Workshop «Travel Agencies Competition»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Данный материал предназначен для учащихся 10-11 классов. Может активно использоваться во внеурочной деятельности. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Workshop   «Travel Agencies Competition»

 Level:  10 -11 –th grades students

No. of Students: 6-15

Activity Focus:  learning about world countries, speaking, research skills

Objective:   creating travel projects

Class Time:  for 40-minute classes

The Structure of the workshop

  1. Warming-up!

Task: Match two parts of the proverbs, give Russian equivalents to them

East or West

so many customs

So many countries

as Romans do

When in Rome do

far knows much

He that travels

home is best

People get to know

one another when travelling.

  1. Speaking Practice (is done in small groups)

Task:  Start up a new travel agency. Make up a brief presentation. Mind the plan.

  1. The Title
  2. The aims

  1. Reading and speaking.

Task: What functions will your agency serve? Read the list of services and put a tick if you agree.

book tickets

organize excursions

check on visas

organize group and individual tours

pack suitcases

exchange money

make hotel reservations

organize language-learning courses

take health insurance

provide with medicine

Task: Add some more functions your travel agency will serve

  1. Jigsaw Reading (The Petrovs at the Agency)

Task: The Petrovs have come to the Agency. Put the sentences in the correct order to restore the dialogue to know what type of holiday they need.

The Petrovs

The clerk

__ Yes, please. My husband and I want to have a winter holiday.

__ Yes, of course. Where do you want to go?

__ Well, the boy is twelve. He loves all sports –swimming, skiing, and football. The girl is sixteen. She doesn’t like sport. She prefers sitting in the sun, reading and drinking coffee. And she wants to practice her English.

__ Children! How many children do you have?

__ Two… two children, a son and a daughter.

__Good morning! Can I help you?

___Well. That is the problem. I like skiing and winter sports, but my husband doesn’t. he wants to relax and sit in the sun, and the children.  

__ English? Ah, yes! That gives me a nice idea! I think I have a perfect winter holiday for you!

__ How old arte they? What do they like?


  1. Explain what kind of holiday the Petrovs want to have
  2. Explain why it’s difficult for them to choose a holiday.

  1. Project Work.

Task: Offer the Petrovs the kind of holiday they would like. Present the main information about the place they could rest.

  1. Presentation
  2. Reflection

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