Учебная интерактивная презентация по теме "Films" для 9 класса.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
Данная презентация подойдет как для введения, так и отработки лексико-грамматического материала по теме "Кино". Отрабатываются также грамматические конструкции prefer+ing form/noun (general preference), would rather/sooner + inf without to + than + inf without to и would prefer + to -inf + (rather) than + inf without to (specific preference).
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Vocabulary exchange nickname shoot/make films shoot scene set relationship coincidence kidnapper villain storyline predictable audience waxworks tale обмениваться прозвище снимать фильм снимать сцену съемочная площадка отношение(между людьми) совпадение похититель отрицательный герой сюжет предсказуемый зрители восковая фигура история
Films Verbs act star in direct produce shoot/ make review set in People Actress/actor director, producer, scriptwriter, camera operator, make-up artist, set designer, costume designer Types comedy action western science- fiction mystery adventure romance crime thriller horror musical animated epic biopic documentary h e l p h e l p h e l p Speak about your favourite films!
People director scriptwriter make-up artist set designer costume designer camera operator actress/actor producer режиссер сценарист гример художник по декорациям художник по костюмам оператор актер/ актриса доверенное лицо кинокомпании Films
crime horror science-fiction romance western action thriller animated film/ cartoon epic biopic Films war film disaster film Listening
Verbs star in Bedtime Stories is a brilliant comedy , star ring Adam Sandler. shoot/make a film The film was short in 2001. the film is set in The story is set in exotic Singapore. review a film I reviewed a film he had seen a week before. играть главную роль снять фильм действие фильма происходит написать рецензию на фильм Films
I really like comedies I find them amusing. comedy action western science fiction mystery adventure romance crime thriller horror musical animated epic biopic I really love/like I`m into… I`m keen on.. I`m crazy about.. I`m fond of I can`t stand I hate I dislike I prefer fascinating incredible entertaining , funny superb, fantastic touching disgusting amusing shocking exciting, relaxing boring, stressful depressing, disappointing humorous scary , stressful terrible horrible moving h e l p Listening
superb = excellent отличный grea t= wonderful = fantastic - великолепный incredible – невероятный amazing- изумительный moving touching трогательный scary - страшный terrible=horrible= awful - ужасный stressful -стрессовый disgusting -отвратительный humorous - комичный amusing = funny -забавный relaxing boring=dull- скучный depressing disappointing- разочаровывающий intriguing=fascinating увлекательный entertaining ; exciting films
Listening Sue likes romantic comedies because she finds them funny and relaxing . She doesn’t like horror or war films because she finds them scary or stressful and depressing . Pete likes action and adventure films because of the exciting special effects and action stunts . He doesn’t like westerns and musicals because he thinks they’re really boring . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8
Listening and speaking Mary likes most types of films but especially animation because they’re funny and have amazing technology . She doesn’t like disaster films because she finds them depressing . I`m crazy about/I`m into ___________ films, because they are _________ and they have _________. I dislike/can`t stand/hate _______ because I find them _________ and ________ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Film adjectives Grammar
prefer + - ing form/noun + to + - ing form/noun ( general preference ) I prefer watching action films to watching comedies . I prefer listening to rock music to listening to pop music . I prefer skiing to swimming . I prefer dancing to jogging . Speak about yourself!
would prefer + to - inf + (rather) than + inf without to ( specific preference) I ’d prefer to watch a mystery rather than watch a western . I ’d prefer to go to the cinema rather than watch a film on TV . I ’d prefer to go to a rock concert rather than go to the night club . Speak about yourself.
would rather/sooner + inf without to + than + inf without to I ’d rather/sooner go swimming than play basketball . I ’d rather/sooner watch a comedy than watch a romance . I `d rather/sooner listen to rock than dance to pop . Speak about yourself.
comedy • action • western • science fiction• mystery • adventure • romance • crime Make up a dialogue A :Do you like comedies ? B: Not really. I prefer action films to comedies . A: How about a western tonight ? B: I ’d prefer to watch a mystery rather than watch a western .
prefer / would prefer/ would rather 1. Kate would rather / would prefer to take painting classes than learn how to swim. 2. Olga prefers / would rather going to the gallery on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded . 3. We would prefer / would rather go to a rock concert than go to a classical music concert . 4. Kate would sooner /would prefer see an action film than a horror. 5. John prefers /would sooner staying at home to watching TV.
Workbook M 5 d, ex.4 1 I’d rather 2 I prefer 3 sooner 4 rather than M 5 i,ex.5 2 seeing ➝ see 3 from ➝ to 4 watching ➝ to watch 5 listen ➝ listening 6 to wait ➝ wait I would rather / prefer watch a comedy than watch a romance. I would prefer / rather to go swimming rather than play basketball . I prefer /would rather listening to rock to dancing to pop . I prefer /would sooner watching action films to watching comedies . I would rather / would prefer to go to a rock concert rather than go to the night club . I would prefer/ would sooner go to the cinema than watch a film on TV. M I N I - T E S T Idioms
Film review Nouns: plot/ storyline scenery acting cast graphics stunts costumes set box office twist low-budget all-star action-packed Predictable Unpredictable fast-paced slow-paced unexpected 1.action-packed 2 starring 3 plot 4 set 5 acting 6 cast 7 special effects 8 stunts 9 costumes 10 box office Translation
Translate from Russian into English. Это изумительная комедия с звездным составом исполнителей. Сюжет фильма интригующий и непредсказуемый. “ Аватар ” имел хорошие кассовые сборы в 2009. Этот фильм полон неожиданных поворотов событий. Этот приключенческий фильм насыщен событиями. Подбор актеров блестящий , а игра актеров невероятная. It`s an amazing all-star comedy. The plot of the film is intriguing and unpredictable. “Avatar” was a box-office success in 2009. It`s an action-packed adventure film . The film is full of unexpected twists. The cast is brilliant, and the acting is incredible.
Этот фильм малобюджетный, но сюжет быстро развивающийся и волнующий. Я восхищаюсь красочными костюмами, потрясающими декорациями, отличными спецэффектами, компьютерной графикой и превосходными трюками в этом фильме . Фильм скучный, события развиваются медленно. Это забавная комедия с Джимом Керри в главной роли. The film is low-budget , but the plot is fast-paced and exciting. I admire colourful costumes, fantastic scenery , excellent special effects , computer graphics and superb stunts in this film. The film is boring and slow-paced. It`s an amusing comedy starring Jim Carrey. film review
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