Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе Computer Problems
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Computers Internet Hardware Software website connection download site link documents files applications programmes Anti-virus monitor scanner d isc drive printer mouse keyboard screen folders
Vocabulary The screen has frozen / stopped . «завис» .
I forgot to save / store the document. сохранять
I think I’ve got a virus / germ because my c omputer is very slow. вирус
I can’t to the Internet. connect / join соединять
My Internet is really slow. connection link / соединение
I can’t this music as the link isn’t working. transfer / download загружать
The printer has of ink. g ot out / run out закончиться
I’ve something on the keyboard. spilt / poured пролить случайно
The disc is full. hard / tough жесткий диск
I can’t get this DVD to drive / work. работать
I’ve a file by mistake. deleted / wiped удалить
Computer Problems frozen [' frəuz (ə)n] save [ seɪv ] virus [ ' vaɪ (ə) rəs ] connect [ kə'nekt ] connection [ kə'nekʃ (ə)n] download [' daunləud ] run out [ rʌn aut ] spilt [ spɪlt ] hard disc [ hɑːd [ dɪsk ] delete [ dɪ'liːt ]
Let’s practice. Oh no! I have ………. all my photos on the hard disc. Is there a problem with the Internet? I can’t ………… to it. I need to buy a new keyboard. I ………. the tea on it yesterday. I think your computer has a ………. You need to do a full scan. The screen is ……… I need to reboot the system. My computer doesn’t work. …….. disc is broken. I ……… a new film about Harry Potter. Would you like to watch it? My printer ………of paper. I have to go and buy it. L et me………this files before you delete it. My computer ……… really slowly. My dad wants to buy a new one . Fill in: delete, work, run out, connect, frozen, save, virus, download, hard, spilt. deleted connect spilt virus frozen Hard downloaded run out save works
Offering solutions/responding Offering a solution Responding Have you thought of + ing …? OK, I’ll try it. How about + ing … ? That’s a good/bad idea The best thing to do is to … I have already tried that but it didn’t work. You could try to …. I think it might work. - I think my computer has a virus. You could try to use anti-virus software . OK, I’ll try it. 1. have a virus a) reboot the system 2. can’t connect to the Internet b ) use anti-virus software to do a full scan 3 . computer crashed c) run a search 4. lost some files d) call your Internet service provider
Read the dialogue and complete the sentences SB ex. 4a p. 60 Adrian has got a problem with …. . His computer keeps ….. . It seems that the cursor ….. . Paul suggests switching …. . Adrian will do …. . Paul thinks that the cause of the problem …. .
What is your opinion of computers and the Internet?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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