Тест "Present simple and preset continuous"
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Округина Ирина Александровна

Тест "Present simple and preset continuous"

Spotlight 5, module 6


Файл pr_s_vs_pr_cont.docx15.76 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

NAME____________________________ CLASS __________________________

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous

  1. Look! Molly ______________________ (listen) to the radio.
  2. Look, I ____________________ (bake) a cake for my mum.
  3. You _______________________ (not, clean) your bike now.
  4. Mike ______________________ (read) a sad story now. 
  5. Michelle _____________________ (wash) her hair at the moment.
  6. Listen! Mary ___________________ (sing) a lovely song.
  7. The kids _____________________ (paint) a nice picture at the moment.
  8. Listen, the band _______________________ (play) rock ’n‘ roll.
  9. We ________________________ (not, play) table tennis right now.
  10. Look at our dog! I think he _____________________ (dream) of rabbits.
  11. You ________________________ (not, watch) TV at the moment.
  12. Phillip ________________________ (not, talk) to his friend Duncan now.
  13. Look! Isabelle ____________________ (eat) popcorn in the cinema.
  14. Be quiet! The teacher _____________________ (look) at us!
  15. Look! Tom and Bill _____________________ (run) across the street.
  16. Look, how funny! The cat ____________________ (run) after the dog.

NAME____________________________ CLASS ______________________________________

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous

  1. Look! Molly ______________________ (listen) to the radio.
  2. Look, I ____________________ (bake) a cake for my mum.
  3. You _______________________ (not, clean) your bike now.
  4. Mike ______________________ (read) a sad story now. 
  5. Michelle _____________________ (wash) her hair at the moment.
  6. Listen! Mary ___________________ (sing) a lovely song.
  7. The kids _____________________ (paint) a nice picture at the moment.
  8. Listen, the band _______________________ (play) rock ’n‘ roll.
  9. We ________________________ (not, play) table tennis right now.
  10. Look at our dog! I think he _____________________ (dream) of rabbits.
  11. You ________________________ (not, watch) TV at the moment.
  12. Phillip ________________________ (not, talk) to his friend Duncan now.
  13. Look! Isabelle ____________________ (eat) popcorn in the cinema.
  14. Be quiet! The teacher _____________________ (look) at us!
  15. Look! Tom and Bill _____________________ (run) across the street.
  16. Look, how funny! The cat ____________________ (run) after the dog.

NAME____________________________ CLASS ______________________________________

Hi, Fred!

Well, here we are in Jamaica, and the sun is shining (to shine).

I ____________________(to lie) on the beach and ________________________________ (to watch) people in the sea. Most oft hem (большинство) _______________________________(to swim) – they ___________________________________________(to stand) in the water and _________________________________(to watch) the little fish around their feet. A group of people _____________________________(to play) volleyball on the beach. The sun is very hot, so Julia ______________________________(to lie) with me on the beach – she ________________________________________________(to sit) under a tree. She ___________________________________________(to wear) a big sun hat and ______________________________________________(to eat) a piece of watermelon. It’s a great life! See you in ten days.



NAME____________________________ CLASS ______________________________________

Hi, Fred!

Well, here we are in Jamaica, and the sun is shining (to shine).

I ____________________(to lie) on the beach and ________________________________ (to watch) people in the sea. Most oft hem (большинство) _______________________________(to swim) – they ___________________________________________(to stand) in the water and _________________________________(to watch) the little fish around their feet. A group of people _____________________________(to play) volleyball on the beach. The sun is very hot, so Julia ______________________________(to lie) with me on the beach – she ________________________________________________(to sit) under a tree. She ___________________________________________(to wear) a big sun hat and ______________________________________________(to eat) a piece of watermelon. It’s a great life! See you in ten days.



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