Упражнения для тренировки Present Simple (настоящее простое время)
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Упражнения для тренировки Present Simple(настоящее простое время)
- Объясните употребление настоящего простого времени в следующих предложениях.
- Rivers flow towards the sea. 2. A student buys a lot of books at the beginning of each term. 3. Music makes me forget my problems. 4. Mr. Hill lectures Philosophy at the University.5. Don’t shout. We hear you well. 6. I see that you understand us. 7. The teacher asks us a lot of guestions in class every day. 8. There are four seasons in the year. Each season lasts there month and brings changes in the weather. 9. This house belongs to Mr. Rich. 10. If Paul calls us, we shall invite him to dinner. 11. When spring comes they will go to Venice.12. We are told you are looking for work. 13. I forget where she lives. 14. Every weekend she gets into her garden. 15. The next bus leaves at exactly two o’clock. 16. The ship sails every Tuesday.
- Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
- What do you usually do from the time you get up until 9 a.m.? What are some of the things you usually do? 2. What do you usually have for breakfast? 3. What do you do from 9 a.m. to moon? 4. Do you ever sleep past noon? 5. What do you do from noon to 3 p.m.? 6. What do you do from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.? 7. What do you do from 6 p.m. until you go to bed? 8. Do you watch TV or listen to the radio in the evening? 9. How do you spend your weekends? Do you stay in town or do you go somewhere?
3.Опишите ваши ежедневные дела, используя наречия always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never.
Образец: eat breakfast
Maria: I usually eat breakfast.
Helen: I never eat breakfast.
Nick: Maria usually eats breakfast.
Helen never eats breakfast.
- Drink coffee in the morning 2. Put sugar in my coffee 3. Drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning 4. Drink tea morning 5. Drink orange juice in the morning 6. Drink tomato juice in the morning 7. Drink milk two times a day 8. Have a sandwich for lunch 9. Eat dinner at around six o’clock 10. Get to class on time 11. Walk to school 12. Take a taxi to school 13. Drive to school 14. Ride a bike to school 15. Study in the library 16. Do my homework.
4. Употребите необходимый вспомогательный глагол в следующих вопросах. Найдите ответ в правой колонке.
1. … anyone know where the Dean is? a. Yes, but I don’t like the weather much.
2. … you think we’ll be late? b. He enjoys washing.
3. … anybody know the date? c. No, I’m afraid their English isn’t good
4. … you like living in England? enough.
5. … your son ever wash dishes after dinner? d. No, she hates it.
6. … you know what time the next train leaves? e. the seventeenth, isn’t it?
7. … your students read English books In the original? f. She was in the library a minutes ago.
8. … your daughter have cereal for breakfast? g. ten minutes by car.
9. … anyone know the answer? h. Not if we hurry.
10. …How long … it take them to get here? i. It’s five minutes fast.
11. … you want to be late again? J. We’ll have to take a taxi.
12. … your watch show the right time? l. In about ten minutes, I think.
5. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
Образец: I have got a big dog. – Have you got a big dog? I haven’t got a big dog.
He has dinner at six o’clock. - Does
He have dinner at six o’clock? He
Doesn’t have dinner at six o’clock.
- They have got a new video camera. 2. I have a lot of work to do today. 3. He usually has lunch at the office. 4. Pamela has a rest in Miami every gummer. 5. Denis always has a good time with his friends. 6. My neighbours have got four children. 7. I have breakfast in the kitchen. 8. I often have a talk with my father in the evening. 9. My cousin has got a nice little shop. 10. This old man has got a lot of money. 11. In summer we usually have fine weather. 12. Linda has a wonderful garden.
Упражнение для тренировки Present Progressive( настоящее продолженное время)
- Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложение. Объясните употребление Present Progressive.
- 1. The baby is crying again. I think it’s hungry. 2. Emma can’t come to the phone right now, she is having a shower.3. Martha is still working in the garden. 4. Why are you shouting at me? What’s wrong? 5. Look! It’s snowing heavily. 6. Denis is working at a new project this semester. 7. Now Olga is studying at the courses in the British Council. 8. Longman is publishing new books this year. 9. They are redecorating their house in the summer.
- 1. The bus is leaving in five minutes. 2. Are you going to see the new play? 3. When is the plane taking off? 4. Is Sam coming with us? 5. I’m cleaning the house on Monday. 6. Mum and I are leaving for the country one of these days.
