Конспект урока по английскому языку "Native Americans"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Тема: "We are in a Global Village. Native Americans".
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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Тема: "We are in a Global Village. Native Americans".
Цель урока: расширение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся по теме "Native Americans".
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные:
- знакомство с историческими реалиями, связанными с коренным населением Северной Америки, его культурой, языком и традициями;
- развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием содержания и поиском конкретной информации;
- развитие навыков неподготовленной речи;
- формирование коммуникативной культуры студентов.
- Развивающие: развитие воображения, языковой догадки (по словообразовательным элементам, аналогии, контексту), развитие умения сотрудничать.
- Воспитательные: воспитание уважения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.
Вид урока: урок-экскурсия.
Оснащение: мультимедийная презентация, руководства к групповой работе, тест для самостоятельной работы.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, dear students! I'm very glad to see you. We continue to study the USA and today we are going to have a wonderful trip to America.
II. Актуализация имеющихся знаний
Teacher: You know much about the country and the language of the country. We have studied some texts about the USA. Now, please, answer some my questions.
Teacher: What is the official name of the country?
Students: The official name of the country is the United States of America.
Teacher: What is the capital of the USA?
Students: The capital of the USA is Washington.
Teacher: How many states are there in the USA?
Students: There are 50 states in the USA.
Teacher: What is the American flag called?
Students: The American flag is called Stars and Stripes.
Teacher: When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
Students: Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Teacher: How often do American people choose a new President?
Students: American people choose a new President every 4 years.
Teacher: What is the population of America?
Students: The population consists of Europeans, Afro-Americans and Indians.
Teacher: What is the official language of the USA?
Students: The official language of the USA is English.
III. Контроль домашней работы
Проверяется правильность понимания текста домашнего задания. (Приложение №1)
Teacher: The United States are sometimes called a “melting pot”, because people from all over the world have mixed together to create modern American society. But the Native Americans, called Indians, came from Asia.
You have studied the text “Native Americans” at home. Say after me some new words from the text.
Bering Strait
Ohio River
Teacher: Now let's read the text.
Now please agree or disagree with following statements. Say “That’s right” if the statement is true and “That’s not right” if the statement is false. If it is false, correct the statement.
Teacher: The first American Indians came to Alaska from Asia
Students: That's right.
Teacher: From Alaska the Indians travelled southward.
Students: That's right.
Teacher: The migrants belonged to one tribe.
Students: That's not right. The migrants belonged to different tribes and groups of different civilizations.
Teacher: Different tribes had the same languages.
Students: That's not right. Different tribes had different languages.
Teacher: Each of these languages has its own grammar and vocabulary.
Students: That's right.
Teacher: The first Indians hunted and gathered wild fruit, berries and other food in the forest.
Students: That's right.
Teacher: After many centuries some of the tribes learned how to grow Indian corn.
Students: That's right.
IV. Изучение нового материала
Teacher: You know there are more than two hundred of different tribes lived in the USA. Their names are: Apache, Cherokee, Creek, Grow, Delaware, Sioux and others. And I'd like you to describe some of these tribes. So, divide into groups of three or four and take the texts with exercises. Your task is to describe your tribe. (Приложение №2.)
The first group will describe “Apache”, the second – “Cherokee”, and the third – “Delaware”.
V. Контроль усвоенного материала
Teacher: Now students, get the test ‘Native Americans’ and write down the correct word to complete each statement (Приложение №3.)
VI. Подведение итогов
Teacher: Now our trip is over.
What have you learned at the lesson?
Students: : give their own answers.
What impressed you most?
Students: : give their own answers.
The most interesting for me was to learn that …
I was greatly impressed by the fact that …
Today I have learned that …
Teacher: I’m glad to hear that you've enjoyed our trip. Thank you for your active work and your marks are …
If you want to learn more about the life, customs and culture of different tribes of North America read the book “The Last of the Mohicans” by James Fenimore Cooper and the book “The Song of Hiawatha” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
VII. Домашнее задание
Teacher: Your homework is to write a letter to your friend about Native Americans.
Dear (name),
Today we’ve had a lesson devoted to Native Americans. It was surprising for me to know that…
Yours, (name)
Your friend,
All the best,
Best wishes,
Native Americans
More than twelve thousand years ago the first American Indians came to Alaska from Asia.
In small groups they crossed a land bridge where the Bering Strait now lies. This slow migration went on for thousands of years. From Alaska the Indians travelled on southward. Some of the tribes stayed in North America, while others kept on moving to Central and South America.
The migrants belonged to different tribes and groups of different civilizations. Different tribes had quite different languages. There are about two hundred separate Indian languages in North America, to say nothing about South America. Each of these languages has its own grammar and vocabulary.
The migrants entered a new world in which there were no people at all. But there were many animals to hunt, and there were forest, where fruit, berries and other food could be found. After many centuries some of the tribes learned how to grow Indian corn, which grew wild in parts of the country. Other tribes lived on the great plains and got their food by hunting and fishing.
The American Indians have their own culture, languages, and traditions. These Indian men of Montana dress like this for tribal dances and ceremonials. Some of them paint their faces with bright colours.
The Indians in the Ohio River region developed a high level of civilization. They left man-made hills (mounds) formed in the shapes of animals. The largest one is more than three hundred meters long. These animal-shaped mounds are found mostly in the states of Wisconsin and Ohio. No one knows what they were used for.
Scientists believe that there had been a rich culture in North America many hundreds of years before Europeans came.
