Spotlight 6 Module 8 Test
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Контрольная работа по 8 модулю 


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SSpotlight 6. Module 8

A. Fill in the correct word.

- restaurant      - zoo      - gallery       - cottage    - store - palace    - pool   - library    - sports     - tent      - park

e.g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.

1. They live in a ............... in the country.

2. There are lots of works of art in the ........... .

3. This is a really big department ............... . They sell everything here!

4. My sister wants to see the animals at the............... .

5. I’m hungry. Can we go to a fast food .............?

6. The Queen lives in a big ............... .

7. They are staying in a small ....... at the campsite.

8. Timothy is keeping fit at the ............. centre.

9. I’m taking this book back to the ............... .

10. Why don’t we go swimming in the swimming…..?

B. Choose the correct item.

11. They are staying in a fantastic ........ while they’re on holiday.

             A hotel             B palace        C tent

12. Are you ........? I totally disagree.

             A strange          B serious      C brilliant

13. There are too many ........ about what we can and can’t do.

             A timetables     B grounds     C rules

14. We pay the ........ for our house every month.

             A rent                B price          C ticket

15. He’s going to the International Summer ........

in August.

             A School           B Flat            C House

C. Underline the correct words.

e.g. You can buy bread/have a snack at the baker’s.

16. You can have a picnic/watch a film at the


17. You can exercise/relax at the gym.

18. You can find a book/take pictures at the


19. You can see fish/watch football at the


20. You can swim/see a play at the theatre.

D. Underline the correct item.

21. You must/can’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.

22. You must/mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s


23. You must/can’t have any pets in this house.

It’s not allowed.

24. You must/mustn’t go to the doctor. You look

very ill.

25. You must/can’t go to school. That’s the law.

E. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

This is Sarah Jones and her brother, Mike. Sarah is e.g. shorter (short) than Mike, but he is 26) ...... (young) than her. He is the 27) ..................(young) student in his class. They are both intelligent, but Sarah is 28) .......... (intelligent) than Mike. In fact, Sarah is the 29) ..... (intelligent) girl in their school. Sometimes they argue, but Sarah thinks Mike is the 30) .......... (good) brother in the world.

F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31. the/has/do/He/washing up/to.


32. early/wake/They/to/have/up.


33. a/have/wear/to/don’t/uniform/We.


34. your/You/make/needn’t/bed.


35. the/have/doesn’t/flat/to/She/clean.


G. Match the questions to the answers.

e.g. Shall we go home?          F

36. Why don’t we go shopping? .........

37. Shall we go to the cinema? .........

38. How about visiting Dave? .........

39. Why don’t we go to the gym? .........

40. How about having a picnic? .........

A. Brilliant idea! They have a new film.

B. That sounds good. I need to exercise.

C. OK. Let’s look for a new shirt.

D. I don’t really like eating outdoors.

E. I’d rather not. I don’t like him.

F. Yes, I want to go to bed.

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