урок-повторение "Бал Мухи Цокотухи"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Удод Екатерина Владимировна

Заключительный урок-повторение по теме "Животные" для 5 класса. Может быть использован как внеклассное мероприятие.


Microsoft Office document icon fly_tsokatuha_ball.doc27 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

                                              Fly-Tsokotuha’s Ball


Teacher 1: Attention, attention, boys and girls. Today you are invited to Fly- Tsokotuha’s Ball. On this unusual day you shouldn’t show your beautiful clothes, but your brilliant knowledge. For each correct answer you get a spot. It is a black spot to stick on your ladybirds.  

Teacher 2: Our class is divided in two teams. The first team is --- . The name of the second team is -----. Let’s go! Fly-Tsokotuha is waiting for us!

Task 1

Teacher 1: Here we come! Oh! Can you hear the sounds of our guests? Let’s guess what they are. (sounds of  insects)

Teacher 2: But look! The hungry spider has caught some of our guests. Let’s help and free them. (pictures)

You are well done! The guests are saved! Fly-Tsokotuha is pleased!

Task 2

Teacher 1:  Fly-Tsokotuha’s Ball is an impotent event in the insect’s life. What do you know about them? Answer the dragonfly’s questions.

1) How many insects are there in the world?

2) Where do they live?

3) Why are insects important?

4) What can bees do?

5) Can beetles fly?

6) What can grasshoppers do?

Teacher 2: The dragonfly flies away but a new guest’s coming. It’s a bee. Dance with it!

  • fly as a butterfly;
  • jump as a grasshopper;
  • run as a cockroach;  
  • buzz as a bee; (music)

Teacher 1: Well done! You are great dancers!

Task 3

Teacher 2: Can you fly as some of the insects? (No, I can’t) Can a bee fly? (Yes, it can) Why? (It has got 2 wings) What insects’ parts of the body do you know? (pupils’ answers)

(the sound of crash)

Teacher 1: What’s the matter? Oh! Our bee has a broken leg. Call Dr Doolittle as soon as you can! Act out the dialogue “A visit to Dr Doolittle”.

Teacher 2: Everyone from everywhere

Will receive Dr Doolittle’s Aid and care. And you receive spots.

Task 4

Teacher 1:

We are healthy and can continue our ball. Ants have lost their way to home. Please, help them to find the path and put the words in the correct order.

(children do the task)

Thank you for your help! Ants are safe and sound!

Task 5

Teacher 2: Dear friends!  Fly-Tsokotuha asks for a favour. We should find some of the insects. Imagine, you are the garden detective. Choose the picture and describe it.

Fly-Tsokotuha thanks us and say good bye!

Task 6

Teacher 2: Today, we visited the ball full of different insects. Let’s write a short poem about them.


Read your poems.


Teacher 1: It’s time to count your spots.

Teacher 2: Any ball is funny where everybody smiles. Look at our ladybirds! They are smiling too!

Teacher 1: Clap your hands!

Teacher 2: Thanks a lot!





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