Презентация "Самопрезентация"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Зимина Ирина Валерьевна

Презентация о себе, увлечениях и семье


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Слайд 1

Presentation on the discipline “ English language” Выполнил студент Анютин Д.р. Проверил преподаватель Зимина И.В.

Слайд 2

Biography: I was born on December 17, 2002, in the village of Proletarsky , Shilov region. a few years later, my parents and I moved to Kasimov. When I arrived here, I entered the Akhmatova village school, where I finished 9 classes. Also, by the way, the main school, I finished additional education at the music school for 3 years of guitar training and then applied for admission to the Kasimov oil and gas College for the specialty of oil and gas processing and now I am in the second year.

Слайд 3

My family There are 3 people in my family, mum , dad, and me. I am Danila Ruslanovich Anyutin, Ekaterina Sergeevna Anyutin's mum , and Ruslan Nikolaevich enyutin's dad . My parents both have higher education in forestry, but since forest professions are not in demand now and due to moving to the city of Kasimov , my parents work in a bakery. In addition to my parents in the family, there are a lot of relatives, my grandmother, grandfather, my cousins, aunts and uncles, all of them can not be listed, I have a very large family.

Слайд 4

My hobby I have many different Hobbies. I am fond of music, I like to take pictures, I like outdoor sports, such as football, hockey, table tennis. But, most of all, I love to make music. I have 2 musical instruments in my house, a guitar, and an electric guitar, which I play every day. In winter, I like to skate and play hockey, we gather in the village on the pond and play it. Photography is my second main hobby , I love photography: animals, birds, forest. So same what the time walking in section Boxing, roughly, gender year, even traveled on a competition in Spas- Klepiki and took there are 2 places in his weight 47kg. And then, had to throw section, to academic performance in school not “fell”"

Слайд 5

In my biography, there are a lot of interesting things and you can not describe everything, but in conclusion, I would like to say about my future plans. I plan to finish this College, get a diploma and find a good paid job, spend more time with my family and still would like to go or fly abroad, I have never been there, but I hope to visit it at least once, you can say this is my dream... Thanks for watching