Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе по учебнику "Английский в фокусе" Furry Friends
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Технологическая карта открытого урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Culture Corner: Furry Friends»
учитель МБОУ СОШ №3 г. Болхова Орловской области
Технологическая карта урока развития речевых умений.
Автор: Тимошина Светлана Павловна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №3 г. Болхова.
Класс: 5
УМК: Английский в фокусе \Spotlight 5 класс под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс
Тема урока: Модуль 5 Culture Corner: Furry Friends \ Lesson 5d
Тип урока: урок общеметодической направленности.
Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетентности в процессе образовательной, учебно-исследовательской, творческой деятельности.
Планируемые результаты:
Личностные: создавать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка; развивать возможности самореализации средствами иностранного языка; воспитывать любовь к животным, экологическую культуру в целом.
Предметные: развивать умения прогнозирования содержания текста и ознакомительного чтения; развивать умения диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос на основе прочитанного); развивать умения письменной речи (краткое описание-характеристика животного).
Метапредметные: развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности при планировании вербального и невербального поведения; развивать умения запоминать новые слова; развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения; развивать проектно-исследовательские умения (умения планировать и осуществлять учебно-исследовательскую работу с использованием исследовательских методов наблюдения, описания, анализа данных, устной презентации).
Оборудование: УМК, компьютер, презентация, картинки с животными, флажки России и Австралии, фломастеры.
№ | Этапы урока | Время | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность обучающихся |
1. | Начало урока. Мобилизующий этап. | 2 минуты | При входе в кабинет каждый ребёнок получает флаг Россия-Австралия. Учащиеся занимают места в классе согласно указанному на флажке номеру. (Таким образом, образуются пары для дальнейшей работы на уроке). Учитель приветствует детей. | Дети занимают места в классе согласно номеру, указанному на флажке. I’m Mary. My ticket is Number 1. Мягкая посадка. |
2. | Целеполагание. | 1 минута | На слайде символы Австралии: флаг и герб. What country do these symbols belong to? На слайде карта «Животный мир Австралии». What are we going to discuss today at the lesson? You are invited to explore the wild life of this continent and make a booklet. The cover of the booklet is ready. We can complete it working together. Let’s start. OK? | These are the symbols of Australia. We will speak about animals in Australia. OK? |
3. | Работа с аудиотекстом, ознакомительное чтение. Диалог-расспрос на основе текста. | 10 минут | На слайде коала. What is this animal in the picture? Listen to the text ex. 1 p.71 about this cute little animal and complete the fact file. Проверят понимание текста. Where do koalas live? What do they eat? What do they drink? What do they look like? Can they climb? Are they good pets? Can they swim? Do they sleep during the day? Well done! | This is a koala. In trees in Australia. They eat eucalyptus leaves. They never drink. They’ve got big round ears and a black nose. They’ve got short, strong arms and legs and grey fur. Yes, they can. No, they are wild. Yes, they can. Yes, they do. Учащиеся на доске фломастерами заполняют страницу для буклета. |
4. | Семантизация лексики. | 1 минута | There are a lot of unique animals in Australia. Here you can see some of them. На доске картинки с животными и их названия на английском языке. Match the pictures and the words. |
Учащиеся по очереди выходят к доске соединяют картинки, слова и произносят слова. |
5. | Работа в парах. Написание краткого резюме- характеристика животного на основе выписок из текста. | 5 минут | Now you are going to make your own page of the booklet. You will do it in pares. You have a chance to choose the animal. One of you may go to the board and take the animal you like. You will read the text on the back side of the picture and complete the fact file. | Учащиеся по очереди выходят к доске и выбирают картинку с животным. На обратной стороне картинки записан текст с описанием этого животного. Учащиеся в паре знакомятся с содержанием текста и заполняют страничку для буклета. |
6. | Презентация парной работы. | 5 минут | Создаёт условия для обобщения и представления результатов. | Учащиеся парами выходят к доске, представляют свою работу, по очереди зачитывая информацию о животном. |
7. | Выполнение теста. | 3 минуты | How well do you know the wild life of Australia? Quiz. На слайде критерии оценивания. | Учащиеся выполняют тест на знание австралийских животных. |
8. | Рефлексия. Оценивание знаний. | 2 минуты | Организует рефлексию учащихся. Оценивает работу обучающихся на уроке. Today at the lesson everybody has taken part in making a booklet about the animals in Australia. As for me, I like the result. What about you? Do you like the booklet? But I think it will be much better if it has a photo of the students who have created it. Let’s take a photo and use it on the back cover of the booklet. OK? | Приобретают навык рефлексии результатов деятельности. Анализируют и самостоятельно оценивают свои достижения на данном уроке. Дети участвуют в совместном фотографировании. |
