Косвенная реечь
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
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General Rules Direct Speech Reported Speech I/you We/you My/your (mine/yours) Our/your (ours/yours) Me/you Us/you She/he They His/her (his/hers) Their (theirs) Him/her Them 1)Изменения временных форм происходят, когда слова автора в прошедшем времени (Past Simple). 2)При переводе прямой речи в косвенную изменяются личные, притяжательные и косвенные местоимения:
3) При переводе прямой речи в косвенную меняются обстоятельства времени и указательные местоимения: Direct Speech Reported Speech Now Today/tonight Tomorrow Yesterday This (morning) (A week) ago Last (week) Next (week) Here This These Then/at the moment That day/night The next day/the following day The day before/the previous day That (morning) (A week) before The (week) before/The previous week The following (week) There That Those
Reported Command and Request 1)Для передачи косвенного требования или просьбы используются глаголы: ask, tell (somebody), command, order, recommend, advise. 2)Глагол в повелительном наклонении в прямой речи принимает форму инфинитива с частицей to в косвенной . Ex: The teacher asked: Open your books, please. - The teacher asked to open the books 3)Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения в косвенной речи теряет вспомогательный глагол Do Ex: Nelly said: Children, don't open the window! - Nelly told the children not to open the window.
Use the Reported Command or Request 1) «Sit down, please.» The teacher told his pupils_________________________ down. 2) «Don't play with my toys!» He asked his little brother ____________________ with _____ toys. 3) «Give me the book, please.» Ann told her daughter ____________________________ the book. 4) «Don't open the window now.» Granny advised them ________________the window at the moment. 5) «Be quiet!» The policeman told them___________________________quiet.
Reported positive and negative statements 1) Для передачи в косвенной речи утвердительных и отрицательных предложений чаще всего используются глаголы: said (something), told (somebody) + that Ex: She said that she was a teacher. She told me that she liked cats. Возможно введение косвенной речи с помощью глаголов: replied, explained, reported, informed, answered, promised, derclared etc. Ex: He replied that he had done the work. They explained that they were reading at that moment. She reported that the article had been written.
2) При переводе в косвенную речь меняется форма глагола: Direct Speech Reported Speech Present Simple: V/Vs/ don't V/doesn't V Present Continuous: am/is/are (not) Ving Present Perfect: have/has (not) V3 Present Perfect Continuous: have/has (not) been Ving Future: will (not) V Past Simple: Ved/V2/ didn't V Past Continuous: was/were (not) Ving Но : Past Perfect: Had (not) V3 Past Perfect Continuous: had (not) been Ving Past Simple: Ved/V2/ didn't V Past Continuous: was/were (not) Ving Past Perfect: Had (not) V3 Past Perfect Continuous: had (not) been Ving Future-in-the-Past: would (not) V Past Perfect Had (not) V3 Past Perfect Continuous had (not) been Ving Past Perfect: Had (not) V3 Past Perfect Continuous: had (not) been Ving Direct Speech Reported Speech Present Simple: V/Vs/ don't V/doesn't V Ex: I like it. He doesn't read books. Present Continuous: am/is/are (not) Ving Ex: Nelly is dancing . They are not jumping. Present Perfect: have/has (not) V3 Ex: I have seen him. It hasn't eaten yet. Present Perfect Continuous: have/has (not) been Ving Ex: She has been crying for 2 hours. We haven't been reading the book since morning. Past Simple: Ved/V2/ didn't V Ex: She said that she liked it. He said he didn't read books. Past Continuous: was/were (not) Ving Ex: She said Nelly was dancing . She said they weren't jumping . Past Perfect: Had (not) V3 Ex: He said that he had seen him. He said that it hadn't eaten yet. Past Perfect Continuous: had (not) been Ving Ex: They said that she had been crying for 2 hours. They said that they hadn't been reading since morning.
