Тренировочные упражнения
тест по английскому языку

Кузенкова Ольга Анатольевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Глагол     to be- быть, являться (*неправильный глагол)

1 форма

2 форма

3 форма




  1. как самостоятельный глагол- быть являться (употребляется в английском предложении, в котором нет глагола, например: Мое платье красное — My dress is red)

3 Времени


Past- прошедшее






Shall be

I am (was, shall be) 20





Will be

He is(was, will be) handsome

She is(was, will be) a doctor

It is (was, will be)warm






You are (were,will be) a student

We are (were,will be)ill tomorrow

They are (were,will be) together soon

  1. в устойчивых выражениях, например to be in the clouds – витать в облаках- He wasn't practical at all, he is always  in the clouds 
  2. как вспомогательный глагол, например для образования времени: I am reading now-  я читаю сейчас

!!!! НЕ требует вспомогательного глагола (do,  does) для образования  - и ? предложений    Is he a student? He is not (isn't) a student


Глагол     to have – иметь(*неправильный глагол)

1 форма

2 форма

3 форма




  1. как самостоятельный глагол- во фразе У меня есть (Я имею) , например: I have a cat.

3 времени


Past- прошедшее


- ? нужен вспомогательный глагол

(do, does, did)




Shall have

Do you have a mother? No, I do not have a mother, I have an only  father. 

  1. Does he have a cat? Yes, he does.
  2. Did you have a stomachache yesterday? Yes, I did.




Will have





2. в устойчивых выражениях, например to have one's ear open – держать ухо востро -She lied to me once, now I have my ear open

3. как вспомогательный глагол, например для образования времени в форме Perfect ? Например, I have opened the door.

Глагол     to do– делать(*неправильный глагол)

1 форма

2 форма

3 форма




  1. как самостоятельный глагол- делать , например: Я делаю уроки каждый вечер — I do homework every evening

3 Времени


Past- прошедшее


- ? нужен вспомогательный глагол

(do, does, did)




Shall do

Do you do  h/w every day? Yes, I do




Will do





  1. в устойчивых выражениях, например to do harm – причинять вред- He does harm always  
  2. как вспомогательный глагол, например для образования отрицательного и вопросительного предложений. :  You don't understand me.  He doesn't love me. They didn't help him.

Предварительный просмотр:

Conditionals. Упражнения на все виды условных предложений (повторение)

Упражнение 1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предложения выражали реальное условие.

1. If I (see) John, I’ll tell him your news. 2. He (be) very pleased if it (be) really true. 3. If you (go) to town on Monday, you (meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (need) help, my father (help) you. 5. We (have) a picnic lunch if the day (be) fine. 6. If you (ask) a policeman, he (tell) you the way. 7. I (finish) the job tomorrow if I (can). 8. I (not/take) an umbrella if (not/rain). 9. If they (catch) the bus now, they (arrive) at half past nine. 10. He (find) the answers if he (look) in the keys. 11. If he (write) to her, she (answer) at once. 12. He (lose) weight if he (stop) eating too much. 13. If she (be) patient, I (try) to explain. 14. If we (leave) at once, we (catch) the early train. 15. If she (drink) this medicine, she (feel) much better.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки таким образом, чтобы предложения выражали: а) реальное условие; b) нереальное условие.

1. If I (know), I (tell) you. 2. If she (want) to talk, she (ring up). 3. If he (have) enough money, he (buy) a large house. 4. She (feel) lonely if Peter (go) away. 5. We (be) pleased to see you if you (arrive). 6. If we (can) come on Sunday, we (come). 7. I (understand) Mr Smith if he (speak) slowly. 8. We (not/go) by ship unless there (be) no other way.

Упражнение 3. Выберите наиболее подходящие типы условных предложений и раскройте скобки.

1. If it (rain), I won’t go out. 2. You would learn more if you (study) sometimes. 3. If he (ask) me, I would have told him the answer. 4. You would have done well if you (take) my advice. 5. I wouldn’t phone you here unless it (be) urgent. 6. She’ll catch cold, if her feet (get) wet in this weather. 7. Unless you apologize at once, I never (speak) to you again. 8. If we (have) nothing to do, life would be boring.

Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения, найдя соответствие между левой и правой колонками.

1. If I go on a diet

a. we’ll make a snowman.

2. If it’s sunny tomorrow

b. I’ll buy you some sweets.

3. If John doesn’t hurry

с she’ll have to take a taxi.

4. If it snows

d. I’ll lose weight.

5. If there are no buses

e. he’ll be late.

