Работа с текстом в настоящем простом времени
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
В презентации представлен текст в настоящем простом времени, даны вопросы к тексту, также приведены грамматические формулы образования настоящего простого и продолженного времени, есть гиперссылка на отработку упражнений на интерактивной платформе Liveworksheets.com
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Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six. Does he have a shower in the morning ?
Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six.
Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six. What does he have for breakfast?
Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six. What is Tom’s job?
Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six. True or false? Tom drinks a cup of coffee every day.
Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six. True or false? Tom goes to his work at 5.30 a.m.
Every day Tom wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tom has tea and two sandwiches and Betty drinks a glass of milk and eats a bowl of cornflakes. Tom is a bus driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby daughter and leaves his house in London at a half past six. True or false? Tom goes to his work at 5.30 a.m.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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