Фразовые глаголы Go и BRING
тренажёр по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс)

Данные упражнения разработаны для изучения и практики употребления фразовых глаголов Go и Bring в речи. 


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Phrasal verb GO



sentences to translate into Russian

go without

to do without, dispense

обходиться без ч-л

It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year.

But many people go without proper education and access to clean drinking water.

go with


подходить (о вещах)

I don't know if her new shirt will go with her blue jeans.

go up

ascend, increase, move up, rise

подниматься, идти вверх, переходить

As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler.

It is certain that prices will go up.

I want to go up to Lincoln next year.

go through

to pass

пережить ч-л, пройти через, быть одобренным, принять

Please, let me go through!

I went after my hamster as soon as it jumped out from his cage!

Buy now before the tax increase goes through next week!

go on

to continue, go ahead


go in for


be fond of

увлекаться, заниматься

go off

come off, fire, make off

закончиться, пропасть (о годности), перестать работать, выключиться, выстрелить

Alarm clock didn't go off.

The light went off as the policemen entered the room.

go after

chase after

следовать за, гнаться, преследовать, ловить

Choose where you want people to go after clicking your ad.

to be "firm" and go after the rebels.

go down with

come down, descend,
get down

заболеть, пойти ко дну, понижаться, спуститься

I went down with the elevator.

But when the ship is sinking, the captain has to go down with it.

go across

be understood

быть понятым

Did your speech go across to the crowd all right?

go against



go under


терпеть неудачу

Taylor’s father thought his firm would go under

go along with



I don’t go along with you.

1. Fill in:  off, up, after, across, back, without, along, with, down, through

  1. Alarm clock didn't go …..
  2. The light went …. as the policemen entered the room.
  1. As we go …. higher, the air becomes cooler.
  2. It is certain that prices will go ….
  3. I want to go …. to Lincoln next year.
  1. Choose where you want people to go …. clicking your ad.
  2. to be "firm" and go …..the rebels.
  1. Did your speech go ….. to the crowd all right?
  1. I know John, we go … almost 25 years he couldn't have committed murder!
  2. She woke early, but couldn’t go …. to sleep.
  1. I can't go …. a ticket, so I have to wait for him with my home cooked meal.
  2. It looks as though we shall have to go … a holiday this year.
  3. But many people go ……proper education and access to clean drinking water.
  4. If there’s no sugar you will have to go ….
  1. I don’t go ….with you.
  1. I don't know if her new shirt will go …. her blue jeans.
  1. I went …. with the elevator.
  2. But when the ship is sinking, the captain has to go ….. with it.
  1. Please, let me go…..!
  2. I went …. my hamster as soon as it jumped out from his cage!

2. Fill in the missing prepositions to make the sentences complete:

  1. But when the ship is sinking, the captain has to go........ with it. 
  2. It looks as though we shall have to go........... a holiday this year.
  3. But many people go......... proper education and access to clean drinking water.
  4. I don't know if her new shirt will go.......... her blue jeans.
  5. It is certain that prices will go......... 
  6. Why didn't you go.......... these guys two or three months ago?
  7. Please, let me go.......... !
  8. I went.......... my hamster as soon as it jumped out from his cage!
  9. It goes.......... the rules to smoke in the office.
  10. Did your speech go........ to the crowd all right?
  11. I don’t go....... with you there. 
  12. Taylor’s father thought his firm would go....... . 
  13. If there’s no sugar you will have to go....... .

Phrasal verb BRING

I.Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. I will bring your notebook back tomorrow.
  2. Don’t worry, I’ll bring her back home.
  3. That song brought some sweet memories back.
  4. Can you bring me back the book I gave you yesterday?
  5. I’ll take him around and then bring him back.
  6. Why don’t you want that I bring up that topic?
  7. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to bring up a child in a good way.
  8. The girl was brought up by her grandmother.
  9. The sick man brought up his breakfast.
  10. She was brought up in a children’s home.
  11. There are some questions I would like to bring up at tomorrow’s meeting.
  12. He brought up his lunch.
  13. She never gave us a possibility to bring up the subject.
  14. This situation significantly brought down the politician’s reputation.
  15. The pilot brought the plane down gently.
  16. This scandal could bring down the government.
  17. Don’t bring me down, please.
  18. The five-person jury has already brought in the verdict.
  19. Every year they bring in a new fashion.
  20. We need to bring in an expert to deal with this problem.
  21. They brought in the verdict of guilty.
  22. The earthquake brought all people together.
  23. The accident brought our family together.
  24. Can I try to bring you together?
  25. I think you should finally bring together, guys.
  26. The development of technologies has brought about the changes in our daily routine.
  27. The internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.
  28. His behavior brought a storm about my ears.
  29. According to the statistics, 90% of all diseases are brought on by stress.
  30. This brought on a bad cold.
  31. Headaches are often brought on by stress.
  32. Several causes operated to bring on the war.
  33. She brought the presentation off.
  34. How did he manage to bring that off?
  35. Samsung Electronics brought out a new telephone.
  36. The sun brings out the flowers.
  37. They have just brought out a new small device.
  38. This example helps to bring out the meaning of the word.
  39. If you want to make that project, you should bring all the team around to choose it.
  40. She brought the conversation round to environmental protection.
  41. What will next week bring round?
  42. Yesterday Michael fainted, but we brought him round.
  43. They have brought forward the meeting to 5 p.m.
  44. I decided to bring forward some hypotheses.
  45. He brought forward a proposal.
  46. You will never manage to bring me over by such arguments.
  47. He is not the one to be brought over easily.
  48. I’m sure the doctor will bring her through.

II. Choose the appropriate prepositions:

01 The 1960s youth movement brought ___ a change in American culture and politics. About / up

02 Can you bring ___ the book I lent you tomorrow? Down / back

03 My favorite author is bringing ___ a new book next month. Out / back

04. I was born in Vietnam, but I was brought ___ in America. In / up

05 Unhealthy eating habits bring ___ several ailments. On / together

06 Will anything ever bring house prices ___? Down / out

07. The crisis was brought ___ by many factors. Up / on

08 Eating strawberries brings me ___ spots. off / around

09 The conference has brought ___ some of the world's leading experts on laser technology. Together / back

III. Fill in: down, forward, on, off, over, through.

1. The financial crisis has brought the prices _________________.

2.She was a real success though she had to bring ________________ a lot of obstacles on her way.

3.Emily, you’ve brought ______________ an excellent idea!

4. The fireman brought _____________ an elevenyear old girl yesterday.

5. Please, don’t bring ______________ troubles saying things like that!

6. I tried to bring her _____________ but she was as stubborn as a mule.

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