- 1. Max, you are sitting at your computer all days long! 2. Why are you constantly leaving your wallet at home, John? 3. Tracey is all the time thinking about her boyfriend! 4. –She is a born worrier. –Yes, she is always talking about her problems. 5. Bob is smoking non-stop. 6. Nell is continually drinking coffee! 7. Why is Mel arguing with her younger brother all the time? He’s a nice boy. 8. What I mean is that you are being nosy!
2.Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
- Look out of the window.( It, rain) ? Should I take my umbrella? 2. Shhh. The baby(sleep). 3. Right now I am in class. I (stand) at my desk and( speak) English to my students. 4. Mary is at home. She( eat) dinner and ( listen) to music. 5. It ( rain not) at the moment. The sun (shine), and the sky (be) blue. Light clouds(fly) across the sky. 6. Denny is in the library. He (sit) at a table. He(write) a composition.7.- The students (take) a test in class right now? –No, the lecturer(explain) something to them. 8. Johnny, (listen) to me? What you(think) about, I wonder? 9.- What you brother( do) in the kitchen?- He(do) the crossword in the newspaper. 10. I like winter. Every morning I come to the window to see if it(snow). 11. Jack, why you finished his homework? –No, he still (do) it.13. The sun(set). It’ll get dark soon.14. I(look) at the man, but I can’t recognize him. Who is he? 15. Mrs. Loveday usually teacher Class A, but this year she(teach) Class C. 16. Simon(take) driving lessons as he is going to buy a car.
3.Объясните разницу между следующими предложениями.
- We think that English Grammar is easy. We are thinking about Grammar right now.2. She has a lecture once a week. She is having a lecture right now. 3. I always feel happy when I am with you. She is feeling happy after the exam. 4. I see and hear you well. I can’t believe what I am seeing and hearing. 5. We generally understand each other. We are friends. Are you understanding me or shall I say it again? 6. Brian is a nice child. The boy is being difficult today. 7. She is always kind to people. Today she is being especially kind to me. 8. He is fundamentally stupid. –I am being stupid, aren’t I?- Crazy. 9. I see her very often. I am seeing her tonight. 10. I forget his name. I am forgetting my German because I never speak it.
4.Переведите следующие предложения.
1. –Где дети?- Они убирают свою комнату и заправляют постели. Они обычно делают это после завтрака. 2. Боюсь, что проиграю эту партию в шахматы. Я плохо играю сегодня, хотя обычно я играю гораздо лучше. 3. –Что делает твой брат? –Решает кроссворд, он делает это каждый день. 4. Обычно она носит строгие костюмы, но сегодня на ней очаровательное маленькое платье.5. Я так скучаю по дому!(to feel homesick) Я всегда скучаю(miss) по своим близким, когда уезжаю из дома. 6. – Этой весной мой старший брат оставляет свою работу. Летом он начинает свое дело. 7. –Вы часто видитесь с Катей? – Почти каждый день. Она придет на чашечку чая в пять часов. 8. Ну почему ты вечно все теряешь? Ты действуешь мне на нервы! 9. Каждые выходные мой сосед сверлит стены и этому нет конца! 10. Наташа пишет сейчас курсовую работу. Она очень старается найти интересный материал. 11. Приближается зима. Птицы улетают в теплые страны, природа готовится к долгому сну. 12. Мне нравится смотреть на людей, когда я уезжаю рано утром в метро. Некоторые спят, другие читают. Наши люди вообще много читают. Кто то решает кроссворды, а кто то разглядывает людей, так же как это делаю и я. 13. –Что делаете завтра? – Ничего особенного, сидим (stay) дома. 14. В субботу вечером я встречаюсь с Евгением и мы идем в театр. 15. – Кому это он названивает? – Своей девушке. Он звонит ей раз по пять на день и постоянно советуется с ней по поводу своей одежды. 16. – Я умираю от голода! – А я как раз готовлю обед. 17. – А не подумываешь ли ты о том, чтобы продать дом?- Да, после обеда приезжают люди посмотреть его. 18. –Почему ты только пьешь воду и не ешь торт и конфеты?- Я худею(to slim).
