Spotlight 6 Контрольная работа модуль 7
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку представляет собой тестовую часть к разделу №7 УМК Spotlight 6


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Test 7.

Task 1.  Choose the correct word.

  1. Everything was closed. It was like a ghost / busy town.
  2. My parents buy the daily / weekly newspapers every Sunday.
  3. There were many new / ruined buildings in that ghost town.
  4. I was really puzzled / worried. I didn’t understand it.
  5. His parents were very excited / worried because he didn’t come home.
  6. We heard / said a strange noise.
  7. Tom gave / saw a ghost in the hall.
  8. He fell asleep because he was very tired / naughty.
  9. They are puzzled / bored because they have nothing to do.
  10. The street is deserted / crowded. Look at all these people.

Task 2. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

  1. beautiful         A. polluted
  2. busy                B. ugly
  3. crowded          C. stressed
  4. clean               D. quiet
  5. relaxed            E. deserted

Task 3. Write the Past  form of the verbs.

  1. have - ……….
  2. try - ………….
  3. read - ………..
  4. be - …………..
  5. stole - ………..
  6. make - ………
  7. go - …………..
  8. stay - ……….
  9. write - ………
  10. find - ………

Task 4. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. We….  (go) to the cinema last week.
  2. How many cakes …..  (you / buy)?
  3.  …he… (buy) a new car?
  4. We …(play) a new game yesterday.
  5. How much money ……  (you / spend) on your camera?
  6. Where ……  (he / find) this book?
  7.  I …(have) an apple pie and a cup of tea for dinner.
  8.  My parents  …….. (decide) to paint the house.
  9.  I’m sorry. I  ……  (not / do) my homework last night.
  10. She …(wear) a new dress on last party.

Task 5. Choose the correct response.

  1. Do any of these look familiar?                               A. Some money and a camera.
  2. What was in it?                                                       B. You’re welcome.
  3. What does it look like?                                           C. Yes, what can I do for you?
  4. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s office?                  D. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.
  5. Here you are.                                                           E. It’s black with a silver handle.
  6. Thank you very much.                                            F. Thank you.

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