грамматические задания на отработку Past Continuous
тренажёр по английскому языку (6, 7 класс)

Хорохорина Ксения Васильевна

Задания на отработку и закрепление Past Continuous


Файл grammaticheskie_zadaniya_na_otrabotku_past_continuous.docx14.78 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Напишите, чем занималась миссис Тэйлор в определенное время.

Н-р:  Mrs. Taylor was packing her bags at 6 a.m. (Миссис Тэйлор упаковывала сумки в 6 утра.)

6 a.m.                          pack her bags

7 a.m.                          drive to the airport

9 a.m.                          fly to Liverpool

noon                           have a business meeting

1 p.m.                         have lunch

2 p.m.                         check in at a hotel

3 p.m.                         talk to her boss on the phone

4 p.m.                         work in the Internet


2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Continuous. Переведите предложения.

  1. I … (live) in Mexico in June, 2010.
  2. When I entered the bathroom he … (shave).
  3. When she met him, they … (work) for the same company.
  4. What you … (do) last night?
  5. I showed him my new dress, but he … (not look) at it.
  6. When it started to rain, they … (sit) on the grass.
  7. Which hotel Anna … (stay) when she lost her credit card?
  8. We … (sleep) when the phone rang.
  9. Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he … (study) influenza.
  10. Sam … (stand) under the tree because it … (rain).
  11. When the teacher came into the classroom, the children … (run) and … (scream).
  12. While Bob … (chop) the meat, his wife … (peel) potatoes.
  13. When I arrived at the party, all the guests … (dance).
  14. The waiter cut his finger while he … (pick up) the broken glasses.
  15. What you … (wear) when he met you?

3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Tom was sleeping in his bed when somebody stole his car. His wife was watching TV in the living-room. His mother, Mrs. Crown, was talking on the phone in her bedroom. His father, Mr. Crown, was playing cards with his neighbors. Tom’s son was listening to music with his headphones. And Tom’s daughter was taking a shower. The dog wasn’t barking.

  1. Was Tom sleeping?
  2. What was his wife doing?
  3. Was Mrs. Crown talking on the phone in Tom’s bedroom?
  4. Was Mr. Crown playing chess or cards?
  5. What was Tom’s son listening to?
  6. Tom’s daughter was taking a bath, wasn’t she?
  7. Was the dog barking?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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