- If you open the window it will be … fresh air in the room.
- How … money does it cost?
- Open the brackets and use Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple.
- We … (read) these books every day.
- I (buy) some bread and milk yesterday.
- Listen! She (sing).
- My mum usually (go) shopping on Sundays.
- They (play) new games last lesson.
- Use article the if it`s necessary.
- … Moscow is the capital of our country.
- I live in … Samara.
- … Trafalgar Square is in England.
- We are going to … USA.
- The full name of our country is … Russian Federation.
- Answer these questions.
- What`s your name?
- Where do you live?
- What`s your favourite kind of sport?
- What are your favourite subjects?
- What is your favourite food?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Fill in the gaps.
Необходимо вставить артикль "the", где необходимо. Употребление артикля с географическими названиями....
Fill in the gaps.
Вставить артикль "the", где необходимо. Употребление артикля с географическими названиями....
тренировочные упражнения по теме " Предлоги"...

Gender gaps on the brain.
If women are from Venus and men are from Mars, look to their brains for an explanation of the differences between the sexes....

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Song Worksheets: Fill in the gaps
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