Презентация к уроку в 5 классе по теме "Конструкция to be going to"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Алена Евгеньевна Нестеренко

Презентация к уроку 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Муниципальное образование Щербиновский район муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя образовательная школа №13 им. Г.Ф. Короленко муниципального образования Щербиновский район посёлок Щербиновский Английский язык to be going to… Подготовила: Нестеренко А.Е. 5 класс

Слайд 2

Good morning!!!

Слайд 3

to be going to…

Слайд 4

What date is it today? Today is the … of November.

Слайд 5

What day is it today? Today is … .

Слайд 6

What season is it now? It is … now. (Spring, autumn, winter, summer)

Слайд 7

What is the weather like today? The weather is …(bad / good) It is …(cold, warm, sunny, cloudy, frosty, foggy, rainy, snowy)

Слайд 8

Phonetic exercise.

Слайд 9

[ au ]

Слайд 10

Little mouse, little mouse Will you come out of your house? “ Thank you, Pussy!” Says the mouse “ I won’t leave my little house”.

Слайд 11

Now let's answer the questions!

Слайд 12

What are you going to do this evening? I am going to … -do my homework -meet friends -sleep

Слайд 13

Are you going to play tennis this week? I am going to play tennis this week. 2) No, I am not 1) Yes, I am. I am not going to play tennis this week.

Слайд 14

Where are you going to spend winter holydays? I am going to spend winter holydays… -at home - abroad - in the country

Слайд 15

What are you going to be in the future? I am going to be … in the future . -a teacher -a doctor -an engineer

Слайд 16

What is the child going to do? The child is going to … eat

Слайд 17

What is the boy going to do? The boy is going to … draw.

Слайд 18

I am We are You are She is They are He is It is Т o be

Слайд 19

And now let’s watch a video !!!

Слайд 20

to be going to + инфинитив ( собираться что-то делать ) I'm going to visit my parents. - Я поеду навестить родителей. What are you going to do tonight? - Что ты будешь делать вечером? I'm not going to meet my friends tomorrow. - Я не встречаюсь завтра с друзьями . (+) (-) (?)

Слайд 21

Example: I ……………………….(take) this book. Answer: I am going to take this book. 1. The girls………………………(give not) Simon a book for his birthday. 2. …… Peter………….....(learn) his English vocabulary? 3. Jayne………(throw- бросать ) the ball to Mary. 4. We…………………………(swim) across the Channel next year. 5. …..…you………………….. (buy) a car ? 6. It ………………..(rain). 7. I………….……….(make) lunch early today. are not going to give going to learn Is is going to throw are going to swim going to buy Are is going to rain. am going to make

Слайд 22

8. He………………………..(do not) his homework. 9. ……….they …………………….(take) the dogs out for a walk? 10. Mr. Black……………………….(stay) at home tomorrow. 11. …….you …………………………( buy) some milk this afternoon? 12. She …………………………….. (be not) a teacher. 13. I ……………………………...…..(tell not) him the truth. 14. I ……………………….………..(meet) them tomorrow. is not going to do Are going to take is going to stay Are going to buy is not going to be am not going to tell am going to meet

Слайд 23

p.5 9 , ex.2 5 Make up sentenses! Barbara is going to…on...

Слайд 24

Now let’s check up what do you learn from today’s lesson.

Слайд 25

What are you going to do on Sunday during the day? -In the morning - in the afternoon -in the evening I am going to…

Слайд 26

What is your mum/dad/sister/ brother going to do on Sunday during the day? My mum is going to… My dad is going to… My brother / sister is going to…

Слайд 27

to be going to + инфинитив ( собираться что-то делать ) -is used to express the intention to do something in the near future. -is used with all verbs, except verbs denoting movement. Pointing words: Tonight, this evening Tomorrow In two days In a month Next week Soon Сегодня вечером Завтра Через 2 дня Через месяц На следующей неделе Скоро

Слайд 28

I understand everything and can make up a sentence with to be going to… I don’t understand everything and can not make up a sentence with to be going to… I must repeat it!!!

Слайд 29

p.58, ex.24 Make up sentenses!

Слайд 30

Thank you for you work. Our lesson is over . Good bye!

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