Direct Speech Reported Speech Future: will (not) V Ex: She will play tennis. I won't watch TV. Past Simple: Ved/V2/ didn't V Ex: She lived here. He didn't write the letter. Past Continuous: was/were (not) Ving Ex: I was having lunch at that moment. They were not reading at 4 o'clock yesterday. Но : Past Perfect: Had (not) V3 Ex: He had (not) done his work by 6 o'clock. Past Perfect Continuous: had (not) been Ving Ex: You had (not) been crying when I came. Future-in-the-Past: would (not) V Ex: She said she would play tennis. He said he wouldn't watch TV. Past Perfect had (not) V3 Ex: She said she had lived there. He said he hadn't written it. Past Perfect Continuous had (not) been Ving Ex: He said that he had been having lunch at that moment. She said that they hadn't been reading at 4 o'clock the day before. Past Perfect: Had (not) V3 Ex: They said he had (not) done his work by 6 o'clock. Past Perfect Continuous: had (not) been Ving Ex: He said she had (not) been crying when he cаme.
Choose the correct variant in the Reported Speech 1) «She …….very well.» a) reads b) to read c) read d) has read 2) Sam said: « ….. already ……. to London.» a) I had been b) he has been c) he was d) he had been 3) Two brothers said: « ……….. to school last year.» a) they didn't go b) they not to go c) they hadn't gone d) we hadn't gone 4) The boy said: « ………… the piano at 6 o'clock yesterday.» a) he had been playing b) I had been playing c) he played d) he had played 5) Our parents said: « ……… be at home in the evening tomorrow.» a)they won't be b)we wouldn't be c)we wouldn't were d)they wouldn't be
Check your answers 1) «She reads very well.» The teacher told his pupils that she read very well. 2) « I have already been to London.» Sam said that he had already been to London. 3) « We didn't go to school last year.» The brothers told the teacher that they had not gone to school the year before. 4) « I was playing the piano at 6 o'clock yesterday.» The boy said that he had been playng the piano at 6 o'clock the day before. 5) « We won't be at home in the evening tomorrow.» Our parents said that they wouldn't be at home in the evening the next day.
Reported Questions 1) Косвенные вопросы вводятся с помощью глаголов: asked, wondered, wanted to know, inquired etc. Ex: Mary wanted to know if her friend was at home. 2) В косвенных вопросах мы используем прямой порядок слов как в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях. Ex : They asked where she had gone . 3) В косвенных вопросах пропадают вспомогательные глаголы do, does , did , а сказуемое изменяет свою форму в соответствии с согласованием времён. Ex: « Did he meet her in Moscow?» - I asked if he had met her in Moscow. 4) Общие вопросы присоединяются с помощью союза if . Ex: «Is she doing her homework now?» - Mother asked if she was doing her homework at that moment. 5) Cпециальные вопросы присоединяются тем вопросительным словом, с помощью которого строился прямой вопрос Ex: « Why have you left the room?» - They wondered why she had left the room.
Correct the mistakes 1) «Is he a student at the University?» My friend asked if he is a student at the University. 2) «How old are you, Mary?» Tom wondered how old was Mary . 3) «Did you watch the match yesterday, Ben?» Ann wanted to know if Ben watched the match the day before . 4) «What was he doing there at midnight 2 days ago?» The policeman asked what he had done there at midnight two days before. 5) «Does he really like the book?» The librarian wondered he really liked the book.
Check your answers 1) «Is he a student at the University?» My friend asked if he was a student at the University. 2) «How old are you, Mary?» Tom wondered how old Mary was . 3) «Did you watch the match yesterday, Ben?» Ann wanted to know if he had watched the match the day before . 4) «What was he doing there at midnight 2 days ago?» The policeman asked what he had been doing there at midnight two days before. 5) «Does he really like the book?» The librarian wondered if he really liked the book.
Revision 1) «Have you got the keys, Alex?» She asked ______________________________________ the keys. 2) «Don't go away, Tom!» She asked Tom ______________________________ away. 3) «I have been learning German this year.» Ann said that ___________________________________ German _________ year. 4) «Why were you so late yesterday, boys?» The teacher wondered _______________________________ so late ____________________. 5) «She doesn't understand the rule.» He said that she __________________________________ the rule.
Check your answers 1) «Have you got the keys, Alex?» She asked if he had got the keys. 2) «Don't go away, Tom!» She asked Tom not to go away. 3) «I have been learning German this year.» Ann said that she had been learning German that year. 4) «Why were you so late yesterday, boys?» The teacher wondered why they had been so late the day before . 5) «She doesn't understand the rule.» He said that she didn't understand the rule.
Thank you for your attention! We'll be glad to see you next time!
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Косвенная речь
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