Артур Конан Дойль. Презентация
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Хохлова Ирина Венедиктовна

Артур Конан Дойль. Презентация


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Слайд 1

My Favourite Writer Angelina Tabakaeva

Слайд 2

My name is Angelina. I have got a lot of hobbies, but the most important of them is reading. I like all kinds of books, but still prefer reading detective stories. No wonder, that my favourite author is the “King of detectives” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who invented my favourite detective Sherlock Holmes

Слайд 3

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in Scotland. After graduating from the Edinburgh university he became a doctor and in1882 moved to England to set up a practice. He was a doctor by his profession and a writer in his heart.

Слайд 4

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle first created his famous character Sherlock Holmes in 1885. Six years later, when he wrote another group of stories about the detective, Sherlock Holmes was a name that everybody knew.

Слайд 5

Who was a prototype of Sherlock? They say, it was Dr. Joseph Bell, with whom Doyle worked together at the Edinburgh Royal Hospital, and whose ability “to use “deductive method” to solve the most complex and difficult problems” hit everybody.

Слайд 6

By the way, a prototype of John Watson was Mayor Wood, a secretary of Arthur Conan Doyle, who spent more than 40 years with the writer.

Слайд 7

With the words "Elementary, my dear Watson ...", the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain a crime to his friend Dr. Watson. That phrase has entered the English language.

Слайд 8

When Conan Doyle was tired of writing detective stories, he decided to 'kill' Holmes. He wrote a story in which Holmes met his great enemy Professor Moriarty in Switzerland. Holmes and Moriarty had a fight, and both fell over a cliff. The public didn't like it. Conan Doyle had to write another story in which Holmes comes back.

Слайд 9

In London, near Trafalgar Square, people can visit a pub called “Sherlock Holmes“. In that pub there is a room like Sherlock Holmes's room at 221 'B' Baker Street, as described in Conan Doyle's stories. After so many years Sherlock Holmes is still the most famous detective in the world.

Слайд 10

For me, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is one of the most outstanding writers, because he created Sherlock Holmes, so brilliant, clever and intelligent character who seems to be more real that reality. I enjoy reading these books and admire my favourite detective.

Слайд 11

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died on July 7, 1930 of a heart attack. But he continues to live in his characters.

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