Проверка знаний в 11 классе по УМК "Звёздный английский 11" лексики и грамматики по 2 модулю.
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)
В этом тесте включены упражнения на контроль лексики и грамматики модуля 2 по УМК "Звёздный английский 11".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Starlight 11 _ CONTROL TEST 2 Form 11
Task 1
Fill in: giving, proportion, take, strain, temper, tired, building, getting.
- I`m just sick and __________ of doing exams all the time.
- I`m so fed up with the way I look. It`s really __________ me down.
- I`m losing control. I can`t ____________ it any more.
- Things aren`t as bad as they seem, Tracy. Don`t get things out of _________!
- Jo makes me so angry. I lost my _________ with her again yesterday.
- I think he`s feeling the _________ of his parents` divorce.
- I haven`t just started feeling stressed. It`s been _________ up for weeks.
- My parents are _________ me a hard time.
Max: 8
Task 2
Fill in: off, on, up, down, up with
- Sandy will not put ________ smoking in her house.
- We can put you ___________ if you'd like to come for the weekend.
- She always puts _____________ people who don't share her opinions.
- We decided to put ___________ the meeting because of the strike.
- Put _________ your coat. It`s very cold.
Max: 5
Task 3
Fill in: where, whose, who, which, whom
- The lawyer ___________ works in this room is the best in the company.
- The office ____________ the Director prefers is in the city centre.
- Mr. Green, ___________ is our best lawyer, is going to leave the company
- Mr. Green, ___________ report you read yesterday, is our accountant.
- This is the shop _________ I bought my bike.
- Do you know the boy _________ mother is a nurse?
- I was invited by the professor ________ I met at the conference.
- Do you see the cat __________ is lying on the roof?
- I told you about the woman _________ lives next door.
- Do you know the girl __________ is talking to Tom?
Max: 10
Task 4
Fill in: to, so that, for, in case, because, the reason why
- We use this tool __________ digging.
- She took an umbrella _________ it rained.
- The doctor is examining the patient __________ he can find out what’s wrong with him.
- ___________ she refused to accept the job offer was (the fact) that the salary was really low.
- Sarah went to the computer class _________ print out her research report.
- Mark joined the English Drama Club ________ he wanted to improve his intonation.
Max: 6
Task 5
Fill in the correct preposition
- Pay attention ________ the teacher`s instructions.
- He keeps boasting __________winnning the lottery.
- Television can have a bad influence _______ children.
- Why do you always insist ______ sitting here.
- The band didn`t make much of an impression _____ me.
Max: 5
- Tired, getting, take, proportion, tamper, strain, building, giving
- Up with, up, down, off, on
- Who, which, who, whose, where, whose, whom, which, who, who
- For, in case, so that(in order that), to, because, the reason why
- To, about, on, on, on
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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