Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа
по английскому языку в 9 классе
Задание 1.Соедините слова с их определением.
An actor
sells different things.
A mechanic
bakes different kinds of bread.
A shop assistant
fixes cars, motorcycles, and motorboats and knows engines very well.
A baker
takes part in different theatrical performances.
A pilot
cuts people’s hair and makes their haircut look stylish and elegant.
A hairdresser
looks after sick people in hospital.
A journalist
is a special trained person who operates an aircraft.
A nurse
writes articles and reports for newspapers and magazines.
Задание 2. Вставьте пропущенные слова.
1 – generation 2 – citizen 3 – retire 4 - senior
A person who has full rights as a member of a country is called a …. - _____
Women in Russia … earlier than men. - _____
… people are those who have higher rank or status compared with others. - _____
Young people of my … are good computer and Internet users. - _____
Задание 3. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1-6 и текстами A-E. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. A holiday tradition ____
2. The name meaning ____
3. It’s a must for any tourist _____
4. The green spots _____
5. Going back in history _____
6. Not for everyone _____
A. The population of London grew in the 17th century. Many houses were built during that period. It was needed after the Great Fire of 1666. In the 19th century the city suffered from pollution and epidemics. The German bombings during World War II destroyed the historical centre of London. After the war the city was reconstructed and now it’s one of the most beautiful European capitals.
B. Each year in December, the people of Norway send a present to Londoners. It is a very big Christmas Tree, which is put in Trafalgar Square. In this way they thank Britain for help during World War II. This tree becomes one of the unforgettable sights of London, especially when it is lit by hundreds of fairy lights. Londoners often group around the tree and sing Christmas songs.
C. Trafalgar Square is situated in central London. It is one of the greatest and most famous tourist attractions. Your visit to the capital usually begins with this place. It’s absolutely necessary for every tourist to see Nelson’s Column. Everyone should admire the lovely fountains of the square. Also, you can’t say that you’ve been to London if you don’t take a picture of yourself in the square.
D. London was founded by Romans in the 1st century AD and called “Londinium”. There is a common theory that the word “Londinium” comes from the name of Celtic village. Also, the adjective “lond” meant “wild” in the Celtic language. Perhaps, it characterized the river Thames, on which the city was started. So, most scientists think that London is a “village on the wild river”.
E. In spite of being an important industrial and business centre London is known for its parks and open spaces. In every part of the city, you can find at least one park. It can be just a small pool with surrounding trees or a big and magnificent park like Hyde Park or Regent’s Park. They are all loved and visited by Londoners all the year round.
Задание 4. Закончите предложения, используя подходящее по смыслу слово.
1. We have to … that human beings can’t get along with each other.
2. We are able to … spaceships to other planets.
3. We don’t … the rights of the person next to us.
4. Many countries have already … from terrorist attacks.
5. Only cooperative action among all countries can … nations from the threat of terrorism.
1 a) admit b) reply c) answer d) ask
2 a) drive b) through c) launch d) mail
3 a) prevent b) respect c) agree d) provide
4 a) suffered b) experienced c) broken d) prohibited
5 a) prevent b) protect c) prohibit d) provide
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