Урок английского языка по произведению Марка Твена " Приключения Тома Сойера"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6, 7 класс)
Данный конспект может использован на уроках при изучении темы "Известные люди" , "Мои любимые книги", а также во внеклассной работе по английскому языку. Наиболее актуален для учеников 6 - 7 классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №64
города Нижний Тагил
Урок английского языка по теме
(по произведению Марка Твена «Приключения Тома Сойера»)
Составитель: учитель английского языка 1 категории
Арбура Светлана Михайловна
Технологическая карта урока.
Учебный предмет: английский язык.
Класс: 7 «А».
Тема урока: « My friend is TOM SAWYER.»
(по произведению Марка Твена «Приключения Тома Сойера»)
Задачи урока:
-систематизация изученного лексического материала;
- совершенствование речевых навыков при изучении произведений выдающихся писателей англоязычных стран;
-развитие умений систематизировать, обобщать, давать характеристику
развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
-приобщение к культуре стран изучаемого языка
-формирование познавательного интереса;
-приобщение к общечеловеческим ценностям, воспитание личностных качеств (трудолюбие, доброта, уважение к себе, честность, смелость, доброта, чувство товарищества и взаимопомощи, внимательное отношение друг к другу
- восприятие и понимание учащимися такой ценности, как «дружба»
Формы работы учащихся: групповая, фронтальная
Оснащение урока:
компьютер, фото персонажей книги «Приключения Тома Сойера» , портрет Марка Твена, тексты из произведения «Приключения Тома Сойера», презентация Microsoft Power Point « Биография Марка Твена» , ладошки для рефлексии.
Ход урока :
1. Организационный этап . Приветствие. Звучит музыка в стиле кантри из фильма «Приключения Тома Сойера» ( СССР 1078)
Good afternoon, children. Today will travel in a wonderful world of American literature and
3.Сообщение учеников о писателе на английском и русском языке.
My dear friends!
Teacher: Our lesson is devoted to Mark Twain, a famous American writer. Some of his books are very popular with the children in our country, in other countries of the world and in America, of course. What books are these? Do you know? (показывает книги) Yes, you are right! Here are “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “Life on the Mississippi”. These books are great favourites not only with the boys and girls all over the world but also with grownup readers.
MARK TWAIN. ( 30.10.1835- 21.04.1910)
Mark Twain was an English writer.
Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, was born in 1835 in the small town of Hannibal on the Mississippi River. He was the son of a lawyer.
Little Samuel spent his childhood in his native town. He was a bright, lively boy. He went fishing and swimming to the river and he was the leader in all the boys’ games.
Samuel had a lot of friends at school. When he became a writer he described his life in his stories.
At the age of eleven, his father died. The boy had to leave school and look for work. He learned the profession of a printer. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for the town newspaper. Samuel wrote short humorous stories and printed them in the newspaper.
At the age of 20 he found a job on a ship traveling up and down the Mississippi. Here on a ship he “found” his pen-name “Mark Twain”.
The professions that he tried gave Mark Twain knowledge of life and people and helped him to find his true calling –a writer.
In 1876 he published “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and eight years later “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. Children all over the world now know these two novels.
He is the author of “The Prince and the Pauper”, “Life on the Mississippi”. These books are favorite not only with the boys and girls all over the world, but also with grownup readers.
Назовите главных персонажей книги. Дети называют Том Сойер, тётя Полли, индеец Джо, Гекельберри Финн, Бекки Тетчер. Учитель располагает картинки с изображением персонажей на доске.
Наш урок посвящен главному герою этой книги- Тому Соёеру. Кто он? Какой у него характер? Сегодня на уроке мы попробуем дать ответы на эти вопросы.
4.Инсценирование сцен из произведения “Том и тётя Полли” (на английском языке)
Домашнее задание для групп . Учащиеся смотрят эпизод и называют черты характера Тома Сойера в этом эпизоде. Ответы оформляются в виде ассоциативной диаграммы.
Listen please to my children they are today the heroes from the books by Mark Twain.
Scenes from the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
Scene 1
Aunt Polly: Tom! Tom! Where is that boy? Where are you, Tom?
Tom: Here I am.
Aunt Polly: Oh, you’ve been in that closet. What were you doing there?
Tom: Nothing.
Aunt Polly: Nothing! Look at your hands. (Tom looks at his hands.) And look at your mouth. What is that?
Tom: I don’t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It’s jam, that’s what it is. (Pointing to a switch on the floor) Hand me that switch!
Tom: Oh, look behind you, Aunt! Aunt Polly looks behind her. Tom runs away. Aunt stands surprised, then she breaks into a laugh and goes away.
Aunt Polly: What is to be done with that boy? He is my own dead sister’s boy, poor thing, and I haven’t got the heart to beat him.
Scene II
Aunt Polly: Tom! Tom! Where is that boy? Where are you, Tom?
Tom: Here I am.
Aunt Polly: Oh, you’ve been in that closet. What were you doing there?
Tom: Nothing.
Aunt Polly: Nothing! Look at your hands. (Tom looks at his hands.) And look at your mouth. What is that?
Tom: I don’t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It’s jam, that’s what it is. (Pointing to a switch on the floor) Hand me that switch!
Tom: Oh, look behind you, Aunt! Aunt Polly looks behind her. Tom runs away. Aunt stands surprised, then she breaks into a laugh and goes away.
Scene III
Sid runs away. A minute later Sid and Aunt Polly come in.
Sid: Oh, Aunt Polly, Tom is dying.
Aunt Polly: Dying?
Sid: Yes.
Aunt Polly: Tom, what has happened to you, my boy?
Tom: Oh, Auntie, look at my right hand! It is red and hot.
Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!
Tom stops groaning. He feels a little foolish.
