Итоговая работа по английскому языку 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Работа может быть использована в конце 1 полугодия для подведения итогов по основным видам деятельности.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1.Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There is one extra choice you don’t need to use.
a) My sister likes to make friends. She is very _____.
b) ______ is a boxed meal.
c) Tom works at the supermarket from 8.00 till 12.00. He has a _____ work.
d) I like _____ skirt.
2.Match the words.
hard | assistant |
scrambled | dot |
sales | working |
polka | eggs |
3. Use the correct form of the word to complete the sentences
a) She ____(talk) to her friend at the moment.
b) Gogol ______(write) many plays.
c) John _____(finish) his work before his manager came.
d) Jurassic Park _____ (produce) ___Steven Spielberg.
4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
a) I have a sister. She is pretty / handsome.
b) She bought some medicine in butcher’s / chemist’s.
c) Jane often works night salary / shift.
d) This jacket doesn’t suit / fit you. It’s too small.
5. Choose the correct preposition.
a) This situation gets me over/down.
b) Policeman went without / after the killer.
c) My granny bring out / up me.
d) It’s too cold. Put off / on your sweater.
6. Write a short story. Use the plan.
- How many meals a day do you usually have?
- What is your favourite food?
- What do you usually have for lunch at school?
- Do you prefer fast food or homemade food? Why?
- What would you recommend for a teenager who wants to keep fit?
Preparation. Translate.
shop assistant
tour guide
1. Check your understanding: gap fill typing
Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the box.
1. Speaker A works as a _______________.
2. Speaker B works as a _______________.
3. Speaker C works as a _______________.
4. Speaker D works as a _______________.
5. Speaker E works as a _______________.
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice.
Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best answer for these questions.
1. Does speaker A enjoy his job? | Yes. Sometimes. No. |
2. When does speaker A work? | When he is at university. Weekends. Summer holidays. |
3. When does speaker B work? | Weekdays. Weekends and holidays. Summer holidays. |
4. What does speaker B say tourists love doing? | Visiting universities. Taking a boat trip. Swimming in the river. |
5. Does speaker C like his job? | Yes. Sometimes. No. |
6. What does speaker D say is difficult about being a pilot? | Travelling to many countries. Learning many languages. Flying planes in bad weather. |
7. What does speaker D say is the best thing about his job? | Visiting different places. Meeting different people. The different weather. |
8. What does speaker E not like about her job? | The doctors. The sick people. The uniform. |
Interview with Henry Smiles
He’s the most popular member of one of the most popular bands in the world. We met Two Direction’s Henry Smiles to find out why he has so many female fans.
- Let’s get the basic questions out of the way first, Henry. How old are you and where are you from?
- I was born in 1996 and I’m from Harrogate in the north of England. Now I live in London.
- What are your likes and dislikes?
- Well, I love music, of course, and sleeping and eating. And my dislikes? I don’t like it when I’m late for things.
- What are your favourite films?
- Spider-Man 2 and X-Men were pretty cool.
- Is there anything that you’d like to be able to do?
- I wish I could play the drums and the piano.
- You are famous for your great hair. Would you cut it or shave it off?
- Maybe I’d shave it off for charity, if I could raise a lot of money for doing it.
- Do you like social networking?
- Well, I don’t go on Facebook very much, but I do use Twitter a lot. It’s a good way to keep in touch with our fans.
- Now the more interesting questions! Have you got a girlfriend, Henry?
- No, not at the moment. I’m single!
- What kind of girls do you like?
- I like girls with a good sense of humour, who don’t take life too seriously. I also like being able to call someone in the middle of the night for a chat if I need to.
- Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
- Oh, I like both! If we can have a laugh and we get on well, I don't care what colour hair they have.
- Are you romantic when you’re in a relationship?
- I reckon I am. I’d do anything for love!
- Who did you have your first kiss with?
- My first kiss? Hmm, I can’t remember very clearly, but I think it was with a girl at school when I was about thirteen.
- Tell us a secret, Henry.
- I still get really nervous before a concert and have to drink herbal tea! Even today, after having done hundreds of concerts, my hands sweat and my heart beats really fast just before going on stage.
