Урок в 7 классе по теме: «Милосердие»
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс)
Урок в 7 классе по теме: «Милосердие»
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Урок в 7 классе по теме: «Милосердие»
Тема урока: "Милосердие"
Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с различными видами благотворительности.
Задачи урока:
- обучающие – активизация лексических единиц, изучение новых речевых оборотов и разговорных клише, совершенствование грамматических навыков учащихся;
- развивающие – развитие творческих способностей учащихся, раcширение кругозора, развитие навыков аудирования, устной речи и чтения;
- воспитательные – воспитывать внимательное отношение к другим людям, стремление помочь нуждающимся, быть добрыми и толерантными
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний с использованием электронно-образовательных ресурсов.
– формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;
– развитие мысленного воспроизведения ситуации.
– владение навыками самоанализа и самооценки своей деятельности.
– продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи;
– импровизация, высказывание предположений,
– самостоятельное создание способов решение проблем поискового характера;
Форма урока: урок решения практических задач. Фронтальная, индивидуальная и групповая формы работы.
Средства обучения : компьютер, мультимедийный проектор и экран, мультимедийная презентация, карточки с заданиями.
I The beginning of the lesson.
Good morning, dear boys and girls. (T Cl )
Goodmorning, Good morning, Good morning to you,
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you.
I’m glad to see you too. Sit down, please.
How are you, Kolya? - I’m fine, thak you. (T P1 P2, P3)
And what about you, Olya? – I’m OK, thanks.
How is your brother, Ivan? - He is fine, thank you.
And how are you, E.M. I’m OK, thanks. (P1 P2, P3T)
How is your family? They are fine, thanks.
T: Great. Let’s start our lesson.
- Doing the puzzle
T: Well, friends, to begin with, have a look at the screen, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do.
Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read
the topic of our lesson. For example, a chair – letter “c”….. (вывешивается буква C на магнит
или скотч).
| |||||||||
C | H | A | R | I | T | Y |
P1, P2, P3 …. Chair - “C”, Hen – “h,” Apple – “A”, Rabbit – “R”, Ice-cream – “I”, Tree – “T”,
Yak – “Y”.
T: So, what key word have we got? Right you are! Charity
Charity is the highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ.
II Phonetic Drill.
Children need a helping hand
Children need a promised land
Let the children feel again
That love is alive
Children need a helping hand
Children are so innocent
Make this world a wonderland
So give us a sign
So give us a sign.
III Speech Drill.
(игра с мячом)
T: Do you have free time, Nastya? ( T P1 P2, P3….)P1: Yes, I do. I have a lot of free time.
T: What do you like to do?
P1: I like playing computer games.
T: Do you help people who are in need?
P1: Our family helps the poor. We give them clothes and food.
And what about you, Snezhana?
P2: We help elder people about the house. I often go to the shop and buy food.
P3: We give money to poor people.
IV Listening.
Now, children, listen to the text and tick the correct answer.
Charitable organizations based in England and Wales have to register with us if their income is over £5,000 a year. If you think your organization may be charitable or you want to set up a new charity, our Start a new charity section has more information about what you need to do.
Charities are accountable to the public, so charities registered with us have to provide certain information about the way in which they operate and how they use their resources. We make this information available online so everyone can see how each charity’s money is used. To view the information we hold on an individual charity, you can type its name or charity number into the 'Search for a charity' box at the top of every page on this website. You can also use the Register of Charities Advanced Search to find information on particular types of charity according to the details we hold on them.
V Reading.
Well, children. It’s time for reading. Look at the screen, please and read the text about Prelate Vasiliy Velikiy.
(слайд 3-5)
VI Musical pause.
Well done. I see you are very tired. Let’s rest a bit and sing our favourite song.
If you are happy and you know, clap your hands.} Twice
If you are happy and you know and you really want to show,
If you are happy and you know, clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know, clap your fingers.} Twice
If you are happy and you know and you really want to show,
If you are happy and you know, clap your fingers.
If you are happy and you know, clap your legs.} Twice
If you are happy and you know and you really want to show,
If you are happy and you know, clap your legs.
If you are happy and you know, step your feet.} Twice
If you are happy and you know and you really want to show,
If you are happy and you know, step your feet.
If you are happy and you know, say OK.} Twice
If you are happy and you know, and you really want to show,
If you are happy and you know, say OK.
If you are happy and you know, do all fives.} Twice
If you are happy and you know, and you really want to show,
If you are happy and you know, do all fives.
VII Speaking.
Children, look at the screen. I want you to tell about Charitable fund of Prelate
Vasiliy Velikiy.
(слайд 6-8)
Speaking about the charity we must say that Mother Teresa was a great example of Charity.
(слайд 10-14)
Princess Diana was the follower of Mother Teresa.
(слайд 15-19)
Now I want you to see the presentation about charity in our region.
(слайд 20-27)
Работа в группах. Обсуждение (благотворительность в нашем крае)
T: Why do we do it?
Уч-ся становятся в ряд с плакатом
IX. The end of the lesson.
Our lesson is going to the end. And now I want you to show your attitude to our lesson. Did you like it? What new did you know?
Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It’s very pleasant to work with you, and these are your marks for the lesson.
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