Delaware is a highly organized tribe of Algonquian Indians who lived in the Delaware River valley in the northeastern United States. The Delawares had an advanced culture and were at one time the most powerful of all the Algonquian tribes. They lived in small villages, in square houses made of wooden poles covered with bark. They were hunters, but they also raised corn and other vegetables. The Delawares had a highly systematized religion, which recognized one great power over the universe and four lesser gods-the four directions, from which came the four winds. Four was a sacred number in many Indian cultures.
The Delawares moved westward to Ohio, then to Kansas, and later to Oklahoma, where they live today.
advanced – передовой
bark – кора (дерева)
raise – выращивать.
recognize – признавать
universe – вселенная
sacred – священный
Comprehension questions
- For each Statement that is true, write T; for each false statement, write F. Change each false statement to make it true.
- The Delawares had a highly systematized religion.
- The Delawares were both hunters and farmers.
- The Delawares had an advanced culture.
- The Delawares raised corn.
- The Delawares were never a very powerful tribe.
- Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement.
- The four gods of the Delawares were the four …
- seasons b) rivers c) direction
- The Delawares lived in … .
a) pole-and-bak houses
b) tepees
c) grass-and-mud houses.
- The Delaware River valley in the … United States.
- northwestern b) northeaster c) southwestern
- The Delawares lived in … .
- large towns b) small villages c) large camps.
- … was a sacred in many Indian cultures
a) 3 b) 4 c) 7
III. Using these statements describe the tribe of Delaware orally.
Cherokee is an advanced, settled tribe of the southeastern United States. This intelligent and highly civilized agricultural people had a genius for political organization and government. At the time of their first contact with the white man the Cherokees were the largest tribe in the southeastern United States – about 20,000 people living in 60 towns. From the beginning there was a mutual respect between the Cherokees and the white men. There was intermarriage between the two groups, and the Cherokees were among the first Indians to establish schools and build churches.
Cherokee villages had gardens in which the people raised many crops, including corn, leans, melons, and tobacc o. The water and forest were filled with fish and animals, including bears, deer, turkeys, and wild birds. They cultivated sunflowers for their seeds. The Cherokees' clothes were made of leather and woven grass; in winter they wore robes of fur or hide. They used dugout canoes to travel along the rivers, streams, and lakes and through the marshes.
Today most Cherokees live in Oklahoma. They constitute the fourth largest Indian tribe in the United States.
advanced - передовой.
genius - зд. задатки.
a mutual – взаимное уважение.
to establish – создавать, учреждать.
crop – посев, урожай.
to be filled – быть наполненным.
woven – вплетённый.
marsh – болото, топь.
hide – шкура, кожа.
Comprehension questions
- For each statement that is true, write T; for each false statement, write F. Change each false statement to make it true.
- The Cherokees were highly intelligent but uncivilized.
- At first the Cherokees and the White men were enemies.
- The Cherokees built schools and churches.
- The Cherokees lived in settled villages.
- The Cherokees were a small but important tribe.
- Add the necessary word or phrase to make a correct statement.
- In winter the Cherokees wore robes made of hide or … .
- The Cherokees traveled along the rivers in … .
- The Cherokees grew leans and tobacco in their … .
- The waters in the Cherokees region were filled with … .
- The Cherokees cultivated … for their seeds.
- Using these statements describe the tribe of Cherokee orally.
Apache is a tribe of fierce, wandering Indians of northern Mexico and the southeastern United States. The name Apache, which means “enemy”, was given to these people by the Pueblos Indians, because they attacked the Pueblos and destroyed their villages. The Apaches lived in tepees (round shelters made of bent poles and brush). In cold weather the tepees might be covered with animal skins. They ate any plants, small animals, and insects that they could find. They also did a little farming, and some Apaches hunted the buffalo. The Apache's clothes were made of animal skins, and both men and women wore high moccasins (soft leather shoes) and decorative jewelry: earrings necklaces, pendants and bracelets. The culture and religion of the Apaches combined elements of the various tribes and groups of other Indians with whom they came in contact. Today the Apaches are peaceful cattlemen living in Arizona and New Mexico.
fierce – свирепый, лютый
tepee ['ti:pi:] – вигвам.
shelter – кров, убежище.
the bent of poles and brush – согнутых шестов и кустарника.
buffalo – американский бизон.
jewelry – ювелирные украшения.
pendants – подвеска, кулон.
bracelet – браслет.
Comprehension questions
I. For each statement that is true, write T; for each false statement, write F. Change each false statement to make it true.
- The Apaches lived in the northern part of the United States.
- Tepees are made of bent poles and brush.
- The Apaches ate insects.
- Both men and women ware earrings.
- The Apaches had no contact with other Indian tribes.
II. Add the necessary word or phrase to make a correct statement.
- The name Apache means… .
- I cold weather the tepees are covered with… .
- Some Apaches hunted … .
- The Apaches made their clothing of … .
- Today the Apaches are … .
III. Using these statements describe the tribe of Apache orally.
Test ‘Native Americans’
Choose the correct word to complete each statement.
- At first the Cherokees and the white men were _______________.
a) enemies b) friends c) companies
- The Cherokees travelled along the rivers in _________________.
a) a ship b) a boat c) a canoes
- The Cherokees built schools and ________________.
a) churches b) shops c) hospitals
- The name ‘Apache’ means ________________.
a) ‘tribe’ b) ‘enemy’ c) ‘Indian’
- Some Apaches hunted the __________________.
a) buffaloes b) crocodiles c) insects
- The Apaches made their clothing of ________________.
a) leaves b) cotton c) animal skins
- The Delawares raised __________________.
a) potatoes b) corn c) wheat
- The four gods of the Delawares were the four ______________.
a) seasons b) rivers c) directions
- The Delawares lived in ________________.
a) large towns b) small villages c) big camps
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