9. | Домашнее задание. | 1минутa | Домашнее задание записано на обратной стороне флажка. Учитель комментирует задание. Your homework is written on the flag. You should write a fact file about an animal in your country. Stick or draw a picture. | SB ex.4 p.71 WB p.44 |
10. | Окончание урока. | The lesson is over. Прощается с учащимися: Good bye! | Good bye! |
Emu | Emus are very large birds. They live in Australia. They are very tall. They can’t fly but they can run very fast. They live for nearly 30 years. They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water. They also like sitting in the mud! |
Kangaroo | A kangaroo has got a big body, a long tail and very strong hind legs. It is red and grey with big ears and big black eyes. They eat grass and leaves. Its front legs are very short. They have special teeth for chopping their food. They can kick to kill a man. The comfortable hopping speed for red kangaroos is 20-25 km\h, but they can hop as fast as 70 km\h over short distances. |
Platypus | Platypus is an egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed mammal. It’s got brown fur. It’s got a broad, flat tail. It can dig resting and nesting burrows. It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout. It’s got a sense of electroreception which helps it find food underwater when a platypus can’t see or hear. |
Crocodile | Crocodiles have got eyes and nostrils on the top part of the head. Its long tail helps the crocodile swim and move fast. They eat fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. They have got thick and rugged skin. Crocodiles have very strong jaws. They can jump high out of the water to catch their prey. They do not chew their food. They swallow it in large chunks. They’ve got a voice box in the throat to communicate with each other. |
Tasmanian devil | Tasmanian devil has got small round red ears and a pointed dark brown nose. It has got black fur with a white spot on its chest. Its teeth are sharp. Its teeth are sharp. It has got short and strong with sharp claws to find food. It lives only in the Australian island state of Tasmania. It can eat everything: small animals, insects, snakes, roots, frogs. But most of all it likes carrion! That’s why it stops some diseases. |
Wombat | Wombat has got short legs, small ears and a black nose. It has got a very short tail and small black eyes. They have got brown, grey and black fur. They eat grass, bark and roots. It has got strong claws and big front teeth for digging their burrow systems. They have a backwards pouch. That’s why they don’t gather dirt when they dig. |
Echidna | Echidnas have got hair and spines. They are brown and beige. They have got very short, strong legs with large claws. It is thick and clumsy but it can swim very well. They have long snouts. It eats ants, earthworms and termites. They can see very well. It lays eggs like a bird and has a pouch like a kangaroo. |
Pelican | Pelican is the largest Australian bird. It’s got a very long pink bill. It is white with black wings. It eats fish, sea animals and even ducklings and sea-gulls. It’s clumsy but it can climb the trees very well. It lives about 17 years. It’s got brown eyes with white rings around. It’s got a bag on its bill which can take up to 12 liters of water into it. |
1 | It can’t fly but it can run very fast. / Emu/ |
2 | It is red and grey with big ears and big black eyes. / Kangaroo/ |
3 | It’s got a bag on its bill which can take up to 12 liters of water into it. / Pelican/ |
4 | It has got black fur with a white spot on its chest. Its teeth are sharp. Its teeth are sharp. / Tasmanian devil/ |
5 | It is an egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed mammal. / Platypus/ |
6 | It lives for nearly 30 years. / Emu/ |
7 | It eats fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. /Crocodile/ |
8 | It has got eyes and nostrils on the top part of the head. / Crocodile/ |
9 | It can kick to kill a man. / Kangaroo/ |
10 | It’s got a very long pink bill. / Pelican/ |
Result | Score |
5 Well done! | 9-10 points |
4 Very good! | 8-7 points |
3 Good! | 5-6 points |
Try again! | < 5 points |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Koala They have got grey fur. They have got short, strong arms and legs. Did you know that… ~koala means ‘no water’? ~they never drink, but they get all the liquid they need from eucalyptus leaves? ~they swim very well? ~they sleep during the day? They have got sharp claws for climbing. They have got big round ears and a black nose. They eat eucalyptus leaves. They live in trees.
Kangaroo Did you know that… ~the comfortable hopping speed for red kangaroos is 20-25 km\h, but they can hop as fast as 70 km\h over short distances? A kangaroo has got a big body, a long tail and very strong hind legs. It is red and grey with big ears and big black eyes. Its front legs are very short. They eat grass and leaves. They have special teeth for chopping their food. They can kick to kill a man.
