Прямая и косвенная речь. Английский язык.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Бондарчук Людмила Николаевна


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Слайд 1

Reported Speech English tutorials Ana Félix Pires

Слайд 2

reported speech Reported speech (sometimes also referred to as “ indirect speech ” ) refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said . Several changes occurr when we do this. ➙ verb tenses; ➙ pronouns; ➙ time expressions; ➙ place expressions.

Слайд 3

reported speech Changing verb tenses: Note that the Past Perfect Simple and the Past Perfect Continuous do not change. Direct speech Reported speech Present Simple ➙ Past Simple Present Continuous ➙ Past Continuous Present Perfect Simple ➙ Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous ➙ Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple ➙ Past Perfect Simple Future ➙ Conditional Imperative ➙ Infinitive

Слайд 4

reported speech Changing pronouns, personal and possessive: Direct speech Reported speech I me my ➙ he / she him / her his / her We us ours ➙ they them their

Слайд 5

reported speech Time expressions: Direct speech Reported speech Now ➙ then Today ➙ that day Tonight ➙ that night Yesterday ➙ the day before Tomorrow ➙ the following day / the next day next day / week / month / year ➙ the following day / week / month / year

Слайд 6

reported speech Place expressions: Direct speech Reported speech Here ➙ there This ➙ that These ➙ those

Слайд 7

reported speech Look at the girl on the right. We would turn the statement into the reported speech by changing: I love my new dress. ➙ the verb from the present simple to the past simple ➙ the personal pronoun I to she ➙ the possessive pronoun my to her The sentence would then be: The girl said she loved her new dress.

Слайд 8

reported speech There are several reporting verbs we can use: ➙ The most commonly used one is to say . She said she was studying. ➙ When the person who we are talking to is referred, we can use to tell . You told me you liked your new dress. ➙ We may report something that was said without keeping to the original words, the reporting verb itself may contain that idea or intention. The verbs here can be: to admit , to advise , to agree , to remind , to suggest , to encourage , to insist , to persuade , to warn , to refuse , to urge , among others. - I admit it, I did it! She admitted she did it.

Слайд 9

reported speech Time to practise! Look at the images that will appear and change what the characters say into the reported speech. Take in consideration all the changes that must occurr: in the verbs , the pronouns and the expressions of time and place .

Слайд 10

reported speech My mother gives me new dolls regularly.

Слайд 11

reported speech The girl said her mother gave her new dolls regularly. My mother gives me new dolls regularly.

Слайд 12

reported speech My book is being very interesting!

Слайд 13

reported speech The woman said her book was being very interesting. My book is being very interesting!

Слайд 14

reported speech I was so tired I passed out on the middle of the street.

Слайд 15

reported speech The man said he had been so tired he passed out on the middle of the street. I was so tired I passed out on the middle of the street.

Слайд 16

reported speech It has been years since I ’ ve had this much fun!

Слайд 17

reported speech The woman said it had been years since she had had that much fun. It has been years since I ’ ve had this much fun!

Слайд 18

reported speech I will catch a fish today!

Слайд 19

reported speech The girl said she would catch a fish that day . I will catch a fish today!

Слайд 20

reported speech STOP!

Слайд 21

reported speech The man yelled at me to stop . STOP!

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Прямая и косвенная речь в английском языке.

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