Игра "Крестики-нолики"
материал по английскому языку (7, 8, 9, 10 класс)

Новохацкая Марина Николаевна

Данный материал поможет учителю в игровой форме закрепить материал по теме. Наполнение презентации может любым. В данном случае сравнение времен Past Simple  и  Present Perfect


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Слайд 1

X’s and O’s (tic-tac-toe) Новохацкая Марина Николаевна Учитель английского языка ГБОУ лицей № 410

Слайд 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Слайд 3

Present Perfect v/s Past Simple Use the Past Simple for action that happened in the past and is : over, done finished Use the Present Perfect for action that started in the past, but... is still true today Ever Never Already Just Since For Yet So far Yesterday Last…..(last year) Ago…(a week ago) In….(in 2004)

Слайд 4

Question 1 Ian ……….in Wales for 10 years. Now he lives in Scotland. A has lived B lived C has been living

Слайд 5

Question 2 Rob has been working at the bank……….. A for six months B since six months C six months ago

Слайд 6

Question 3 Where’s the money I gave you? What …………..with it? A have you been doing B have you done C are you doing

Слайд 7

Question 4 Lilian has lost her keys again. It is the third time this……….. A has happened B happens C happened

Слайд 8

Question 5 Mary seems to be enjoying her new school. She ………………..any problems so far. A didn’t have B doesn’t have C hasn’t had

Слайд 9

Question 6 Chinese ……….paper. A invented B have invented C had invented

Слайд 10

Question 7 They’re very good friends. They………..each other for a long time. A know B knew C have known D have been knowing

Слайд 11

Question 8 I ……….that programme about telepathy last night. A have saw B saw C have seen

Слайд 12

Question 9 I feel really tired. I………………my homework . A just have finished B have just finished C finished