Проверка знаний в 11 классе по УМК "Звёздный английский 11" лексики и грамматики по 2 модулю.
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Комендантова Наталия Григорьевна

В этом тесте включены упражнения на контроль лексики и грамматики модуля 2 по УМК "Звёздный английский 11".


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Starlight 11 _ CONTROL TEST 2                       Form 11


Task 1

Fill in: giving, proportion, take, strain, temper, tired, building, getting.

  1. I`m just sick and __________ of doing exams all the time.
  2. I`m so fed up with the way I look. It`s really __________ me down.
  3. I`m losing control. I can`t ____________ it any more.
  4. Things aren`t as bad as they seem, Tracy. Don`t get things out of _________!
  5. Jo makes me so angry. I lost my _________ with her again yesterday.
  6. I think he`s feeling the _________ of his parents` divorce.
  7. I haven`t just started feeling stressed. It`s been _________ up for weeks.
  8. My parents are _________ me a hard time.

Max: 8

Task 2

Fill in: off, on, up, down, up with

  1. Sandy will not put ________ smoking in her house.
  2. We can put you  ___________ if you'd like to come for the weekend.
  3. She always puts _____________ people who don't share her opinions.
  4. We decided to put ___________ the meeting because of the strike.
  5. Put _________ your coat. It`s very cold.

Max: 5

Task 3

Fill in: where, whose, who, which, whom

  1. The lawyer ___________ works in this room is the best in the company.
  2. The office ____________ the Director prefers is in the city centre.
  3. Mr. Green, ___________ is our best lawyer, is going to leave the company
  4. Mr. Green, ___________ report you read yesterday, is our accountant.
  5. This is the shop _________ I bought my bike.
  6. Do you know the boy _________ mother is a nurse?
  7. I was invited by the professor ________ I met at the conference.
  8. Do you see the cat __________ is lying on the roof?
  9. I told you about the woman _________ lives next door.
  10. Do you know the girl __________ is talking to Tom?

Max: 10

Task 4

Fill in: to, so that, for, in case, because, the reason why

  1. We use this tool __________  digging.
  2. She took an umbrella _________ it rained.
  3. The doctor is examining the patient __________ he can find out what’s wrong with him.
  4. ___________ she refused to accept the job offer was (the fact) that the salary was really low.
  5. Sarah went to the computer class _________ print out her research report.
  6. Mark joined the English Drama Club ________ he wanted to improve his intonation.

Max: 6

Task 5

Fill in the correct preposition

  1. Pay attention ________ the teacher`s instructions.
  2. He keeps boasting __________winnning the lottery.
  3. Television can have a bad influence _______ children.
  4. Why do you always insist ______ sitting here.
  5. The band didn`t make much of  an impression _____ me.

Max: 5


  1. Tired, getting, take, proportion, tamper, strain, building, giving
  2. Up with, up,  down, off, on
  3. Who, which, who, whose, where, whose, whom, which, who, who
  4. For, in case, so that(in order that), to, because, the reason why
  5. To, about, on, on, on

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