Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Общение"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Контрольная работа включает в себя задания по темам "Времена группы Present / Future"


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Предварительный просмотр:

1Translate the following phrases into English:

1. терпеливый

2. упрямый

3. надежный

4. эгоистичный

5. легкий в общении

6. честный

2. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

7. The sooner we start writing an essay, the sooner we get it ________.

8. I have difficulty to get _______my ideas about summer holidays _______to you.

9. It’s easy to get _________ with Anna as she always looks on the bright side of the life.

10. It took me much time to get _________ this strange disease.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

11. I’m very fond ________ sports.

12. Don’t be nervous ______ taking exams.

13. She isn’t patient _______ stubborn people.

14. He’s keen _________ foreign languages/

15. We’re close _______ our parents.

4. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

16. The concert _______ (start) at 9 o’clock.

17. We ___________ (go) to the cinema tonight. Why don’t you join us?

18. Jane________ (work) at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

19. I ________ (look) for a new job at the moment.

20. How long _________ (you/live) in this place?

21. How long _________ (she /know) you?

22. We________(just /come) from the party.

23. The children ________ (play) in the garden now.

24. He never ________ (come) home on time.

25. She ________ (always / tell) a lie.

5.Make adjectives

26. attract -

27. succsess -

28. enjoy -

29. horror -

30. rain -

6.  Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

31. The train ________ (leave) in ten minutes.

32. Watch out! You _______ ( fall) into the hole.

33. It’s hot in the room. I _______ (open) the window.

34. I believe he _______ (pass) his exam successfully. He has revised the whole material.

35. She _______(see) her friend tonight.

7. Read the  following text and mark the  statements as Т (true), F (false) or  DS (doesn't say).

Since school is the place where you spend а good part of your day, it ' s а good idea to have а few rules regarding classroom etiquette in mind.

То begin with, it's always nice to greet your teacher and the other students when you walk into the classroom. lf you go to class after the lesson has already started, it's polite to apologise to your teacher. During the lesson, you need to respect your classmates, as well as your teacher. That means you should рау attention to others when they're speaking to the whole class, and you shouldn't talk to those next  to you while the teacher is trying to explain something.

Of course, all this doesn't mean that the classroom environment needs to  Ье strict and boring. Your

teacher will certainly appreciate it if you have something funny to share with the rest of the class. Also,  if you have any fresh and creative ideas about а class project or trip, your teacher will Ье more than willing to hear about them. After all, teachers run out of ideas too! Remember, teachers were опсе students themselves, and they know very well that every now and then, the class needs to do something different from their usual routine and, above all, they know that learning should  Ье fun!

36. You should never talk when entering the class.

  1. lf  you аге late ,  you need to bring а note from your parents.
  2. You should never talk in the classroom.
  3. lt's ОК to tell а joke in the classroom.
  4. You should feel free to make any suggestions related to school matters to your teacher.

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