6. If you are a good girl

f. we’ll go for a picnic.

Упражнение 5. Закончите предложения.

  1. If I had enough money ….
  2. If it doesn’t rain soon … .
  3. I’ll stay at home if … .
  4. I wouldn’t have come to the theatre on time if …
  5. If I left home for work earlier ….
  6. If I won a prize … .
  7. If I were a king … .
  8. If I told my parents the truth ….
  9. If I were you ….
  10. If I were rich ….

Упражнение 6. Отметьте предложения, в которых допущены ошибки.

I.  a) What would you study when you went to college next year?
    b) What will you study if you go to the college next year?

II.  a) What will you be when you grow up?
     b) What you be if you grow up?

III. a) If she hadn’t broken the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for it.
     b) If she hasn’t broken the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for it.

IV.  a) I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
      b) I wouldn’t do that if I was you.

V.a) My mother will blame me if she knew.
   b) My mother will blame me if she knows.

 Упражнение 7.  Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

1. If I see him, I (tell) him the news. 2. The table will break if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all the cakes, he will be ill. 4. If I find уour book, I (let) you know. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. 6. If he (read) late at night, he is sleepy in the morning. 7. If he (need) a pen, he can borrow mine. 8. Your car (be stolen) if you left it unlocked. 9. The teacher will get angry if you (make) many mistakes. 10. She will be furious if she (hear) this. 11. If you boil some water, I (make) tea. 12. If you leave your bag here, it (be lost). 13. You’ll miss the bus if you (not/leave) at once. 14. If you come late, they (not/let) you in.

Упражнение 8.  Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

1. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) to keep it? 2. If I had a player typewriter, I (listen) to music. 3. If I (know) her address, I’d write a letter to her. 4. If he worked slowly, he (not/make) so many mistakes. 5. I could tell you the truth if I (know). 6. He might get fat if he (not/stop) eating much. 7. I (have) a car if I could afford it. 8. What would you do if you (get) stuck between two floors? 9. If he (know) that it was dangerous he wouldn’t come. 10. If I (win) a big money prize, I’d give up my job.

Упражнение 9.  Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

  1. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
  2. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not/see) it with my own eye.
  3. If you had told me that beforehand, I (find) some money for you.
  4. If he had asked you, you (answer)?
  5. If I (have) a book, I wouldn’t have been bored.
  6. If you (speak) slowly, he might have understood you.
  7. I (take) a taxi if I had understood that it was too late.
  8. If I (be) ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.
  9. She had a headache, otherwise she (come).
  10. If my mother (know) about the party, she would have baked a cake.
  11. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.
  12. If I were you, I (not/buy) such expensive things.
  13. If I (live) in the country, I (have) a dog.
  14. What you (do) if someone gave you a million pounds?
  15. If I (be) you, I (look) for another job.

But for – если бы не

  1. But for the rain we (reach) the station on time.
  2. But for the weather I (enjoy) my holidays.
  3. But for the mosquitoes I (sleep) well.

Упражнение 10.  Объедините предложения по образцу.

Образец.   I’ll pass this exam. I’ll go to the university. =

If I pass this exam, I’ll go to the university.

  1. He can find a cheap flat. He’ll stay here for two more weeks.
  2. They don’t speak English, so his English doesn’t improve.
  3. The baby is a girl. They’ll call her Ann.
  4. He doesn’t work overtime. He doesn’t earn much.
  5. He didn’t help me. I didn’t do my work on time.
  6. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
  7. We didn’t visit the museum because we had no time.
  8. You will come late. You need to a taxi.
  9. The shop is closed. I can’t buy milk for supper.

 Упражнение 11.  Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной форме.


Laura (live) in a big city. If she (live) in the country, she (have) a dog. Laura (share) a flat with three other girls. But if it (be) possible, she (live) on her own. If she (live) in the country, she (buy) a little cottage, and she (grow) her own flowers and vegetables. In town, she (travel) by underground and (go) shopping in big department stores, but she (not/like) this at all. If she (be) in the country, she (ride) her bike, and she (buy) things in the little village shop. She (love) walking and often (go) for a walk in town, but the streets are noisy. In the country, she (walk) across the fields with her dog.

Упражнение 12.  Переведите на английский

  1. Если увидишь Тома, попроси его позвонить мне. 2. Я бы получил эту работу, если бы у меня было образование (had a degree). 3. Если бы у меня была машина, я бы не опоздал на поезд. 4. Если бы он знал, что ты вчера был дома, он бы зашел. 5. Будь я на твоем месте, я бы стал просить ее помочь.

