Входная работа 11 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс)

Фазлахметова Елена Дмитриевна

Входная работа для 11 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Entry Test    11 form


№ 1. Fill in the missing words. Write one word only in each gap.

  1. I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock in the …………………………
  2. Let’s ……………….ourselves. – I’m Helen.
  3. John always goes to bed at half …………… ten.
  4. Ann is a student but she has a part-time ……………. at weekends.
  5. Sarah is a ……………. . She cuts hair.
  6. I can’t ……………….. pop music. I hate it.

№ 2. Fill in the correct adjective derived from the word in bold.

  1. It was a clear, …………………..(cloud) day, so we could see for miles.
  2. What a ……………………..(love) garden! You’re so lucky.
  3. The palace was full of …………………….(price) paintings.
  4. The bedrooms in the White House have…………………. (marvel) antique beds.
  5. Artists decorate ……………………..(spectacle) floats for the ……………………...(impress) street parades.

№ 3. Complete the dialogue.

  1. A: …………………………………………………………………….?

B: She’s from Brazil?

  1. A: …………………………………………………………............girl?

B: Which one?

A: The one who is eating a sandwich.

  1. A: ……………………………………………………………………..?

B: They stayed for two weeks.

  1. A: …………………………………………………yesterday afternoon?

B: I was at home.

№ 4. Which of the adjectives in the list best matches each description?

*miserable             *polite            *lazy          *noisy        *quiet        

*hardworking             *generous            *cheerful          *mean        *shy

  1. Jane smiles and laughs a lot. ________________________________
  2. Andy makes a lot of noise.___________________________________
  3. Tim does very little work.___________________________________
  4. Sally never makes much noise._______________________________
  5. Tom never gives anyone anything.____________________________
  6. Elsie does a lot of overtime.__________________________________
  7. Jill hates talking to strangers._________________________________
  8. Bruce always looks unhappy.________________________________
  9. Angela likes giving people things._____________________________
  10. Michael has very good manners.______________________________

№ 5. Read the article and mark the statements (1-6) as T (true) or F (false).

Recycling is one of the best ways to help protect our environment.

When we recycle we collect waste or used material and reuse them to make new products. The items that are typically recycled are aluminium cans, glass bottles, paper, wood and plastic. There are three main steps in recycling. First we collect these items, then we prepare them into a material which we finally use to make new products.

Recycling can help save energy and important resources. It can also reduce the amount of rubbish we produce and the space needed for our waste. It is simple and easy. All you need to do is remember to sort out your rubbish and put your glass, paper and aluminium into different bins. Many councils actually provide these recycling bins and collect them very week.

All in all, recycling has many benefits and it is something that everyone can do.

  1. Recycling is when we reuse rubbish to make new products._____
  2. We can recycle paper._____
  3. There are five steps to follow when recycling._______
  4. We can save important resources by recycling.______
  5. Recycling produces more rubbish.________
  6. When we recycle we should put paper, glass and aluminium in the same bin._________

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