- 1. Check your understanding: multiple choice. Read, choose TRUE or FALSE
1. The interviewer asks the difficult questions first.
2. Henry thinks punctuality is important.
3. Henry is a fan of superheroes.
4. He would never cut or shave his hair.
5. Henry thinks Facebook is the best way to communicate with his fans.
6. Being able to share a joke is important to Henry when he is looking for a partner.
7. Henry thinks appearance is more important than personality when it comes to girlfriends.
8. Henry doesn't get nervous when he performs these days.
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the best option to complete these sentences.
1. Henry was born in ___. a.
a town in Scotland
b. London
c. a town in the north of England
2. Henry would like to ___.
a. play the drums and the piano
b. be able to sing
c. play the guitar
3. Henry uses ___ to communicate with his fans.
a. Facebook
b. Twitter
c. his blog
4. Henry wants a girlfriend who ___.
a. is passionate about life
b. can help him relax before a concert
c. doesn't mind being woken up in the night for a chat
5. Henry says his first kiss was ___.
a. really important to him
b. very memorable
c. with someone he met at school
6. Henry drinks ___ before a concert.
a. fizzy drinks
b. water
c. herbal tea
3. Answer the question.
Who is your favourite musician?
Choose one of the topics. Tell a short story. Use the plan.
1. Best friend 1) What is your best friend like?
2) Where did you and your best friend meet for the first time?
- How often do you see each other?
- What do you like to do together?
- What career is your best friend going to follow?
2. Shopping 1) Who usually does the shopping in your family?
- What can you buy in your nearest shopping centre?
- How often do you usually go shopping?
- Why are shopping centres so popular nowadays?
- Why do some people hate shopping?
3. Future career. 1) What is your favourite school subject?
2) What do you like to do in your free time?
3) What part-time job would you like to do during the school holidays?
4) What career would you like to choose after finishing school?
5) Do you think English will be useful for you in the future? Why?
4. Appearance and image.
1) Do you like your appearance? Do you want to change you appearance?
2) How way can we improve our appearance?
3) What style of clothes do you prefer?
4) What clothes do you usually wear at school? Do you try to keep up fashion?
5) What actor or actress has a perfect appearance?
I work on Saturdays and in the school holidays. Saturdays are busy because that’s when everyone goes shopping. Our shop sells clothes and accessories for men, women and children. I work in the children’s department. It can be crazy sometimes, but it’s fun.
I work during my summer holidays when I’m not at university. Oxford has thousands of tourists in the summer, so it’s easy to find a job as a tour guide. I take tourists to visit the university colleges and then we go down to the river. We go along the river on a boat. The tourists love the boat trip, but last summer one tourist fell in the river! I love meeting people from all over the world.
I like my job, but lots of people don’t like coming to see me because they hate dentists. Sometimes it’s very hard work, but it’s great to help people when they have a problem. It’s so important to look after your teeth.
My job is very difficult, but I like it because I love flying. I fly planes that take people to different places on holiday. Most of the time I fly in Europe to places like Spain, Greece and Italy. The most difficult thing about my job is when the weather is bad. Snow and thunderstorms are the worst. The best thing is visiting different places.
I work in a hospital in the city centre. It’s a very big hospital. I help the doctors with the patients. I give them their medicine and look after them when they feel ill. I love my job but I don’t like the uniform and sometimes I have to work at night.
1 | sociable | obento | part-time | wollen |
2 | hard-working | scrambled eggs | sales-assistant | polka-dot |
3 | is talking | wrote | had finished | was produced |
4 | pretty | chemist’s | shift | fit |
5 | down | after | up | on |
1 | shop-assistant | tour guide | dentist | pilot | nurse | |||
2 | yes | weekends and holidays | summer holiday | talking a tour trip | yes | flying planes in bad weather | visiting different places | the uniform |
1. | False | True | True | False | False | True | False | False |
2. | c | a | b | c | c | c | ||
3. |
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Итоговая работа по английскому языку для 8 класса (по УМК "Enjoy English" М.З.Биболетовой)
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