The house Vladimir Leonidovich Durov.
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Черепанова Юлия Васильевна

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Read the text and answer the questions.

"Grandpa Durov's Corner", "Grandpa Durov's Wonderland", "Animals' Theatre named after V.L. Durov" - these names are well known not only to Muscovites, people from other Russian cities and  many guests from foreign countries know these names.

In this house Vladimir Leonidovich Durov, famous circus actor and talented animal trainer lived and worked. It is an unusual house. The fairy tale and reality live in this house side by side.

Snow-white horses, monkeys, elephants, a cow whose name is Dasha, a hippopotamus whose name is Mukha, together with a poodle  called Arthamon, tigers and chimpanzees, pelicans perform various tricks there.

You will also see the famous "Durov's railway" here. The steam locomotive is a real one and works with the help of steam. Over one hundred animals took part in this Durov's trick and played all the parts.  For example, monkeys were engine drivers, the cashier was a bear which put stamps in the small tickets with its nose; the station master was a bulldog.

1.  What is the house Vladimir Leonidovich Durov like?

(Key. It is an unusual house.)

2. How many animals can you see in "Grandpa Durov's Wonderland"?

(Key. We can see over one hundred animals.)

3. Who lived and worked in "Animals' Theatre named after V.L. Durov"?

(Key. Famous circus actor and talented animal trainer lived and worked "Animals' Theatre named after V.L. Durov".)

4. Who creates the fairy tale in this house?

(Key. Snow-white horses, monkeys, elephants, a cow whose name is Dasha, a hippopotamus whose name is Mukha, together with a poodle  called Arthamon, tigers and chimpanzees, pelicans perform various tricks there  and create the fairy tale in this house.)

5. Can you name "Durov's railway" a real railway?

(Key. We can name "Durov's railway" is a real railway because the steam locomotive is a real one and works with the help of steam.)

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