презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What do you use these gadgets for? I use ________to__________________. store information store music files take pictures talk to friends and parents send text messages send e-mails surf the Net read electronic books watch films listen to music play computer games
Guess what it is (there are some extra gadgets): electronic book, game console, iPad, webcam, laptop, smart-phone 4. It is a small electronic device that we use to read stories in different languages, make notes and translate words. It is a / an _ ______________________. 1. It is a small portable computer. You can carry it around with you and it can sit on your lap. You can use it to connect the Internet, send e-mails, store information. It is a /an_ ____________. 2. It is a small mobile device that we use to call other people, take pictures, send text messages, connect the Internet, store information. It is a / an __ ________________. 3. It is an electronic device that is connected to a computer and produces images on a website. It is a / an_ ________________. laptop smart phone webcam Electronic book
Read the text and fill in the table: What these people couldn’t live without? iPod mobile phone digital camera mobile portable DVD player PlayStation2 laptop PDA digital camera
Ex.3 page 140 T A S A T A S
Your home task Write a short report about your favourite gadget. Don’t forget to write - What it is; - What it can do; - What it can’t do; - What you’d like it to do.
Thank you for the lesson
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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