Упражнение 13.  Переведите на английский язык. Обозначьте (RC – реальное условие, UC – нереальное условие)

  1. Я куплю хлеб, если магазин все еще будет открыт.
  2. На твоем месте я бы последовал совету родителей. (follow)
  3. Если ты звонишь по телефону после 8 вечера, это дешевле.
  4. Если мы приедем рано, будет не трудно купить билеты на концерт.
  5. Если бы у меня было 5 тысяч евро, я бы отправился на Гаити (Haiti).
  6. Если бы мне не нужно было идти, я бы с удовольствием поболтал с тобой.
  7. Тебе следует заняться чем-то новым, если тебе скучно.
  8. Этот пирог был бы вкуснее, если бы ты добавил больше сахара.
  9. Если бы у меня было больше друзей, я был бы счастливее.
  10. Если мы пойдем куда –нибудь поесть (go out for a meal) , давай пойдем в ресторан.
  11. Растение засыхает,  если ты не поливаешь его.
  12. Если я сплю мало ночью, я засыпаю на уроках. (feel sleepy)

Предварительный просмотр:

Косвенная речь

Упражнение 1. Example “I work hard,” Jillian said.  — Jillian said that he worked hard.

  1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.
  2. “I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said.
  3. “You may take my textbook,” Nonna said.
  4. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.
  5. “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.
  6. “My sister is ready to go” Helen said.
  7. “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
  8. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.

Упражнение 2.  

Example 1: I have already finished the test. -> He said he had already finished the test.

  1. We have gone on holiday.
  2. Nelly can’t write; she has cut her finger.
  3. The Ivanovs have travelled to many places.
  4. Sam has already learnt the poem.
  5. My sister has broken my pencil.
  6. My dad has never travelled by plane.
  7. Andrew has lost his keys.
  8. Jill has never slept in a tent.

Example 2:  The party finished late. —> He said (that) the party had finished late.

  1. They lived in a camp when they were on holiday.
  2. My brother got up early this morning.
  3. Li was a famous sportsman.
  4. The couple agreed to meet at six.
  5. Yesterday, I saw Mary in the street.
  6. Sammy arrived by train.
  7. Nicky went home early yesterday.
  8. The kids played tennis in the yard.

Example 3: I’ll meet them at school. —> He said he would meet them at school.

  1. The match will take place next week.
  2. This work will take little time.
  3. My parents will come at 3.
  4. Mike will do this exercise later.
  5. My friend won’t be able to come.
  6. They’ll build a new hotel here.
  7. It will rain tomorrow.
  8. Sandy won’t be able to come.

Упражнение 3. Example: I haven’t seen you for a long time.—> He told me that he hadn’t seen me for a long time.

  1. I was away from school because I was ill.
  2. I phoned you many times but you were out.
  3. Some of the schoolmates came to see me.
  4. I had a cold and stayed in bed.
  5. I watched TV.
  6. I’ll come to school next week.
  7. I’ll be better I hope.
  8. The doctor has given me many pills.

Упражнение 4. Example: He said the meeting had finished. —> The meeting has finished.

  1. He said that his bus hadn’t come in time the day beforе.
  2. The boys said they would go to the football match.
  3. He said their team hadn’t won the last game.
  4. Molly said that she had gone to the library after school.
  5. Liz said that she would go home early.
  6. Wе said that we hadn’t made any plans yet.

Упражнение 5. Example: Do you sleep well? — The doctor asked me if I slept well.

  1. Is anything wrong with you?
  2. Do you sometimes have headaches?
  3. Are you taking any medicine now?
  4. Do you spend much time out- of-doors?
  5. Do you do sports?
  6. Have you a good appetite?
  7. Do you usually go to bed late?
  8. Will you follow my advice?

Упражнение 6. Еxample: How long have you studied at this school? — He asked me how long I had studied at that school.

  1. What do you like about your school?
  2. What school activity did you have last?
  3. What good habits have you formed at school?
  4. What is your favorite subject?
  5. What is more important for you at school?
  6. How often do you go on school trips?
  7. What is your school record?

Упражнение 7. Example: Are you glad to be back? — He asked me if I was glad to be back.

  1. How are you?
  2. How long have you been away?
  3. Are you going away again?
  4. What will you do in future?
  5. Why did you come back?
  6. What are you doing now?
  7. Have you made new friends?
  8. Where are you living now?

Упражнение 8. Example: Are you English? — She asked him if he was English.

