Тренировочные упражнения на употребления времени Past Perfect
тренажёр по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8 класс)

Лебедева Анна Витальевна

Презентация для совершенствования учащимися употребления времени Past Perfect в английском языке


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

Слайд 7

English Quiz. What was Roald Dahl? Who was a famous British film-maker and made the film “The Bids”? What was Charles Dickens? Who played Scarlett in the famous Hollywood film? What is Wimbledon?

Слайд 8

Past Perfect Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the party too, but they didn't see each other. Paul left the party at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o'clock. So: When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul wasn't there. He had gone home .

Слайд 9

Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets . 1 . You went to Sue's house, but she wasn't there. (she / go / out) She had gone out. 2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn't the same as before. (it / change / a lot) _______________________ 3. I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn't come . ( she / arrange / to do something else) __________ 4. You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late . ( the film / already / begin ) __________________________ 5. It was nice to see Dan again after such a long time . ( I / not / see / him for five years)

Слайд 10

Laura went out this morning. I tried to phone her. There was no answer. 1. Jim came back from holiday a few days ago. 2. I met him the same day. 3. He looked very well I tried to phone Laura this morning, but ____________ no answer. She ______________out. I met Jim a few days ago. ________just ______holiday. ______________ very well.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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