Tom: Oh, Auntie, it so hot that I’ve forgotten about my tooth.
Aunt Polly: Your tooth! And what has happened to your tooth?
Tom: It’s loose and aches terribly.
Aunt Polly: Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.
Tom: Oh, please, Auntie, don’t pull it out. It’s all right now.
Sid brings the thread. Aunt Polly ties one end of the thread to Tom’s tooth and the other to the bed. Then she suddenly claps her hands before Tom’s face. Tom falls back. The tooth hands on the thread.
Tom: Oh! oh!( He covers his mouth with his hands.) Oh! My tooth was all right. But I didn’t want to go to school.
Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, so all this is because you don’t want to go to school! You want to go fishing. Tom, Tom, I love you so dearly, and you… Now get up quickly and get ready to go to school!
Работа с текстами
Учащимся предлагаются текст из адаптированного произведения и разноуровневые задания, в зависимости от уровня владения английским языком. 10 минут учащиеся работают со своим заданием, 5 минут обсуждают свои результаты и представляют.
1 группа “Tom and Huckelberry Finn. Curing warts.”
What traits of Tom’s character did you find in this episode? Prove your ideas. Use the text.
( сильные учащиеся)
Answer the questions (“Tom and Huckelberry Finn. Curing warts.”)
1) Why was Tom friends with Huck?
2) Where did Tom want to meet with Huck?
3) Was he afraid of going to the graveyard at midnight?
4) Did he believe that cats can cure warts?
5) What traits of character did Tom show in this episode?
( средние ученики)
Plan of the episode. “Tom and Huckelberry Finn. Curing warts.”
1. Tom stops to talk with Huck on his way to school.
2. Huck shows him a dead cat.
3. He tells Tom about curing warts.
4. He suggests Tom to go with him to the graveyard at midnight.
5. Tom agrees.
What traits of character are seen in this episode. Look at the words and choose.
- Can keep secrets
- Energetic
- Inventor
- Loves adventures
- Romantic
- Has a good sense of humour
- Clever
- Reliable
- Disobedient boy
- Loves freedom
- Resourceful находчивый
- Resolute Решительный
- Can overcome fear
- Wants to make friends
- Willingness to know something new
- Wants to help people
- brave
( слабые ученики)
2 группа: “Tom and Becky at the lesson”
What traits of Tom’s character did you find in this episode? Prove your ideas. Use the text.
(сильные ученики)
Answer the questions (“Tom and Becky at the lesson”)
1) Why did Tom tell the truth to the teacher?
2) Why did Tom like the girl?
3) What for did Tom give an apple to Becky?
4) How did Becky feel to Tom?
5) What traits of character did Tom show in this episode?
( средние ученики)
Plan of the episode. “Tom and Becky at the lesson”
1. Tom is late for the lesson.
2. Tom wants to sit next to a new school girl.
3. The teacher orders him to sit with Becky.
4. Tom gives Becky an apple.
5. She doesn’t take the present.
6. Tom draws a house and a man.
7. She smiles to a new friend.
8. The teacher seizes Tom by the ear and drags him back to the boys’ side.
What traits of character are seen in this episode. Look at the words and choose.
- Can keep secrets
- Energetic
- Inventor
- Loves adventures
- Romantic
- Has a good sense of humour
- Clever
- Reliable
- Disobedient boy
- Loves freedom
- Resourceful находчивый
- Resolute Решительный
- Can overcome fear
- Wants to make friends
- Willingness to know something new
- Wants to help people
- Brave
( слабые ученики)
3 группа: “In the cave”
What traits of Tom’s character did you find in this episode? Prove your ideas. Use the text.
( сильные ученики)
Answer the questions( “In the cave” )
1) Why was Becky in tears?
2)How does Tom behave in a difficult situation?
3) Was vhe careful about Becky?
4) Did he try to calm her down?
5) What traits of character did Tom show in this episode?
( средние ученики)
Plan of the episode. “In the cave”
1. Betty tells Tom that they are lost.
2. He persuades her to go further and she agrees.
3. They are tired. They stop to rest and Betsy falls asleep.
4. After a short rest they continue their way.
5. Becky is hungry and Tom shares a wedding cake with her.
6. He tells her that it is the last candle to light the way.
What traits of character are seen in this episode. Look at the words and choose.
- Can keep secrets
- Energetic
- Inventor
- Loves adventures
- Romantic
- Has a good sense of humour
- Clever
- Reliable
- Disobedient boy
- Loves freedom
- Resourceful находчивый
- Resolute Решительный
- Can overcome fear
- Wants to make friends
- Willingness to know something new
- Wants to help people
- brave
( слабые ученики)
7. Работа в группах. Самостоятельное обобщение - вывод о герое произведения – составление синквейна. От группы – 1 синквейн
Did you like our lesson?
Did you like heroes?
Would you like to have such faithful friends?
And now come up to the blackboard and fasten your palms to him.
Дети подходят к доске и протягивают “руку дружбы” Тому Сойеру.
8. Заключительное слово учителя
- Марк Твен, на мой взгляд, был одним из талантливых писателей позапрошлого столетия. Он оставил людям более 20 книг и огромное количество неопубликованных рукописей. “Я еще не знаком с XX веком. Я желаю ему удачи”, писал Твен. Знал ли он, что сам станет одной из величайших удач теперь уже не только XX, но и XXI века.
Героям М.Твена поставлен памятник, по его книгам сняты кинофильмы. А слова писателя: “Мир, счастье, братство людей – вот, что нужно нам на этом свете” – будут современны и своевременны. Думаю, вы все разделяете это мнение М.Твена, потому, что другого просто не может быть.
Домашнее задание Напишите небольшое сочинение на тему « Если бы у меня был такой друг как Том Сойер…»
The lesson is over. Bye! Bye!
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