Презентация на тему "Что значат надписи на нашей одежде?"
проект по английскому языку (8 класс)

Джалилова Мадина Фахрудиновна

Данная презентация предтавляет собой исследовательскую работу, проведенную ученицей 9 класса. В работе представлены статистические данные. Был проведен опрос учащихся школы, собран фотоматериал.


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Слайд 1

What do the inscriptions on our clothes say? Research project Done by the student of the 9 form Abdusalamova Patimat Teacher : Dzhalilova Madina Fakhrudinovna

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Topicality Our clothes speak without words. Assessing a person , we note how his clothes fit age , fashion , social position . Some have a desire to be alike to those who is significant , while others have a desire just to stand out Psychologist have found that in 40 seconds we estimate a person and he ,in his turn, estimates us . My attention was attracted by the English-language inscriptions on clothes.

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The Idea of studying sociolinguistic problems on the material of English language inscriptions arised as a result of my personal experience , communication with my contemporaries , observation in the streets and at school . Do the owners of the things understand the meanings of the inscriptions on their clothes , or do they just wear because they are nice or trendy ? Maybe there are another reasons . The aim of my reserch is to find answers to there questions .

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The aim of the work Is to establish the relationship between semantic loads of the inscriptions on the clothes and the level of English proficiency of its owners.

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Tasks of the research 1) to collect a certain amount of inscriptions on the clothes of our school students. 2)to translate them into Russian. 3)to find out why do the parents buy such clothes to their children. 4)to generalize findings , to reach a conclusion.

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The object of the research English – language inscriptions on our student’s clothes

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The subject of the research i nformation that bears inscriptions on clothes

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Research methods: Observation Conversation Questioning Analysis of the results

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The structure of the work T he work was done in stages: -at first , there was composed basic information work -then , the analysis and comparison of the meanings was held -and finally I formulated conclusions and issued the results of the work

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The methodology of the research My research was held in following way : 1)I found at school students dressed in jeans , T-shirts , caps , blouses with English-language inscriptions 2)Then , I rewrote or took photos of the most interesting inscriptions and asked the following questions: -the age of the wearer -if he or she knows the meaning of the inscription on his|her clothes -the reason of buying this certain thing 3)I translated the inscriptions into Russian and tabulated them

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name Why do they buy it? Does he | she pay attention to the inscription on the clothes ? 1) Israfilov just like that sometime 2) Rabadanova just like that never 3) Gyulmagomedov just like that sometime 4) Abasova just like that everytime 5) Bukhsaeva just like that sometime 6) Gerasimova fashionable color sometime 7) Shikhmetov just like that sometime 8) Stepanyan just like that never 9) Kazimagomedova parents buy never 10) Dzhalilov parents buy sometime Interviewing of the students

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I fixed the information about the inscriptions of 10 students in the chart The inscription in original The translation The age If the students knows the translation The best champion Лучший чемпион 13 + Fashion trend for you Модный тренд для вас 15 _ See you there Увидимся там 14 _ Shoes city Город туфлей 14 + The city of love Город любви 14 + Happy , sleepy , grumpy Веселый , сонный , грустный 16 _ No rock , no life Нет рока , нет жизни 14 _ Never say never Никогда не говори никогда 15 _ Love and peace Любовь и мир 14 _ Please help the homeless . Take me home with you Пожалуйста помогите бездомным . Возьмите меня домой . 11 _

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e Conclusions . Analysis of the collected information. According to my research most students of our school have clothes with inscriptions . From 5 0 interviewed students only 45% know the translation of the inscriptions on their clothes , the rest 55% have difficulties with the translation 49% marked that they pay attention to the inscription when they buy things , 51% admitted that they never think about the meanings of the inscriptions on their clothes . But now they are interested in then and will always translate the inscriptions before buying a thing

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Conclusions . Analysis of the collected information. The research revealed four inscriptions with mistakes . Most of the interviewed students says that the main reason of buying this certain thing was its comfortableness . The research also showed that the older the students are the more attention are paid to the meaning of the inscription . The younger the interviewed students are the less they know about the inscriptions . However ,the research managed to show this problem and propose students to think before buying new fashionable thing with unknown text .

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Undoubtly , it’s a private business of each person to dress as he likes . Nevertheless , the fact that most people don’t know the meaning of the inscriptions on their clothes seems to be abnormal . Nowadays , we meet English everywhere : on the goods at supermarkets , on the signboards of the shops , on the clothes at school , in the Internet . And the inscriptions on our clothes help us to enrich our vocabulary .

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Conclusion . It is extremely actual that we are responsible for the information we bear . And it is important to know the meaning of the inscriptions on our clothes . Analysis of the collected information showed that English language skills let the students of our school understand the inscriptions on their clothes . And there exits close connection between language skills and the cultural level of the wearer.

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Thank you for your attention!

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