Презентация у уроку "You are only a teenager once"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Идрисова Алина Рафисовна

Презентация у уроку "You are only a teenager once"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2


Слайд 3

You are only a teenager once school problems hopes fears priorities youth

Слайд 4

Answer the questions: 1. Can you imagine yourself in ten years’ time? What will your professional career and your family life be like? 2. On a scale of one to ten how many points would you give yourself as a friend? Why? 3. What are your strong and weak points? 4. What are your priorities now? 5. What features do you appreciate in people in general? 6. What is the greatest dream you have?

Слайд 5

Test yourself Yes No 1. Sometimes anger makes you do things you wouldn’t do otherwise. 2. If someone cheats you, you never let him get away with it. 3. When someone smokes illegally in a theatre or train, you usually see to it that they are stopped. 4. You have never broken the law of your country. 5. Usually you have a tendency to avoid people who don’t like you. 6. You sometimes read comics, detective stories or other lowbrow writing with enjoyment. 7. You don’t have a tendency to like people simply because they like you. 8. When people are less fortunate than yourself, you usually do something to help them. 9. Being interested in literature, you manage to read most of the good books published each year.

Слайд 6

Test yourself Yes No 10. You have a tendency to dislike a person when the person dislikes you. 11. Sometimes you feel a bit blue or depressed. 12. You have at least some idea of the meaning of t he word pretoratory. 13. On occasion you have seized a choice tit-bit at dinner although you knew somebody else might have wanted it. 14. At times you pretend to know more than you do. 15. When going to the movies with friends, you sometimes want them to attend a picture you prefer rather than one which they prefer.

Слайд 7

Thank you for a good job!!! Bye-bye!!!

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