Tongue Twisters
тренажёр по английскому языку

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Tongue twisters


1.   [b], [t]   Betty Botter bought some butter.

                    But she said: “My butter’s bitter.

                    If I put in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.

                    If I buy some better butter, it will make my batter better”.

                    So she bought some better butter,

                    And it made her batter better.

2.   [k], [ɒ]   A cup of coffee hot

                     In a proper copper coffee-pot.

3.   [g]   Golf is a game of grandfathers.

4.   [ʤ]   John, put the orange juice into the fridge.

5.   [h]   Helen’s husband hates hot tea.

6.   [ʧ]   Most French children like cheese.

7.   [h]   How many hands has a boy, say?

              How many hands for work and play?

8.   [l]   Have you ever, ever, ever in your long-legged life

             Seen a long-legged sailor and his long-legged wife?

9.   [m]   Many mumbling mice are making midnight music in the moonlight.

               Mighty nice!

10.   [ŋ]   It was a long and boring evening,

                And I sat looking at the ceiling.

11.   [ŋ]   To know everything is to know nothing.

12.   [p]   Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

                A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

                If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

                Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

13.   [r]   We gathered ripe red raspberries along the river road.

14.   [r]   Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around,

               A round roll around Robert Rolly rolled.

               If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around,

               Where’s the round roll that Robert Rolly rolled?

15.   [r]   A foreign accent is a very great drawback.

16.   [s], [ʃ]   She sells seashells on the seashore.

                     If she sells seashells on the seashore,

                     Where are the shells that she sells on the seashore?

17.   [ʃ], [s]   Sharp sharkskin shoes. (3 times)

18.   [ʒ]   Drink with pleasure, eat with measure.

19.   [t]   Tell Tom to come to ten tomorrow.

20.   [s], [Ɵ]   I can think of six thin sticks and six thick sticks.

21.   [ð], [Ɵ], [f]   This fish has a thin fin and that fish has a thick fin.

                              This fish has a thinner fin than that fish.

 22.   [tl]   One little, two little, three little Indians,

                 Four little, five little, six little Indians,

                 Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

                 Ten little Indian boys.

23.   [tr]   Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

24.   [w]   William was not very willing to wait.

25.   [v], [w]   Very well, well very.

26.   [w], [s], [ʧ]   Which is this switch? Which switch is which?

27.   [w], [ʧ]   How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,

                        If a woodchuck would chuck wood?

28.   [w], [ð]   We wonder whether the wether will weather the weather,

                       Or whether the weather the wether will kill.


29.   [æ] A black cat sat on a mat

               And ate a fat rat.

30.   [æ]   Pussy cat, Pussy cat,

                 Will you catch that black fat rat?

                 If you catch that black fat rat,

                 I’ll give you meat for that.

31.   [ɑ:]   Where shall I park my car?

32.   [ɑ:]   I shan’t dance at the garden party at my aunt’s farm.

33.   [ɔ:]   All the four daughters of Mrs. Crawl are tall.

34.   [ɔ:]   The porter’s daughter caught a small tortoise.

35.   [i:], [ɪ]   Pete beats Bill at billiards.

36.   [i:]   A sailor went to sea

                To see what he could see.

                But all that he could see

                Was sea, sea, sea, sea, sea.

37.   [e]   The weather is getting better and better.

38.   [e]   Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.

39.   [ʊ]   Look, Mr. Cook! Your cookery book is next to your foot.

40.   [u:]   Soon the cool moon will shine on the gloomy pool.

41.   [u:]   Balloon, balloon, fly to the moon.

42.   [ɜ:]   Her work grows worse and worse.

43.   [ɜ:]   Nurse Turner is the worst nurse in the world.

44.   [ʌ]   You must come to supper with us

                And join in the fun.


45.   [ei]   An ape hates grape cakes.

46.   [ei]   Rain, rain, go away.

                 Come again another day!

47.   [ai]   Violet is typing ninety-nine rhymes now.

48.   [ɔi]   I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling Joy’s toy.

49.   [aʊ]   How have you found out about that row?

50.   [aʊ]   Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown, are you going downtown?

                   Can you stop and take me down? Thank you kindly, Mr. Brown.

51.   [aʊ]   There is a house in the yard, there is a house in the yard.

                   There is a mouse in the bedroom of the house in the yard.

52.   [aʊ]   Sound every vowel in the word ‘towel’.

53.   [eə]   Mary is upstairs, airing the room and dusting the chairs.

54.   [eə]   Clare has a toy fair bear to stare at.

55.   [ɪə]   The end of the pier is near, I fear.

56.   [ʊə]   I am sure that poor Murrel will soon be cured.

57.   [ʊə]   What can’t be cured must be endured.

58.   [aiə]   In his diary, Ryan admires the piece and quiet of the shires.

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