rap style
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс)
тренировочные упражнения к Упр.58, стр.146 ( Афанасьева.Михеева)
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Rap Style
- Answer the questions :
- How often do teens watch music videos?
- What kind of lyrics do rappers sing?
- How do teenagers feel in rap clothes?
- Where was rap born?
- What do you know about rap style?
- Why do middle-class teens growing in wealthy neighbourhoods listen to rap?
- What does the expression “ bad boy image “ mean?
- Complete the sentences.
- Wearing the same clothes as rappers can make the teens feel……….
- Rappers wore enormous…. And drove …..
- Sometimes the sparkle of the cars and jewellery was so extravagant that it….
- Middle-class teenagers growing in wealthy neighbourhoods want to….
- It is well known that some pap singers used to…….
- Make up sentences with these words.
- Were born in
- Were often worn
- Are pulled down low
- Have been accepted by
- Is used by
Rap Style
1. Answer the questions :
1. How often do teens watch music videos?
2. What kind of lyrics do rappers sing?
3. How do teenagers feel in rap clothes?
4. Where was rap born?
5. What do you know about rap style?
6. Why do middle-class teens growing in wealthy neighbourhoods listen to rap?
7. What does the expression “ bad boy image “ mean?
2. Complete the sentences.
1. Wearing the same clothes as rappers can make the teens feel……….
2. Rappers wore enormous…. And drove …..
3. Sometimes the sparkle of the cars and jewellery was so extravagant that it….
4. Middle-class teenagers growing in wealthy neighbourhoods want to….
5. It is well known that some pap singers used to…….
3. Make up sentences with these words.
1. Were born in
2. Were often worn
3. Are pulled down low
4. Have been accepted by
5. Is used by
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