Тест для проведения зачета по английскому языку на 3 курсе по специальности "Повар-кондитер"
тест по английскому языку

Тест содержит два задания и критерии оценивания для проведения зачета по дисциплине "Иностранный язык (английский)" в 6 семестре для специальности "Повар-кондитер"


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для специальности повар-кондитер


Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1  True), какие не соответствуют (2  False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3  Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

                                                               Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of 's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages, Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the café where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the “Fifteen Foundation”. Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern cooking equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after JK Rowling, the “Harry Potter” writer.

Jamie Oliver has made cooking popular in different countries.

1. Jamie Oliver has made cooking popular in different countries.

2. Jamie’s parents wanted their son to be a cook.

3. Jamie went to France to continue studying economics.

4. Jamie Oliver has become a well-known personality due to his TV show.

5. Jamie’s wife was against his project Fifteen Foundation.

6. Jamie’s project the “Fifteen Foundation” gives people a chance to improve.

7. The British government ignored Jamie’s school meals project.

8. Jamie Oliver is a talented and successful writer.










Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-18, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию  1-18.

When I was little, I loved reading books written by Roald Dahl. They were my favourite choice of bedtime story. When Mum asked me what book I wanted, I always 1). . . .  a book by Dahl.


Mum readily agreed. She said she2) . . . .  reading him too in spite of the fact that she was an adult and had a very serious job.


In those years there 3). . . . lots of Dahl's books in our home library.


And to me he is still the best children's author of the 4) . . . .   century.


Roald Dahl started as an adult writer. His first book 5). . . .   in 1942.


Later he began writing children's books. Many of the 6) . . . .  are based on Dahl's own childhood memories.


Several of his books are now successful films, for example ‘Matilda’, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. I'm sure you 7). . .  at least one of them!


When you shop for children's books, Dahl is the 8). . . . choice. His books are entertaining and full of jokes.


Roald Dahl is an author that you can never grow tired of. Now I read his books to my son. He is too small yet and cannot read  9) . . . .     .


I'm studying Italian in a summer school in Tuscany. I arrived a few days ago. It’s my 10). . . . trip to Italy.


I like this country very much though I 11) . . . .  its main tourist attractions yet.


Actually it was my mum's idea to send me here. In her opinion Italy is the 12). . .  country in the world.


And she also said that it 13) . . .  me improve my Italian in real-life communication.


Yesterday, while I 14) . . .  dinner in the cafeteria, four other students sat at the same table. We got acquainted. Two of them were Argentines, then a Russian and a Greek. A mix of cultures!


We started chatting in Italian, laughing, telling jokes and sharing our life 15) . . . .   . It was lots of fun. I even started to speak Spanish with the Argentines, and our sentences became a mixture of both Italian and Spanish.


But it did not matter at all! No problem. We easily 16) . . .  each other.


I wish all people 17). . .  foreign languages. The more languages you know – the better.


Languages help 18) . . .  understand the culture and mentality of other people. And they help us make friends.



   Критерии оценивания выполнения.

Задание №1. Чтение                                                               Время выполнения 25 мин.

Раздел «Задания по чтению» включает задание второго уровня сложности.

Задание направлено на проверку понимания в прочитанном тексте запрашиваемой информации.  Задания выполняются в ходе прочтения связного текста. Студентам предлагается 8 утверждений, и на основании прочитанного текста им надо выбрать один из трех возможных ответов True Верно), False (Неверно)б Not Stated (В тексте не скзано).  

За каждый правильный ответ -1 балл.

Максимально возможное количество баллов — 8 баллов.

Задание №2.«Задания по грамматике и лексике»                    Время выполнения -25 мин.

Раздел «Задания по грамматике и лексике» включает 18 заданий с кратким ответом:

- задания 1-18 — второго уровня сложности- задание на заполнение пропуска в связном тексте путем преобразования предложенной начальной формы слова в нужную грамматическую форму (формообразование).

За каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.

Максимально возможное количество баллов  — 18 баллов.

Таблица перевода баллов в оценку






5 (отлично)



4 (хорошо)



3 (удовлетворительно)

менее 60


2 (неудовлетворительно)

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