Тест по теме "Экологические проблемы, времена английского глагола в активном и пассивном залоге" (11 класс)
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Парамонова Наталья Вячеславовна

       Данный тест содержит текст по чтению на тему "Экологические проблемы" с заданиями к нему, задания на словообразование, а также ряд грамматических заданий на знание времён глагола в активном и пассивном залогах.


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Критерии оценивания:

«5» - 41 – 38 б.              «4» - 37 – 34 б.                       «3» - 33 – 21 б.         «2» - 20 – 0 б.

I. Read the text and do the tasks after it. (5 баллов)

        Many of the world’s cities suffer from smog. It’s not surprising that in recent years car manufacturers have been put under pressure to invent a vehicle (транспортное средство) that is better for the environment.

        One of the first ideas, which car manufacturers tried, was to replace engines (двигатель) which run on fossil fuels (горючее) with electric motors. Unfortunately, these vehicles had some disadvantages and they didn’t sell very well. The problems were that the batteries of these electric cars ran out very quickly and took a long time to recharge (заряжать). Also electric cars were very expensive.

        Car manufacturers have improved the concept so that environmentally friendly cars can now be efficient and economical too. This is where the hybrid car, which has both an electric motor and a traditional petrol (бензин) engine, comes in. The electric motor never needs to be recharged and it is much better for the planet than a traditional car.

        In a hybrid car the engine is controlled by a computer which determines whether the car runs on petrol, electricity or both. When the car needs maximum power, for example, if it is climbing a hill, it uses all of its resources, while at steady (постоянный) speed it runs only on petrol. When slowing down or braking (тормозить), the electric car recharges its batteries.

        Hybrid cars are better for the environment because the electric motor can help out whenever it is needed and they have a much smaller engine than a traditional car. Also, hybrid cars are made from aluminium which makes them extremely light. Both of these factors mean that they use less petrol than normal cars, so they produce less pollution.

        Of course, hybrid cars aren’t perfect; they still run on fossil fuels and so pollute the environment to some extent (степень, мера). However, they may be the first step to cleaner, “greener” cars.

1. Car manufacturers are trying to invent a new vehicle because

a) today’s cars produce too much poisonous gas.

b) it is difficult to drive in cities.

c) the car industry is in trouble.

2. Vehicles which ran on electric motors

a) moved very fast.

b) were not very popular.

c) were very cheap.

3. The computer in a hybrid car

a) helps the car to go up hills.

b) keeps the car running at a steady speed.

c) decides how the car should be powered at any given time.

4. Hybrid cars are better for the planet because 

a) they are made from special materials.

b) the electric motor is smaller than a normal engine.

c) they produce less harmful gases.

5. Hybrid cars are not ideal because

a) they do not make the roads cleaner.

b) they also use petrol.

c) they are made from aluminuim.

II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. (4 балла)

1. If two people rub _______ together, they live or work in a friendly way. 2. We washed Rex and then rubbed him _____ . 3. He told us what had happened without rubbing ______ how wrong we were. 4. Rub _______ what you have written and rewrite the sentence.

III. Open the brackets. Use Active Voice. (20 баллов)

1. They (wait) for us near the door at the moment.

2. Harry (not watch) television at all.

3. Why they (dance) in the room now?

4. The guests (dance) when we (arrive).

5. Mary (break) a vase last night.

6. Mary (wash) the vase when it (slip) (выскользнуть) out of her hands.

7. You (sleep) at 10 p.m. yesterday?

8. The girl (jump) in the yard all day, and she is not tired. What an untiring girl!

9. You (speak) to the boss about your promotion yet?

10. – How long you (fish) in the river? – For three hours already.

11. In the evening yesterday I (do) my homework, (look) through some magazines and (help) my mother to cook dinner.

12. John (lose) his key – he can’t enter his flat now.

13. Barbara (leave) for London this week.

14. After he (write) a letter he (go) to the post-office.

15. Before we (start) travelling we (buy) all necessary things.

16. Harry (never swim) in the ocean.

17. Bob (not read) this magazine by 9 o’clock.

18. We (speak) to him twice this week.

19. He is not at school today, he (fall) ill.

20. You ever (see) a kangaroo?

IV. Open the brackets. Use Passive Voice. (7 баллов)

1. The anecdote (tell) when he came into the room.

2. A good film (show) on TV tomorrow.

3. The contract (print) before he arrived.

4. Look! The house (decorate).

5. The fax already (send).

6. Your homework (write) badly yesterday.

7. Many rules (explain) to the pupils every day.

V. Word formation. (5 баллов)

Twelve __________Parks in the UK are free to the public and were created


to protect the _________ beauty and wildlife.


In 1997 the UK signed the Kyoto Protocol which declares environmental_______ .


 Nowadays British ______are taking part in an international environmental project.


They are worried that areas of forests the size of Scotland ________ every year.




