Презентация на тему "Экология: загрязнение морей и океанов" для 10 класса по учебнику Spotlight
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данная презентация поможет педагогам провести увлекательный урок по теме "Экология"
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The goals of the lesson : 1. New words 2. Listening the text “ Marine litter” . 3. Make proposals to improve the situation
Imagine the scene… I’m sitting on a beach … enjoying the … The weather is … . I feel …
What can you see in the sea? broken glass — fishing net — drinks cans — plastic bags — plastic buckets & spades — People use them to build beach balls — food wrappers —…leave them… cigarette ends —
Dirty beach broken glass - There might be broken glass in the sand, It would be very dangerous for the people fishing net - Sometimes you can find pieces of fishing nets on the beach. They can injure animals drinks cans - People drink soft drinks from cans and not everyone throws them in the bin plastic bags — People bring food in plastic bags. If they leave them they are dangerous to animals plastic buckets & spades — Children use them to build sand castles All that make the beach look very dirt y.
Words in bold wrappers: paper or plastic that covers something buckets: a container that can hold water or sand, for example drains: (noun) hole down which waste water goes ( канализация) seals: type of mammal that live in the sea sea lions: type of sea mammal curious: inquisitive (любопытный) jellyfish: type of marine creature
Words in bold fill up – makes it full threatened – facing danger endangered species – types of creatures which are in danger of becoming extinct injury: type of damage to the body causing litter . turtles: type of reptile that live in the sea; has a large shell on its back propellers : device with blades which enables a boat or ship to move causing litt er.
W ater pollution R ivers flowing into the sea carry various pollutants. As a result, the ocean becomes a place of relief that a "cocktail" of toxins . Petroleum and petroleum products - the main pollutants of the oceans, but the harm they cause is practically the same as household garbage and air pollution.
E nvironmental disasters All serious cases of ocean pollution associated with oil. annually dropped from 8 to 20 million barrels of oil.
W aste water In addition to oil the most harmful waste includes waste water
Metals and chemicals In recent years, the waters of the oceans increased The amount of arsenic
The risk to humans Contained in the wastewater pests breed in shellfish and cause numerous humans diseases .
We can: take our litter home with us. take other people’s litter home. organise a Beach Clean-up Day.
Homework: SB, с. 97, упр. 4 WB , Упр. 2 , с.42 SB, с. 97, упр. 4 WB , Упр. 2 , с.42
I need help I have to revise it I am sure of my knowledge « Stairs of success »
Cinquain Sea Blue, large Storm Exited Much water
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