Контрольная работа 11 класс, Module 2 Spotlight
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Фазлахметова Елена Дмитриевна

Контрольная работа 11 класс, Module 2 Spotlight с аудированием


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Предварительный просмотр:

№ 1. Listening. Match the speakers with the statements A-G. There is one extra.                           Module 2

  1. I’m always ready to protect my friend.                        Speaker 1 …..
  2. I like sharing my friend’s interests.                                Speaker 2 …..
  3. A little help is often all that is needed.                        Speaker 3 …..
  4. I want to help my friend with her family problems.                Speaker 4 …..
  5. My friends always come to me for help.                        Speaker 5 …..
  6. I’m willing to make sacrifices for my friend.                Speaker 6 …..
  7. I encourage my friend to be honest.

№ 2. Vocabulary. Complete the sentences using the following words.

affection        bewildered        inflictions        takes her side                 dreading        rummaged        threats

accustomed to                obedient        

  1. It’s not fair! Whenever I have an argument with my sister, brother always …
  2. … are often meaningless, hurtful words from angry people.
  3. We were … by Steven’s behavior. He is usually very well behaved.
  4. Carrie’s dog is very … .
  5. William is … hos driving test; he thinks he will fail.
  6. He is … a luxurious life style.
  7. The prisoner suffered unspeakable … at the hands of the prison guards.
  8. I … through all the cupboards and drawers looking for my keys.
  9. I have a great deal of … for my cousin. She’s my best friend.

№ 3. Reading. Make up questions to the text.

The Lowdown on Bullies!

At some point in our lives many of us will have to deal with a bully. Yet bullies are not all the same. To be able to handle such a threat, it is important to know what kind of person you are dealing with.

The most dangerous and common bully is the aggressive one. Aggressive bullies use the fear of violence to control others. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. They are known to quickly lose their temper and harm their victims without ever feeling sorry for them. When faced with such a person, immediately tell a parent or teacher. Furthermore, stay in public places and amongst others for safety. Some people even learn self-defense to protect themselves against this kind of bully. However, violence is not the answer, as it leads to even more violence.

Next, are the verbal bullies. They attack with words and are only happy when others feel hurt. So when an unkind joke is made, show as little reaction as possible and just walk away. Remember, you cannot talk sense to an unreasonable person. And, above all, never make jokes about yourself to prove that nothing can hurt you. This will only encourage them.

Last, is the computer bully. The best way to deal with this menace is by deleting their messages. Do not read anything they write and never send a reply. When faced with such a person, it is wise to seriously consider a change of email address.

№ 4. Everyday English. Complete the exchanges using your own ideas.

  1. A: I’m really sorry I scratched your CD.   B:……………………………………………………………
  2. A: Can you help me with my homework?  B:…………………………………………………………..
  3. A: Are you alright? You don’t look very well.  B:………………………………………………………
  4. A:You don’t need to drive me to the shops.

I’ll take the bus.                                  B:………………………………………………………….

  1. Let’s go to see the football game. It might be fun. B……………………………………………………

Listening                 FCADGB


  1. takes her side
  2. threats
  3. bewildered
  4. obedient
  5. dreading
  6. accustomed to
  7. inflictions
  8. rummaged
  9. affection

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