Материал по теме "Лондон"
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Данный методичесая работа содержит материал о Лондоне, его достопримечательностях и может быть использована на уроках.
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Предварительный просмотр:
London is the capital of the UK.
About 7 million people live in London.
London has 4 parts: the City, Westminster, the West End, the East End.
The City is the oldest part. There are a lot of historic buildings there.
Westminster is the political centre.
The West End is the richest part of London. There are hotels, theatres, clubs, shops and restaurants there.
In the East End there are many factories.
In London there are130 cinemas and 60 theatres.
In the evenings people can go to restaurants, discos, pubs, clubs.
London has wonderful parks. The names of the parks are Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, St James’s Park. In the parks people walk, jog, have a picnic and relax.
Big Ben is the nickname for the clock tower. It has the largest clock in the world. The tower was built in 1858. It is a symbol of London and England.
Madame Tussaud’s Museum was founded by Marie Tussaud. It displays wax figures of historical figures, film stars, sport stars and others
Westminster Abbey is a church. It is the traditional place of coronation. English statesmen, famous writers, poets and musicians were buried there.
St Paul’s Cathedral is the seat of the Bishop of London. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt the church after the great fire of London in the 17th century.
The National Gallery has a collection of 2000 paintings. It was founded in 1824.
Trafalgar Square is a tourist attraction. There is Nelson’s Column in the centre.
The Tower of London is a historic castle. It was built in the 11th century. The castle was a fortress, a prison and a royal residence. The ravens live there. “Beefeaters” guard the Tower.
The British Museum is famous in the world. It has 8 million works. They illustrate the story of human culture.
Tower Bridge is over the river Thames. It was built in 1894.It is a symbol of London
Buckingham Palace is the residence of the queen since 1837. It is the place for state occasions. Over 50 thousand people visit the palace every year.
The Houses of Parliament is the meeting place of the British Parliament. It lies on the river Thames. The palace was built in the 19th century.
Downing Street 10 is the Residence of the Prime Minister. The Prime minister lives and works there.
Task 1
Find the pair.
Buckingham | Zoo |
St Paul’s | Museum |
Hyde | Gallery |
Trafalgar | Square |
The Tate | Park |
The Natural History | Cathedral |
London | Palace |
Tower | Bridge |
Task 2
Watch the sequence and tick (\/ )the London sights you see.
London Bus ___ Buckingham Palace ___ taxi ___ Underground train ___ Trafalgar Square ___ Tower Bridge ___ Telecom Tower ___ St Paul’s Cathedral ___ |
Task 3
Watch the sequence again and choose the correct answers.
When did the things happen?
1. The Romans built the first bridge over the river Thames in AD 43/ 33/ 53.
2. The people of London built the second bridge in 1477/ 1747/ 1774.
3. London Underground started in 1836/ 1863/ 1936.
4. Madame Tussaud brought her exhibition to London in 1802/ 1502/ 1902.
Task 4
Watch the sequence and answer the questions.
- Where can people go in the evenings?
- How many cinemas and theatres are there in London?
- What are the names of London parks?
- What do people do in the parks?
Task 5
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words.
residence 2000 Bishop church clock factories shops Westminster historic the East End million capital richest |
London is the 1 ………… of the UK. About 7 2……….people live in London. London has 4 parts: the City, Westminster, the West End, 3……….
The City is the oldest part. There are a lot of 4………… buildings there. 5…………is the political centre. The West End is the 6………… part of London. There are hotels, theatres, clubs, 7………… and restaurants there. In the East End there are many 8…………. . Big Ben is the nickname for the 9……….. tower. It is a symbol of London and England. Westminster Abbey is a 10………… . It is the traditional place of coronation. St Paul’s Cathedral is the seat of the 11………… of London. The National Gallery has a collection of 12………… paintings. Buckingham Palace is the 13………… of the Queen.
Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about London.
- Student A ( a Russian student) – Greet and introduce yourself.
Student B ( a British student) – Greet and introduce yourself.
- Student A – Ask 3 questions about London and its sights.
Use the following:
Could you tell me about …?
What do you know about …?
I’d like to learn about …?
Student B – Answer the questions about London’s sights.
- Student A – Thank the Londoner for the talk.
Student B – Say goodbye to the Russian student.
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