At the airport
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Красковская Ирина Владимировна

Задания по теме "AT THE AIRPORT" для работы с тематическим видео.


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Предварительный просмотр:                                                     At the airport.

amazing |əˈmeɪzɪŋ|удивительный

to land |lænd|приземлиться

to take off взлететь

safe безопасный

baggage claim  |ˈbæɡɪdʒ|  |kleɪm|выдача багажа

to fasten| unfasten seatbelts |ˈfɑːs(ə)n| пристегнуть, отстегнуть ремень безопасности

to switch seats поменяться местами

vacation   |vəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n|   отпуск, каникулы

a suitcase |ˈsuːtkeɪs|  чемодан

can’t wait to не могу дождаться

to be excited |ɪkˈsaɪtɪd|быть взволнованным

a trunk |trʌŋk|багажник

to take you подвезти

to drop off высадить

entrance  |ˈentr(ə)ns| вход

sure |ʃʊə| уверен,конечно

a ride поездка

to keep the change оставьте сдачу

have a nice flight приятного полёта

check-in counter |ˈkaʊntə| стойка регистрации

boarding passes посадочные талоны

to check in зарегистрироваться

to wait long ждать долго

scale |skeɪl|  весы

a boarding bridge трап для посадки

carry-on bags |ˈkærɪ| ручной багаж 

gate ворота,вход

pockets карманы

to go through пройти сквозь |θruː|

security  |sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ| безопасность

a tray лоток

contents  |kənˈtents| содержимое

to empty  |ˈem(p)tɪ|  опустошать

X-ray machine рентгеновский аппарат |məˈʃiːn| 

an overhead compartment |ˌəʊvəˈhed| |kəmˈpɑːtm(ə)nt| багажная полка

a window seat сидение у окна

an aisle seat |aɪl| место у прохода

to step through the scanner |ˈskænə|пройти сквозь досмотр

my turn моя очередь

announcement |əˈnaʊnsm(ə)nt|анонс, объявление

to pass the tunnel |ˈtʌn(ə)l| пройти через тоннель

queue |kjuː| jxthtlm

silence  |ˈsaɪləns| тишина

attentive |əˈtentɪv| внимательный

be bored скучно

Answer the questions. 

How do the Scotts travel?

Where does the driver put their bags?

Where does the driver drop off the Scotts?

What do they do at the check-in counter?

Where do the Scotts put their bags at the check-in counter?

How many carry-on bags do they take with them?

What does X-Ray machine do?

Who sits in the aisle seat?

Where do the Scotts get their bags?

KEYS Answer the questions.

How do the Scotts travel?

by plane

Where does the driver put their bags?

in the trunk

Where does the driver drop off the Scotts?

near the entrance

What do they do at the check-in counter?

check-in their bags and get their boarding passes

Where do the Scotts put their bags at the check-in counter?

on the scale

How many carry-on bags do they take with them?

two carry-on bags

What does X-Ray machine do?

it looks inside the things

Who sits in the aisle seat?

Mr. Scott

Where do the Scotts get their bags?

at the baggage claim

Put these sentences in the correct order.

They unfasten their seatbelts when they have their in-flight meal.

They fasten their seatbelts when the plane takes off.

They go to the baggage claim to get their bags and suitcases.

They fasten their seatbelts when the plane lands.

They pack their bags.

They pass through the boarding bridge.

They take the taxi.

They go to the check-in counter.

They board at gate B2.

They go through security.

KEYS Put these sentences in the correct order.

They pack their bags.

They take the taxi.

They go to the check-in counter.

They go through security.

They board at gate B2.

They pass through the boarding bridge.

They fasten their seatbelts when the plane takes off.

They unfasten their seatbelts when they have their in-flight meal.

They fasten their seatbelts when the plane lands.

They go to the baggage claim to get their bags and suitcases.

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