Упражнения на отработку Present Continuous
тренажёр по английскому языку

Маннова Елена Алексеевна

В данной разработке представлен комплекс упражнений  по Present Continuous от простого к сложному


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Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения на отработку Present Continuous

  1. Open the brackets in positive sentences (10 sentences)
  1. I (go) to school now.
  2. My friend  (listen) to music at the moment.
  3. Our teacher and we (watch) an interesting film now.
  4. They (clean) their teeth now.
  5. Look! Tom and Tim (play) football and Kate and Mary (play) badminton in the park.
  6. My parents (swim) in the poll now.
  7. My sister (always/scratch) nose when she (read) a newspaper.
  8. You (nod) your head at the moment.
  9. Listen! Your mother (play) the piano.
  10. She (write) a letter now.

  1. Open the brackets in negative sentences (10 sentences)
  1. I (not/ride) a bike now.
  2. My friend  (not/listen) to pop music at the moment.
  3. We (not/go) to the cinema now.
  4. They (not/clean) their teeth at the moment.
  5. Look! Tom and Tim (not/play) baseball and Kate and Mary (not/jump)  in the park.
  6. My parents (not/swim) in the poll now.
  7. My sister (not/drink) a cup of tea  when she (read) a newspaper.
  8. You (not/smile) at the moment.
  9. Listen! Your mother (not/snore) when she sleeps.
  10. She ( not/write) a story now.

  1. Put the words into correct order to make a sentence (10 sentences)
  1. I now a not bike am riding.
  2. moment My is friend to listening not pop at music the.
  3. We going are the to cinema now.
  4. they their cleaning teeth the at moment Are?
  5. The  playing are baseball students in park the.
  6. My are now teachers not writing.
  7. My sister drinking  a is cup tea  of at moment the.
  8. Why the not you moment smiling at?
  9. Look! mother is  You a sandwich making .
  10. We  a now story telling are


  1. Put the verbs “be”  into the gaps in a correct form (10 sentences)
  1. I_____ playing with my cat now.
  2. You ___ drinking tea when your mum _____reading a newspaper.
  3. He _____fishing.
  4. She ________wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
  5. The puppy ________playing with its tail.
  6. We ____cooking pancakes at the moment.
  7. You ______painting your fence these days.
  8. They _____listening to music in their bedroom.
  9. The animals ____eating at 5 o’clock in the zoo.
  10. Children ________sleeping now.

  1. Rewrite the sentences in Present Continuous tense (10 sentences)
  1. I go to school every day.
  2. There I have lessons.
  3. After school I go home.
  4. I do my homework.
  5. Then I listen to music when I have lunch.
  6. I and my mum cook dinner.
  7. After dinner my parents  watch TV and I go for a walk.
  8. I read the story in my bed.
  9. I surf the net.
  10. I sleep.

  1. Correct the sentences (10 sentences)
  1. My friend  are go to the supermarket now.
  2. I  is preparing my English test these days.
  3. We are swim in the swimming pool at this moment.
  4. My father am not fixing his car.
  5. Do they playing table tennis at school now?
  6. Why are she crying?
  7. The painter not drawing the portraits.
  8. The parrot flying in my flat.
  9. Am I ride a bike now?
  10. My friend isn’t dance.


  1. Insert auxiliary verb in general questions  (10 sentences)

  1.    ________you going to school now.?
  2. ______my friend  listening  to music at the moment?
  3. ______our teacher and we watching an interesting film this lesson?
  4. _____they cleaning their teeth today?
  5. ______Tom and Tim playing football  all day in the park?
  6. ______my parents reading comics now?
  7. ________my sister scratching her nose when she reads a newspaper?
  8. _______you nodding  your head at the moment?
  9. ______your mother making a sandwich?
  10. ______she writing  a letter now?

  1. Match the questions to the answers (10 sentences)
  1. Are you going to the library now?                                   a)No, he isn’t.
  2. Is your mother writing a story these days?                     b)No, she isn’t.
  3. Are your friends riding a car?                                          c) Yes, the boys are.
  4. Is your father flying a kite at the moment?                       d) No, she isn’t.
  5. Are we having fun today?                                               e)No, it isn’t.
  6. Is your cat swimming in the river?                                   f) Yes, he is.
  7. Are the boys climbing a tree?                                          g) No, she isn’t
  8. Is your sister tiding your room?                                      h) Yes, they are.
  9. Is your teacher speaking English?                                        i) No, we aren’t.
  10. Is your aunt drinking coffee today ?                                  j)   Yes, I am

  1. Answer the general questions giving short answers (10 sentences)
  1. Is the elephant eating bananas now ?    
  2. Are you picking flowers at the moment?
  3. Is your mother snoring now?
  4. Are your teacher smiling when you laugh?
  5. Is a baby crying when he wants to eat?
  6. Is your dog flying?
  7. Are the children sleeping at 9 o’clock?
  8. Are your parents working all week?
  9. Is your brother studying  English this year?
  10. Are your grandparents working in the garden all summer?

  1. Make a special question with a given question word (10 sentences)
  1. _________are you reading now?
  2. _____are they crying all day?
  3. ______cake is your sister cooking this morning?
  4. _______is he playing cricket?
  5. ______are your friend drawing on our fence?
  6. ______are you planning to travel around the world?
  7. ______is reading  in your bedroom?
  8. _______aren’t you doing your homework?
  9. _____is your father doing in the garage?
  10. ________is your teacher laughing?

  1. Make a special question to the underlined word (10 sentences)
  1. I am going to the museum now.
  2. Tom isn’t swimming in the river at the moment.
  3. We are watering the flowers all morning today.
  4. They are building these houses now.
  5. Bella is flying the kite at the moment.
  6. Jo and Jake aren’t jumping high because they can’t jump.
  7. The people are smiling.
  8. I am counting apples.
  9. My classmates are having fun in the classroom.
  10. A fish is swimming in the pond.
  1. Make 5 questions to the sentence (general, special, alternative, tail question, a question to the subject) – 5 sentences
  1. We are looking at the sky.
  2. They are surfing the net at this moment.
  3. His cat is drinking milk.
  4. The monkeys are eating bananas.
  5. Our baby is watching cartoons.
  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English (10 sentences)
  1. Я читаю интересную книгу сейчас.
  2. Мама не смотрит телевизор в данный момент
  3. Ты работаешь в саду целый день?
  4. Что ты сейчас делаешь?
  5. Почему твой ребенок сейчас плачет?
  6. Мы сейчас пьем чай с пирожными
  7. Они катаются на велосипедах все утро
  8. Мы не поем сейчас а мы танцуем сейчас
  9. Что ты ищешь в шкафу?
  10. Я фотографирую жирафа.
  1. Open the brackets using a correct tense (10 sentences)
  1. My brother ( go) to school every day but today he go to the theatre
  2. I (not/ play) the guitar now
  3. What his uncle (do) when we talk with you?
  4. He( travel) this month.
  5. We (not/ fly) because we miss our plane
  6. Your father (drink) coffee today in the morning
  7. Look! Your cat( not/ sleep).
  8. Listen! my grandpa (play) the flute
  9. We (cook) a pizza now
  10. The day (get) longer and longer


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