Отработка Relative Clause
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
В учебнике Кузовлева В.П. лишь кратко дается теория по относительным придаточным предложениям и совсем не дается никакой отработки. Данная презентация предназначена для изучения и отработки по теме Relative Clause.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Relative clauses Относительные придаточные предложения Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. The woman who lives next door works in a bank. These are the flights that have been cancelled .
w ho / that We can use who or that to talk about people . that is more common and a bit more informal . She's the woman who cuts my hair . He's the man that I met at the conference .
w hich / that We can use which or that to talk about things . that is more common and a bit more informal . There was a one-year guarantee which came with the TV. The laptop that I bought last week has started making a strange noise !
when can refer to a time . Summer is the season when I'm happiest . where can refer to a place . That's the stadium where Real Madrid play . whose refers to the person that something belongs to . He's a musician whose albums have sold millions .
Sometimes we can leave out the relative pronoun . For example , we can usually leave out who , which or that if it is followed by a subject . The assistant [ that ] we met was really kind . ( we = subject , can omit that ) We can't usually leave it out if it is followed by a verb . The assistant that helped us was really kind . ( helped = verb , can't omit that )
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