Критерии оценивания:

«5» - 41 – 38 б.              «4» - 37 – 34 б.                       «3» - 33 – 21 б.         «2» - 20 – 0 б.

I. Read the text and do the tasks after it. (5 баллов)

        Has the African elephant got a future? Will our grandchildren see this wonderful animal? In the 19th century Africa was full of elephants. At the end of the 20th century specialists counted a little bit more than a million on the whole of the black continent. Thousands of elephants were disappearing every year and in many game parks there are more dead elephants than live ones.

        These large areas of land, which were organized for wild animals to live in, have a rather small population of elephants.

        This is the sad story of Kabalega Falls National Park in Uganda. In the 1960s the human population grew very fast and farmers started to take land from the park. They pushed 8,000 elephants into the southern part of Kabalega. Soon the elephant population grew too large for that area, and began to destroy the bush (земли, покрытые кустарником). Elephants tear (рвать) the branches of young trees and eat the leaves. An adult elephant needs one third of a ton of food a day, and 180 litres of water. If elephants kill too many trees, the bush starts to die, and there is no food or water for any of the wild animals. Parts of Kabalega became deserts, full of dead trees and bones (кость).

        The government had to kill some of the elephants to save the park and the elephants themselves. It was important to get the right balance between land and animals. Then the bush can grow again and feed elephants and other wild animals. The plan began well, but then there was a terrible war in Uganda and most people forgot about the game park. In those days the world price for ivory (слоновая кость) became very high and poachers (браконьеры) killed thousands of Uganda elephants. The situation was getting worse and worse. After the war the team of wild life experts flew over the game park and they saw a terrible sight. They found only a little number of live elephants and a lot of dead ones without their tusks (бивни). People used to kill wild animals from fear, for food or for clothes. Now they are killing them for money. Ivory is not so necessary for man but many people want it and are ready to pay high prices. That’s why poachers can easily find a market. Is there still time to save the elephant?

1. The African elephant_______ .

a) has become an extinct animal.

b) has no future.

c) has become an endangered species of African animals.

2. Game parks are _______ .

a) large parks for games.

b) large parks with zoos.

c) large parts of land for tourists to watch wild animals.

3. Nowadays _________ are the people who mainly destroy the elephant population in Africa.

a) poachers

b) African farmers

c) the governments of African countries

4. Kabalega Falls National Park ________ .

a) has managed to find the right balance between land and wildlife.

b) used to have thousands of elephants on its territory.

c) has become a desert.

5. Nowadays people mainly kill the African elephant ________.

a) because elephants threaten human lives.

b) to enrich themselves.

c) to get clothes and food.

II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. (4 балла)

1. I know that I have made a mistake, there is no need to rub it ______ . 2. Could you rub the child _______ after the bath? 3. Grace and Sue rubbed ________ rather well most of the time but sometimes they had quarrels. 4. Fred wrote his name on the blackboard, then changed his mind and rubbed it ________ .

III. Open the brackets. Use Active Voice. (20 баллов)

1. You can turn the TV off. I (not watch) it.

2. Ann (not speak) French at all.

3. They (go) to the seaside every summer?

4. - Why you (laugh)? There is nothing to laugh at.

5. Liza (not eat) meat. She is a vegetarian.

6. You (eat) your breakfast today?

7. The old man (be) ill before he (die).

8. They (start) their journey after they (buy) all necessary things.

9. Tom and Jerry (have) a picnic in the forest when they (hear) strange noise.

10. My mother (check) my homework since 8 o’clock.

11. – Why are you breathing so hard? You (run) all day long?

12. Your father (plant) trees in the garden at 5 p.m. yesterday?

13. My father (plant) 25 apple trees this week!

14. He (repair) his washing machine yet?

15. The boys (draw) on the blackboard when the teacher (come) into the classroom.

16. – Why has Tom got such shining eyes?

       - His friends and he (make) a snowman all morning!

17. Ann (have) dinner before Mary (phone) her.

18. By 7 o’clock yesterday morning we (drink) tea with tasty pies in the dining room.

19. Doris (make) friends with some passengers before the bus (arrive) in Berlin.

20. We (prepare) for the test for three hours!

IV. Open the brackets. Use Passive Voice. (7 баллов)

1. My car (repair) by yesterday afternoon.

2. I can’t find my bag; I think it (steal).

3. An interesting story (tell) when he came.

4. A new toy (give) to the girl tomorrow.

5. The window (break) by the wind yesterday.

6. Wait a bit! The documents (print) at the moment.

7. A lot of exercises (write) by pupils every day.

V. Word formation. (5 баллов)

Acid rain, global warming, air and water ______ are among the most serious


ecological problems. Firstly, we should encourage ___________. Secondly,


driving an environmentally friendly car is also __________ .


 Thirdly, you can join an ________ which plants trees or cleans up beaches.


Groups such as Greenpeace try to prevent many __________ disasters.


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