Пасха в Великобритании. Как поздравить с этим праздником по английски.
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
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Пасха. Сходства и различия. Немного об истории и традициях. Поздравления по английски.
Сегодня вашему вниманию предлагается рассказ о том , как празднуют Пасху в Великобритании. Что принято дарить и делать в этот день. На основании этой стать можно сделать собственный рассказ или устный доклад.
В статье также есть примеры разных поздравлений с праздником по английски. Они могут при оформлении открыток и стенгазет.
Easter is a great holiday which people in Britain use to celebrate. It is very popular and widely celebrated. At that time holidays at school start. They last for 2 weeks. Spring comes and the sun shines brightly.
Easter is the most important festival in the Christian church year. It begins with Good Friday. On the last Friday before Easter people give each other hot cross buns - buns, decorated with a cross.
The last Sunday before Easter is called- Palm Sunday . On the Palm Sunday people give each other Easter eggs. These eggs differ from our Easter eggs. They are made of chocolate. Different sweets in the form of an egg are also very popular.
It is a tradition to wear new clothes on Easter. Meaning that new season has come and winter has gone away. Spring is coming with good weather and sunshine.
On Easter people go to the church with Easter baskets, having bread, eggs and other food inside. This basket is left in the church. There is a tradition on Easter Monday to give children in the street sweets and toys.
People in Britain usually have a great Easter dinner with their families. They cook lots of tasty things and gather round the table. They usually make a cake , different salads and colour the eggs as we do it in Russia.
In Britain children believe that the Easter rabbit hides the eggs. It is a lot of fun to look for them. Rabbit toys are very popular on Easter in Britain.
Easter is well-known and widely celebrated holiday in Britain.
Why is Easter on a different day each year? This is because Easter Sunday is the Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring.
Easter eggs, Easter Rabbit (Easter Bunny) and sending Easter cards are tradition not only in Britain. The cards are often in green or yellow or show baby animals, because lots of animals are born in spring. This tradition goes back to the 19th century.
Now have a look at some important traditions.
Holy Thursday/Great Thursday.
The Royal Maundy is an ancient ceremony which has its origin in the commandment Christ gave after washing the feet of his disciples on the day before Good Friday.
It seems to have been the custom as early as the thirteenth century for members of the royal family to take part in Maundy ceremonies by washing the feet of the poor. Henry IV started the tradition of relating the number of recipients of gifts to the sovereign's age, and as it became the custom of the sovereign to perform the ceremony, the event became known as the Royal Maundy.
Good Friday – Hot Cross Buns.
A traditional treat on Good Friday in England is Hot Cross Buns , topped with a Cross. While Christians have adopted the cake and the symbolism of the cross, it wasn't always so. To Pagans then as now, the cross was symbolic of the sun wheel, which symbolizes perfect balance at the time of the Spring Equinox.
There is a story of a widow whose son was a sailor. He asked his mother to bake him hot cross buns on his return on Good Friday. But he never came back. Every Good Friday his mother made a new bun for him and hoped that he would come back. She collected all the buns in a net. When she died her old cottage was replaced by a pub. Every year a sailor adds a new bun to the collection in the net. Sailors from around Britain come to the pub and sing and pray for the widow.
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,
one a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
give them to your sons,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Holy Saturday.
This day is often called Easter Saturday which is not correct. Easter Saturday is the Saturday after Easter Sunday.
Easter Day.
For Christians Easter Sunday is the high point of the year. They celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter eggs are important in Britain, too. They are a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. People decorate them with different colours using special techniques. Children believe that the Easter Rabbit hides the eggs in the garden. Even King Edward I of England made the practice of coloured eggs more famous. He ordered 450 eggs to be coloured for Easter gifts in 1290.
People like to bring home a container of Easter water to be used at home for family blessings on persons, house, etc.
A traditional food is Roast lamb for dinner on Easter Day.
А сейчас несколько способов поздравить родных и близких с праздником на английском. Из списка поздравлений и пожеланий каждый найдет что-то свое, чтобы удивить и порадовать своих близких.
Happy Easter May this day bring you blessings of love, joy, peace and hope. May it linger in your heart forever.
May this Easter bring lots of happiness to your life and make all your wishes come true! Wishing you health, prosperity, longevity and peace this Easter and always.
Celebrate this day with peace, love and bliss. Have a blessed and holy Easter!
May you and your family have a joyous and blessed Easter.
Have an egg-cellent and bunny-tastic Easter! Rejoice for a new life and renewed vitality.
I hope that Easter will give you a reason to celebrate and enjoy the resurrection of life. Happy Easter!
May your Easter day be fun, memorable and happy! May you find lots of Easter eggs and enjoy the Easter egg hunt.
Happy Easter to a special bunny! May your day be filled with fun and joy and lots of delicious chocolate Easter bunnies !
Let us spread love and cheer for Easter is here! Happy Easter!
May Easter bring your life color, brightness, joy and, of course, lots of chocolate eggs and bunnies.
Best wishes for Easter and I hope that everything will turn out wonderful and great for you and yours.
Warmest thoughts and wishes to you and your family on this occasion. Happy Easter!
I hope you have a wonderful and cheerful Easter surrounded by those you love and care for.
Stay blessed, be happy and have a wonderful Easter!
I hope that your Easter is filled with smiles, gratitude and bliss. Enjoy your Easter!
May all the blessings, love and happiness shine down on you and your loved ones. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you, may all your heart’s most fond desires come true!
Let’s celebrate Easter with hope, love and laughter with the people that matter most.
Wishing you a meaningful, memorable and wonderful Easter!
I hope that love and peace fills your life this season. Have a blessed Easter!
Wishing you a lifetime of health, peace and joy. Have a happy Easter!
May you continue to share all the love, joy and chocolate that you’ve got. Happy Easter!
Enjoy your family reunion and may this Easter be memorable and fun. Have a blessed Easter!
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