Starlight 8_Module 3b_Conditionals, Wishes
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)

Ратькова Анна Николаевна

Презентация содержит правила: Conditionals 0,1,2,3; Wishes (I wish I had.../I wish I hadn't said... / I wish you would stop critisizing me), а также задания для отработки каждого из правил в отдельности.



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Слайд 1

Conditionals 0,1,2,3. wishes Starlight 8_Module 3b

Слайд 2

Conditional 0: science facts and rules. If / When + Present Simple -> Present Simple If you heat water, it boils .

Слайд 3

Conditional 0: make sentences. To heat ice -> to melt. To mix red and white -> to get pink. To heat paper -> to burn. To stay in the sun too long -> to get sunburn. To leave cheese in the sun -> to melt.

Слайд 4

Conditional 1: real situation in present or future. If + Present Simple -> Future Simple If not = unless If you come to my birthday party, I will be happy. Unless she apologizes , I will not talk to her.

Слайд 5

Conditional 1: make sentences. I go to Italy. I try local food. It is not cold. They play football. You get rid of this old armchair. The room looks bigger. You wear scruffy clothes. Your parents feel embarrassed.

Слайд 6

If + Past Simple / Past Continuous Conditional 2: unreal situation in present or future. If I were a doctor, I would / could / might help you. If it wasn’t raining , we could have lunch outside. w ould c ould might b are infinitive

Слайд 7

Conditional 2: make sentences. to have enough money; to travel to Morocco to have time; to go ice climbing to be unemployed; to sleep on the streets to be a senior citizen; to feel lonely to visit the slums of Rio de Janeiro; to feel upset.

Слайд 8

If + Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous Conditional 3: unreal situation in the past. If you had booked tickets, we wouldn’t have stayed home. If you hadn’t forgotten your compass, we wouldn’t have got lost. would have + V3

Слайд 9

Conditional 3: make sentences. I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anything. The accident happened because the road was icy. I lost my phone, so I couldn’t call you. I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have enough money. You didn’t have breakfast – that’s why you are hungry now.

Слайд 10

I wish … / If only … Present regrets: Look! It’s raining cats and dogs! I know. I wish I had an umbrella. - Past Simple 2. Past regrets: I wish I had known that Gary was ill. I would have called him. (but I didn’t know) – Past Perfect I feel sick. If only I hadn’t eaten so much cake. (but I ate too much cake) – Past Perfect

Слайд 11

Make sentences. Use: I wish … / If only … I don’t know many people (and I am lonely). -> I wish … I don’t have a computer (and I need one). -> I have to get up early tomorrow (and I would like to sleep late). -> It’s cold today (and I hate cold weather). ->

Слайд 12

Make sentences. Use: I wish … / If only … When you were younger, you never learned to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this . -> I wish … You’ve painted the gate red. Now you think that red was the wrong colour . -> You said something stupid. Now you regret this. ->

Слайд 13

I wish you would do sth I wish you wouldn’t keep criticizing me ! (= please don’t criticize me) I wish it would stop raining!

Слайд 14

Write sentences with I wish … would … . You’re looking for a job – so far without success. Nobody will give you a job. -> You say: I wish somebody … 2. Brian has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he needs some new clothes. ->You say to Brian :

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