Bilby They have got long grey and blue fur. They live about 3 years. They eat insects, mice, lizards, seeds and fruit. They live in holes. They have got paws with long claws for digging. They have got long pointed ears. They can hear very well. They have got dark round eyes. They can see very bad. Did you know that… ~a bilby sleeps sitting on its back paws? ~ i t hides its head between its front paws? ~ i t closes its eyes by its long ears?
Echidna Did you know that… ~ it lays eggs like a bird and has a pouch like a kangaroo ? It is thick and clumsy but it can swim very well. It eats ants, earthworms and termites. They have got very short, strong legs with large claws. They have got hair and spines. They are brown and beige. They have long snouts. They can see very well.
Emu Did you know that… ~they also like sitting in the mud? Emus are very large birds. They can’t fly but they can run very fast. They live for nearly 30 years. They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water. They are very tall. They have got dark grey and brown feathers.
Dingo Did you know that… ~a pureblooded dingo doesn’t bark but it can growl and howl? Dingo has got short thick fur. Dingo is a wild dog. Its typical colour is red but it can be, black, white or greyish. It is active at night. It has got dens in caves and holes. It eats rabbits, small mammals, birds, reptiles and carrion. It kills sheep but it doesn’t eat them.
Platypus Did you know that… ~it’s got a sense of electroreception which helps it find food underwater when a platypus can’t see or hear? It’s got brown fur. It is an egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed mammal. It’s got a broad, flat tail. It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout. It can dig resting and nesting burrows. It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout.
Wombat Did you know that… ~they have a backwards pouch? That’s why they don’t gather dirt when they dig. It has got short legs, small ears and a black nose. It has got a very short tail and small black eyes. It has got strong claws and big front teeth for digging their burrow systems. They have got brown, grey and black fur. They eat grass, bark and roots.
Western Ringtail Possum Did you know that… ~it can have up to 3 babies which live in the pouch and stay with their parents up to 7 months? It has got dark brown or grey fur and a strong white-tipped tail. Its tail helps it move through the forest. It lives in the nests or in the hollows of old eucalyptus trees. It has got a black head, red ears and a cream chest and stomach. It eats peppermint tree leaves, buds, blossoms and soft fruit. It is active at night.
Tasmanian Devil It has got small round red ears and a pointed dark brown nose. It has got black fur with a white spot on its chest. It has got short and strong paws with sharp claws to find food. Its teeth are sharp. It looks like a small dog. It lives only in the Australian island state of Tasmania. Did you know that… ~it can eat everything: small animals, insects, snakes, roots, frogs? But most of all it likes carrion! That’s why it stops some diseases.
Crocodile Did you know that… ~they do not chew their food? They swallow it in large chunks. ~they’ve got a voice box in the throat to communicate with each other? They eat fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. They have got thick and rugged skin. Crocodiles have very strong jaws They can jump high out of the water to catch their prey . Its long tail helps the crocodile swim and move fast. They’ve got eyes and nostrils on the top part of the head.
Pelican Did you know that… ~it’s got a bag on its bill which can take up to 12 liters of water into it? It is the largest Australian bird. It is white with black wings. It’s got a very long pink bill. It’s got brown eyes with white rings around. It eats fish, sea animals and even ducklings and sea-gulls. It’s clumsy but it can climb the trees very well. It lives about 17 years.
Kookaburra They have got a big head and a short neck. They have got long and strong beaks. They live in hollows of trees. They have got a brown back, wings and a tail. They have got a white breast with grey waves. They eat insects, small mammals, reptiles and little birds. Australians like kookaburra because they eat poison snakes. Did you know that … ~a kookaburra can laugh like a man? ~ it can copy different sounds?
Bearded Dragon Did you know that… ~avocado, rhubarb and broccoli can kill bearded dragons? ~also they cannot eat citrus fruits, spinach and bananas ? It eats leafy greens vegetables, fruit, insects and worms. Its head has got spiny scales arranged in rows and clusters. It can change its colour like a chameleon. It makes good pets for children. This lizard lives in the arid, rocky, semi-desert regions and dry open woodlands. It lives about 15 years.
How well do know Australian Animals? 1 . It can’t fly but it can run very fast. / Emu / 2. It is red and grey with big ears and big black eyes. / Kangaroo / 3. It’s got a bag on its bill which can take up to 12 liters of water into it. / Pelican/ 4. It has got black fur with a white spot on its chest. Its teeth are sharp. Its teeth are sharp. / Tasmanian devil/
5 . It is an egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed mammal. / Platypus/ 6. It lives for nearly 30 years. / Emu/ 7. It eats fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. / Crocodile/ 8. It has got eyes and nostrils on the top part of the head. / Crocodile/ 9 . It can kick to kill a man. / Kangaroo/ 10. It’s got a very long pink bill. / Pelican/
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