Spotlight 6 Test 1 Module 1
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Spotlight 6 Test 1 Module 1


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test 1.1  Module 1

1. Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. Who is Simon’s aunt?

2. Where is Miguel from?
A) Britain     B) Japan       C) Spain
3. Where does Will live?
A) North London       B) West London      C) South London
4. What is Sam’s last name?
A) Green        B) Greene     C) Grine
5. What nationality is Hans?
A) Brazilian     B) German  C) Russian
2. Match the country and nationality.
e.g.  Russia – Russian.
1. Spain                           a) British
2. Britain                         b) Polish
3. Japan                           c) Spanish
4. Poland                         d) German
5. Germany                    e) Japanese
3. Fill in the correct word.
address        membership      postcode      surname      phone
Shape Up Fitness CLUB
Name: Nora
Surname: Thompson
1. __________: 14, Mendeleeva Street
2. __________: SH3 9PM
3. __________: number: 89817872625
4. __________: number: 2569
4. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
capital      nationality       south        rivers     slim       twins       uncle        late
1. What ___________ is Bill? He is French.
2. My aunt has two kids. They are _________ .
3. Britain is beautiful country with lots of seas, _______ and lakes.
4. Helen is tall and _____   with short dark hair.
5. Aunt Mary is in her _____ fifties.
6. Cardiff is the ________ of Northern Ireland.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjective.
1. My dad is a writer. It is _____ (he) computer.
2. Sara is making dinner for _____ (she) grandmother.
3. Could you give me _____ (you) phone number?
4.They are twins. _______ (they) names are Tom and Bob.
5. We have a dog. ______ (it) name is Fox.
6. This is ______ (I) room.

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive pronoun.
1. This car is ____ (me).
2. This fat cat is ____ (our).
3. Is this pencil Elena’s? Yes, it is ____ (she).
4. This luggage is ____ (he).
5. There is a bird in our garden. The nest is ____ (it).
7. Choose the correct item.
Their / Theirs house is very modern.
2. Meg has got a new flat.
Her / Our flat is spacious.
3. Tom and Sarah are
my / mine friends
4. Is Ben
yours / your brother?
5. Are these books
her / hers?
8. Choose the correct item.
1. Is this …… card?                                                   A Janes’     В Jane’s
2. Whose camera is this? It’s ……                            A hers         В her
3. These are …….. books.                                         
A Kate’s     В Kates
4. Peter is……….son.                                                A Mike’s and Sue’s   
В Mike and Sue’s
5. This skateboard isn’t mine. It’s my………….      A cousin’s   В cousins
9. Read and underline the correct word.
1. There are
five / four people in David’s family.
Daniel / Michael is David’s dad.
Phoebe / Jill is David’s mum.
4. Jill has
short / long, straight hair.
5. David’s mom is short and
slim / fat.

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