Spotlight 6 Module 10 Test
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Контрольная работа по 10 модулю. Spotlight 6


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Spotlight 6. Module 10

  1. Write the adjectives
  1. sun –
  2. rain –
  3. fog –
  4. chill –
  5. cloud-

В. Fill in the correct word.

fly • taste • post • attend • buy • travel • stay • have • go • visit • spend

6. Anna decided to … around the world.

  1. Do you know where I can … these letters?

8.She wants to … a performance at the theatre.

  1. We always … the local food when we’re on holiday.
  2. They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.
  3. When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always … souvenirs.
  4. When are you going to … to London?
  5.  She wants to … in a hotel.
  6. We can … the museum this afternoon.
  7. How are you going to … your weekend?
  8. Why don’t we … a picnic.

C. Choose the correct item.

  1. They want to … shopping.

A have     В go     C see

  1. What is the best way to … to Kuala Lumpur?

A post             В travel     C be 

  1. Peter is going to … a performance of Swan Lake.

A go    В visit     C attend

  1. Betty … a lot of pictures when she’s on holidays.

A makes     В takes     C rents

21. He … fishing in the afternoons.

A goes     В sees     C takes

  1. We need to … a film for our camera.

A do     B buy      C spend

D. Choose A, B or C for each sentence.

  1. I ____ a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.

A. am going to have B. am having C. will have

  1. There’s a film on TV that I want to watch. It ___ in twenty minutes.

A. starts B. is starting C. will start

  1. The weather is nice now. But I think it ___ later.

A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain

  1. Tom is ill. He ____ to school tomorrow.

A. is not going to come B. is not coming C. will not come

  1. What ___ to the party tonight?

A. are you going to wear B. are you wearing C. will you wear

E. Underline the correct word.

  1. They are sleeping now so/because they are tired.
  2. The house was messy, so/because I cleaned it.
  3. She has got a broken leg so/because she had an accident.
  4. He was ill, so/because he went to the doctor.

F. Match the questions to the responses.

e.g. Could I have a glass of water, please?    F          A I’m sorry, you can’t.

32. May I close the window?                      ___        B Yes, that’s fine. It is a bit cold in here.

33. Can I use your camera?                       ___        C No way! You are always losing them!

34. Could I borrow your keys?                   ___         D Of course. We are glad to see you.

35.Can I have some ice-cream?                 ___         E I’m afraid we don’t have any left.

36. May I come in?                                   ___        F Yes. Here you are.

G. Read the text and answer the questions.


Subject: Holiday plans!

Dear Brian,

Thanks for your email. Let me tell you about our plans for our summer holiday!

In June, I’m going to Sochi with my family. We are going to fly to Adler-Sochi International Airport and we are going to stay at the Zhemchuzhina Hotel. Then, 1 am going to see some films at the international film festival with my mother. My father and my brother are going to go fishing!

We are going to meet in the evenings and we are going to eat together in the colourful street cafes and restaurants. I’ll send you a postcard and tell you all about it.


37. Who is Janice writing to?

38. When is Janice going to go to Sochi?

39.How are Janice’s family going to travel to Sochi?

40. What is Janice going to see?

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