Present/Past tenses final test
тренажёр по английскому языку (8 класс)

Родичев Марк Эдуардович

Задание на проверку временных форм Present /Past 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Present tenses

1. Peter (to know) how to fix the car?

2. Jack (not to make) his bed yet.

3. You ever (to visit) London?

4. Every year Paul (to spend) his holidays in Italy.

5. She (to drive) that car since 2010.

6. Stop talking! I (to watch) my favourite programme right now.

7. I can’t talk now. I (to study) for my exams.

8. Where are you? We (to wait) for 30 minutes!

9. Rose (not to cook) very well.

10. Sonia is in her bedroom. I think she (to do) her homework.

11. They to (to live) in this flat since 2005.

12. They (not to play) football at the moment.

Past tenses

13. We (not to meet) your sister last weekend while we (to do) the shopping.

14. My parents (to meet) each other when they (to study) at university?

15. I looked at Jim and he liked at me. There was a book in his hand. He (to read).

16. When I (to get) home, I (to go) straight to bed because I (to have) a hard day.

17. When I (to see) your mother yesterday, she (to cross) the street.

18. While she (to sweep) the floor, her husband (to do) the washing-up.

19. My students (not to see) the Big Ben before, until we (to go) to London last summer.

20. Robert (to water) the plants in the garden for 20 minutes when I (to call) him for dinner.

21. Where you (to spend) your last summer holidays?

22. What you (to do) when I (to phone) you yesterday morning?

23. Mary (to lose) her job as a flight attendant before she (to start) to work as a travel agent.

24. I (to wait) for the train for 1 hour before it finally (to arrive).

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