Упражнение для тренировки Present Perfect(настоящее совершенное время)
- Напишите третью форму глагола( причастие прошедшего времени)
- Know knew -
- Meet met -
- See saw -
- Finish finished -
- Have had -
- Go went -
- Call called -
- Fall fell -
- Be was/were -
- Eat ate -
- Write wrote -
- Study studied -
- Come came -
- Fly flew -
- Start started -
- Read read -
- Cut cut -
- Begin began -
- Pay paid -
- Stay stayed -
2.Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
- Bob and Jane are old friends. They(know) each other for a long time. 2. I don’t like this weather. It (be) cold and cloudy for the last three days. 3. Paul (learn) a lot of English since he came here. 4. Victoria can go to bed now, she( finish) her homework. 5. My brother is at home in bed. He (be) sick for a week. 6. I (write, not) to my sister in a long time. 7. We never (meet) Betty’s parent’s. 8. He never(visit) Hong Kong, but he’d like to go there someday.9. She already(call) them and (invite) them to dinner.10. Where you (be) all this time? I am waiting for you.11. I am afraid the boss is out. He(go) to the bank. 12. You ever(eat) any seafood? 13. My parents (be married) for twenty years. 14. I(tell) you this so many times before! Is it so difficult to understand it? 15. I am so happy that my wedding(come)16. My little cousin already(learn) to read. 17. What a strange expression! I (hear, not) it for years.18. Put on your red dress. You(wear, not) it for so long! 19. Jack and Amelia are the only people I ever(love). 20. We(hear, not) from them lately. No news( come) so far.
3 Перевидите следующие предложения.
1.Ты изменился, Дмитрий! Ты стал другим человеком! 2. Вы зашли слишком далеко(to go far). Пора остановиться, не правда ли? 3.-Дело провалилось! – Я не удивлен. Партнеры никогда не доверяли друг другу. 4. –Почему все так счастливы? – Управляющий только что дал нам всем выходной день. 5. Мы прожили еще один день, и это здорово! 6. Мы не можем быть друзьями после всего, что ты натворил. 7. Он с этой девушкой уже два года.8. Мы пришли попрощаться. Мы уезжаем через два дня. 9. Планета Голливуд только что открыла ресторан в Каннах. 10. Он был в Восточной Африке несколько раз, так что он прилично говорит на суахили(Swaahili).
4 Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
- Have you ever pretended to be ill to get off work or school? 2. Have you ever cheated in an exam? 3. Have you ever ridden a camel or an elephant? 4. Have you ever read your brother’s, sister’s or friend’s letter which was lying around the house? 5. Have you ever hidden any of your earnings from the tax inspector? 6. Have you ever taken anything home with you from the hotel? 7. Have you ever travelled without a ticket on public transport? 8. Have you ever told lies and invented stories about yourself to impress other people? 9. Have you ever met any people who could speak Swahili? 10. Have you answered all the guestions honestly?
5 Употребите since или for в следующих предложениях.
- We haven’t met them…four years. 2. My parents have owned this house…last year. 3. The children have been outside…early morning.4. Jerry has had her driving licence…a month. 5. I’ve been at the office…ten o’clock. 6. David hasn’t visited London… half a year.7. Tom has had his car…he left school. 8. Mr. Parker has been with this company…it was organized. 9. I haven’t eaten such delicious food…ages! 10. He hasn’t had a cold…he went in for sport. 11. We’ve been good neighbours…guite a long time. 12. The cake has been in the oven…thirty minutes.
Упражнение для тренировки Present Perfect Progressive(настоящее совершенное продолженное время).
- Объясните употребления времен в следующих предложениях.
- I’ve been living next door to Alison for five year but I’ve never spoken to her. 2. Marie has been going out with Steve for a year now, and they are planning to get married.3. This fund has been helping people for generations. 4. The inspector has been keeping a watch on the house for the last few days. 5. “I have been keeping this bracelet specially for you”, said my grandmother. 6. In my eyes you can see all the love that I’ve been feeling. 7. I’ve been waiting for this holiday for so long! 8. Where are my letters? Have you been hiding things from me again? 9. What a smell! What have you been smoking? 10. For over three centuries farmers in the Philip pines have been growing the finest tobacco leaf in the world.
- Ответьте на следующие вопросы. Употребите since и for в своих ответах.
- How long have you been living in this city? 2. How long have you been studying in this in this class? 3. How long have you been studying English? 4. Have you been waiting for me for a long time? 5. How long have you been smoking? 6. Have you been running this firm for a long time? 7. How long have you been wearing glasses? 8.How long have we already been working? 9. Have you been doing your present job long? 10. How long have you been peeling all those potatoes?
3. Дополните следующие предложения.
1. Little Mike is dirty from head to foot as he… .2. The sportsman is breathing hard, he… .3. He can’t speak English, though he… . 4. Don’t worry! I’m not going to tell your boss what … .5. Julia looks tired as… .6. Let me drive the car, you … .7. –Have you bought a new dress?- Oh, no, I… .8. They are silent because … . 9. The kitchen smells of strawberries as my mother… . 10 The computer is still switched on as Mary … .
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