  1. Can Molly speak English?
  2. What impressed you most in England?
  3. When did Rick come home yesterday?
  4. Does Megan like travelling?
  5. Will you come to my place on Friday?
  6. Is it your second visit to England?
  7. Why have you come to scotland?
  8. Will Molly stay at the hotel long?

Упражнение 9. Example: “Who is he?” she asked. — She asked who he was.

  1. Why is she working so late?” he asked.
  2. “Is she British?” he asked.
  3. “What’s her name?” he asked.
  4. “What did she buy?” he asked.
  5. “Will you have something to eat?” she asked.
  6. “Have they got any money?” she asked.
  7. “How did you do that?” she asked.

Упражнение 10.Example: Feed the cat.  -She told me to feed the cat.

  1. Come home straight after school.
  2. Warm up your dinner.
  3. Wash up the dishes after the dinner.
  4. Buy bread, milk and sugar.
  5. Take the dog for a walk.
  6. Clean your room.

Упражнение 11. Example:Don’t be late for the lesson. — She told us not to be late for the lesson

  1. Don’t stay outside after the bell comes.
  2. Don’t run along the corridor.
  3. Don’t make noise.
  4. Don’t look into your neighbor’s exercise-book.
  5. Don’t lie on your desk.

Предварительный просмотр:

wait for the bus every day. Present Simple
waited for the bus yesterday. Past Simple
Maybe I 
will wait for the bus tomorrow. Future Simple
am waiting for the bus at the moment. Present Continuous

was waiting for the bus when you called. Past Continuous
will be waiting for the bus again this time tomorrow. Future Continuous
have waited for the bus many times in my life. Present Perfect
had waited for the bus before I took a taxi. Past Perfect

If the bus doesn’t come, I will have waited for the bus for no reason. Future Perfect
have been waiting for the bus since 9 o’clock. Present Perfect Continuous
had been waiting for the bus for an hour when it finally arrived. Past Perfect Continuous
By 10 o’clock, I 
will have been waiting for the bus for 45 minutes. Future Perfect Continuous

Have you decided to take the train? No, I’m going to take the bus. ‘Going to’ Future


В реальной разговорной и письменной речи сами носители языка используют семь из 12 английских времен, это:

  • Present Simple
  • Past Simple
  • Future Simple
  • Present Continuous
  • Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect
  • Present Perfect Continuous

Пример # 2

She visits London once a year. Present Simple
is currently visiting London. Present Continuous
has visited London several times in the past. Present Perfect
has been visiting London since Monday. Present Perfect Continuous

She visited London 3 years ago. Past Simple
was visiting London when she met him. Past Continuous
had visited London once before she moved to England. Past Perfect
had been visiting London for a few days when she had to return home. Past Perfect Continuous

She will probably visit London next year. Future Simple
will be visiting London this time next year. Future Continuous
will have visited London 6 times by the end of this year. Future Perfect
By tomorrow morning, she 
will have been visiting London for five days. Future Perfect Continuous

Has she arranged her day trip tomorrow? Yes, she is visiting London with the guide. Present Continuous
Has she decide where to go next year? Yes, she 
is going to visit London again. ‘Going to’ Future

Упражнения на все времена

Упражнение # 2

Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.

1. At two o’clock I (go) to the supermarket,
2. I (drive) my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
3. Tomorrow I (eat) sushi.
4. I (be) to Italy.
5. I (drive) home from work every day.

6. He (have) trouble finishing the project.
7. When .. you (arrive) home yesterday?
8. (Have) you (have) your dinner jet?
9. This restaurant (become) very popular.
10. Doctors (discover) cures for many diseases.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2

Упражнение # 3

В каком времени указаны предложения?

1. I drive home from work every day.
2. What did you eat for dinner?
3. I’m driving from work.
4. My brother lives in Chicago.
5. I have never been to space.

6. We’re having a great time on vacation.
7. I’m thinking about taking a trip around the world.
8. I have travelled the world.
9. He will have been eating his pizza.
10. I was recording a class for Youtube when you called.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3

Упражнение # 4

Найдите ошибки

A) I have travelling the world.
B) This bike cost $50.
C) I am is Australian.
D) Man has been to the Moon.
E) I have been run.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4

Упражнение # 5

В каком времени написаны эти предложения?

1. Kate has met the President.
2. What are you doing now?
3. The sky is blue.
4. I watch the TV.
5. How many hours do you work a week?
6. He has worked here for 5 years.
7. We have been in a realtionship for three months.
8. I’m going to call Kate after lunch.
9. She has already written 40 books.
10. Mother will bath the baby in a smal tub.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 5

Упражнение # 6

Проспрягайте предложение: David closes the door.

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